Tags: reversing
## 0CTF 2020 - Happy Tree (Reversing 407)
##### 29/06 - 01/07/2020 (48hr)
### Description
### Solution

Initially, prorgram builds an "execution" tree (in `.ctors` function `too_big_565554A0`).
Each tree node has 5 fields (`arg0`, `arg1`, `execution function`, `number of children` and
`a pointer to an array of all children:
.bss:5657C1D0 first_node_5657C1D0 dd 0 ; DATA XREF: too_big_565554A0+4DBF↑o
.bss:5657C1D0 ; too_big_565554A0+5F3C↑o ...
.bss:5657C1D4 dd 0
.bss:5657C1D8 dd offset sub_56570370
.bss:5657C1DC dd 1
.bss:5657C1E0 dd offset off_56580D70
In main, code simply invokes the function from the first node, with the node itself being
passed as an argument:
.text:56570200 ; int __cdecl main_56570200(int argc, const char **argv, const char **envp)
.text:56570200 main_56570200 proc near ; DATA XREF: .got:off_56572FF4↓o
.text:56570200 argc = dword ptr 4
.text:56570200 argv = dword ptr 8
.text:56570200 envp = dword ptr 0Ch
.text:56570200 ; __unwind {
.text:56570200 lea ecx, [esp+argc]
.text:56570204 and esp, 0FFFFFFF0h
.text:56570207 call load_eip_56570893
.text:5657020C add eax, (offset got_entry_56572FC8 - $)
.text:56570211 push dword ptr [ecx-4]
.text:56570214 push ebp
.text:56570215 mov ebp, esp
.text:56570217 push ecx
.text:56570218 sub esp, 0Ch
.text:5657021B lea eax, (first_node_5657C1D0 - 56572FC8h)[eax]
.text:56570221 push 0
.text:56570223 push eax
.text:56570224 call dword ptr [eax+8]
.text:56570227 mov ecx, [ebp-4]
.text:5657022A add esp, 10h
.text:5657022D xor eax, eax
.text:5657022F leave
.text:56570230 lea esp, [ecx-4]
.text:56570233 retn
.text:56570233 ; } // starts at 56570200
The first node that is being invoked is `visit_children_56570370`, where it iterates
over all children and invokes their functions one by one:
.text:56570370 visit_children_56570370 proc near ; DATA XREF: too_big_565554A0+5F0A↑o
.text:56570370 ; .bss:5657C1D8↓o
.text:56570370 ; __unwind {
.text:56570370 push esi
.text:56570371 push ebx
.text:56570372 sub esp, 4
.text:56570375 mov esi, [esp+0Ch+arg_0]
.text:56570379 mov eax, [esi+node.nchildren_C] ; 0xC: upper bound
.text:5657037C test eax, eax
.text:5657037E jz short NO_CHILDREN_565703B0
.text:56570380 xor ebx, ebx ; ebx = iterator
.text:56570382 lea esi, [esi+0] ; nop
.text:56570388 LOOP_56570388: ; CODE XREF: visit_children_56570370+30↓j
.text:56570388 mov eax, [esi+node.child_ptrs_10]
.text:5657038B sub esp, 8
.text:5657038E mov eax, [eax+ebx*4] ; get i-th child and execute it's function
.text:56570391 push 0
.text:56570393 add ebx, 1 ; ++i
.text:56570396 push eax
.text:56570397 call [eax+node.func_ptr_8]
.text:5657039A add esp, 10h
.text:5657039D cmp [esi+node.nchildren_C], ebx
.text:565703A0 ja short LOOP_56570388
.text:565703A2 add esp, 4
.text:565703A5 pop ebx
.text:565703A6 pop esi
.text:565703A7 retn
.text:565703B0 NO_CHILDREN_565703B0: ; CODE XREF: visit_children_56570370+E↑j
.text:565703B0 add esp, 4
.text:565703B3 mov eax, 0FFFFFFFFh
.text:565703B8 pop ebx
.text:565703B9 pop esi
.text:565703BA retn
.text:565703BA ; } // starts at 56570370
In total, there are **17** different functions that can be assigned to the nodes and their
execution order is determine on the tree layout:
0x56570370: 'visit children',
0x565703C0: 'visit 1st child',
0x565703E0: 'read symbol table',
0x56570400: 'read symbol table',
0x56570420: 'get 1st arg',
0x56570430: 'visit children',
0x56570480: 'return 0',
0x56570490: 'loop',
0x565704F0: 'visit 1st child',
0x56570510: 'visit 1st child',
0x56570530: 'return 0',
0x56570540: 'alloc',
0x56570570: 'make call',
0x56570670: 'emulate instruction',
0x56570760: 'get array index',
0x565707E0: 'mov',
0x56570850: 'if else'
Let's see at the most interesing. Function `read_symbol_tbl2_56570400` uses `arg1`
field from the node to load a symbol from a special symbol table:
.text:56570400 read_symbol_tbl2_56570400 proc near ; DATA XREF: too_big_565554A0+7E6C↑o
.text:56570400 ; too_big_565554A0+AAA0↑o ...
.text:56570400 ; __unwind {
.text:56570400 mov edx, [esp+arg_0]
.text:56570404 call load_eip_56570893
.text:56570409 add eax, (offset got_entry_56572FC8 - $)
.text:5657040E mov edx, [edx+4] ; node->arg1 (index)
.text:56570411 lea eax, (symbol_tbl_56579A20 - 56572FC8h)[eax]
.text:56570417 mov eax, ds:(got_entry_56572FC8 - 56572FC8h)[eax+edx*4]
.text:5657041A retn
.text:5657056C ; } // starts at 56570540
Symbol table contains the following values:
.bss:56579A20 symbol_tbl_56579A20 dd offset unk_F7F13970 ; memset
.bss:56579A24 dd offset __isoc99_scanf
.bss:56579A28 dd offset _IO_puts
.bss:56579A2C dd 56581780h
.bss:56579A30 dd offset aAh ; "Ah?"
.bss:56579A34 dd offset a36s ; "%36s"
.bss:56579A38 dd 0
.bss:56579A3C dd 0
.bss:56579A40 dd offset aWow ; "Wow!"
.bss:56579A44 dd offset aOw ; "Ow!"
Function `alloc_56570540` allocates some memory and stores the pointer
into symbol table:
.text:56570540 alloc_56570540 proc near ; DATA XREF: too_big_565554A0+7FA3↑o
.text:56570540 ; too_big_565554A0+A1C6↑o ...
.text:56570540 ; __unwind {
.text:56570540 push esi
.text:56570541 push ebx
.text:56570542 call load_eip_56570270
.text:56570547 add ebx, (offset got_entry_56572FC8 - $)
.text:5657054D sub esp, 10h
.text:56570550 mov esi, [esp+18h+arg_0]
.text:56570554 push dword ptr [esi] ; node->arg0 (size)
.text:56570556 call _malloc
.text:5657055B lea edx, (symbol_tbl_56579A20 - 56572FC8h)[ebx]
.text:56570561 mov ecx, [esi+4]
.text:56570564 mov [edx+ecx*4], eax ; node->arg1 (index in sym_tbl)
.text:56570567 add esp, 14h
.text:5657056A pop ebx
.text:5657056B pop esi
.text:5657056C retn
.text:5657056C ; } // starts at 56570540
Function `loop_56570490` simulates a loop. It executes the 1st child to perorm
any initialization and invokes the 3rd child to check the exit condition of the loop.
Inisde the loop it repeatedly invokes the 4th and 5th children:
.text:56570490 loop_56570490 proc near ; DATA XREF: too_big_565554A0+802B↑o
.text:56570490 ; too_big_565554A0+A365↑o ...
.text:56570490 ; __unwind {
.text:56570490 push ebx
.text:56570491 sub esp, 10h
.text:56570494 mov ebx, [esp+14h+arg_0]
.text:56570498 mov eax, [ebx+10h]
.text:5657049B mov eax, [eax]
.text:5657049D push 0
.text:5657049F push eax
.text:565704A0 call dword ptr [eax+8] ; visit 1st child (initialization)
.text:565704A3 add esp, 10h
.text:565704A6 jmp short END_OF_LOOP_565704D0
.text:565704A6 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
.text:565704A8 align 10h
.text:565704B0 LOOP_565704B0: ; CODE XREF: loop_56570490+54↓j
.text:565704B0 mov eax, [ebx+10h]
.text:565704B3 sub esp, 8
.text:565704B6 mov eax, [eax+10h] ; visit 5th child
.text:565704B9 push 0
.text:565704BB push eax
.text:565704BC call dword ptr [eax+8]
.text:565704BF mov eax, [ebx+10h]
.text:565704C2 pop edx
.text:565704C3 pop ecx
.text:565704C4 mov eax, [eax+0Ch] ; visit 4th child
.text:565704C7 push 0
.text:565704C9 push eax
.text:565704CA call dword ptr [eax+8]
.text:565704CD add esp, 10h
.text:565704D0 END_OF_LOOP_565704D0: ; CODE XREF: loop_56570490+16↑j
.text:565704D0 mov eax, [ebx+10h]
.text:565704D3 sub esp, 8
.text:565704D6 mov eax, [eax+8] ; visit 3rd child (exit condition)
.text:565704D9 push 0
.text:565704DB push eax
.text:565704DC call dword ptr [eax+8]
.text:565704DF add esp, 10h
.text:565704E2 test eax, eax
.text:565704E4 jnz short LOOP_565704B0
.text:565704E6 add esp, 8
.text:565704E9 pop ebx
.text:565704EA retn
.text:565704EA ; } // starts at 56570490
.text:565704EB ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
.text:565704EB nop
.text:565704EC lea esi, [esi+0]
.text:565704EC loop_56570490 endp ; sp-analysis failed
In a similar way, function `if_else_56570850` simulates an if/else condition: Based on
the return value of execution of the first child, either the second or the third child is
.text:56570850 if_else_56570850 proc near ; CODE XREF: .text:56570841↑j
.text:56570850 ; DATA XREF: too_big_565554A0+9DF4↑o
.text:56570850 ; __unwind {
.text:56570850 push ebx
.text:56570851 sub esp, 10h
.text:56570854 mov ebx, [esp+14h+arg_0]
.text:56570858 mov eax, [ebx+10h]
.text:5657085B mov eax, [eax]
.text:5657085D push 0
.text:5657085F push eax
.text:56570860 call dword ptr [eax+8] ; visit 1st child
.text:56570863 add esp, 10h
.text:56570866 test eax, eax ; check child's return value
.text:56570868 mov eax, [ebx+10h]
.text:5657086B jnz short IF_56570888 ; move on 2nd child
.text:5657086D mov eax, [eax+8] ; move on 3rd child
.text:56570870 ELSE_56570870: ; CODE XREF: if_else_56570850+3B↓j
.text:56570870 sub esp, 8
.text:56570873 push 0
.text:56570875 push eax
.text:56570876 call dword ptr [eax+8] ; invoke that child
.text:56570879 add esp, 10h
.text:5657087C add esp, 8
.text:5657087F pop ebx
.text:56570880 retn
.text:56570888 IF_56570888: ; CODE XREF: if_else_56570850+1B↑j
.text:56570888 mov eax, [eax+4] ; move on 2nd child
.text:5657088B jmp short ELSE_56570870
.text:5657088B ; } // starts at 56570850
.text:5657088B if_else_56570850 endp ; sp-analysis failed
Another interesting node function is `make_call_56570570`, where it performs a function
call. The first child determines the function to invoke and the remaining children the
arguments being passed to that function:
.text:56570570 make_call_56570570 proc near ; DATA XREF: too_big_565554A0+65AB↑o
.text:56570570 ; too_big_565554A0+A3EB↑o ...
.text:56570570 ; __unwind {
.text:56570570 push ebp
.text:56570571 push edi
.text:56570572 push esi
.text:56570573 push ebx
.text:56570574 call load_eip_56570270
.text:56570579 add ebx, (offset got_entry_56572FC8 - $)
.text:5657057F sub esp, 14h
.text:56570582 mov edi, [esp+24h+arg_0]
.text:56570586 mov eax, [edi+0Ch] ; eax = #children
.text:56570589 lea esi, [eax-1]
.text:5657058C mov eax, [edi+10h]
.text:5657058F mov eax, [eax] ; eax = 1st child
.text:56570591 push 0
.text:56570593 push eax
.text:56570594 call dword ptr [eax+8]
.text:56570597 add esp, 10h
.text:5657059A cmp esi, 1 ; esi == number of children - 1
.text:5657059D mov ebp, eax ; visit 1st child to determine function to call
.text:5657059F jz ESI_IS_1_56570650
.text:565705A5 jb NO_MORE_CHILDREN_56570640 ; call func()
.text:565705AB cmp esi, 2
.text:565705AE jz short ESI_IS_2_56570600
.text:565705B0 cmp esi, 3
.text:565705B3 jnz short EXIT_56570630
.text:565705B5 mov eax, [edi+10h] ; esi == 3
.text:565705B8 sub esp, 8
.text:565705BB mov eax, [eax+0Ch] ; visit 4th child
.text:565705BE push 0
.text:565705C0 push eax
.text:565705C1 call dword ptr [eax+8]
.text:565705C4 mov ebx, eax
.text:565705C6 mov eax, [edi+10h]
.text:565705C9 pop edx
.text:565705CA pop ecx
.text:565705CB mov eax, [eax+8] ; visit 3rd child
.text:565705CE push 0
.text:565705D0 push eax
.text:565705D1 call dword ptr [eax+8]
.text:565705D4 mov esi, eax
.text:565705D6 mov eax, [edi+10h]
.text:565705D9 pop edi
.text:565705DA pop edx
.text:565705DB mov eax, [eax+4] ; visit 2nd child
.text:565705DE push 0
.text:565705E0 push eax
.text:565705E1 call dword ptr [eax+8]
.text:565705E4 add esp, 0Ch
.text:565705E7 push ebx
.text:565705E8 push esi
.text:565705E9 push eax
.text:565705EA call ebp ; call func(rv1, rv2, rv3)
.text:565705EC add esp, 10h
.text:565705EF add esp, 0Ch
.text:565705F2 pop ebx
.text:565705F3 pop esi
.text:565705F4 pop edi
.text:565705F5 pop ebp
.text:565705F6 retn
.text:565705F6 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
.text:56570600 ESI_IS_2_56570600: ; CODE XREF: make_call_56570570+3E↑j
.text:56570623 call ebp ; call func(rv1, rv2)
.text:56570640 NO_MORE_CHILDREN_56570640: ; CODE XREF: make_call_56570570+35↑j
.text:56570640 call eax ; call func()
.text:56570650 ESI_IS_1_56570650: ; CODE XREF: make_call_56570570+2F↑j
.text:56570662 call ebp ; call func(rv1)
.text:5657066E ; } // starts at 56570570
Finally, function `emu_insn_56570670` emulates an operator:
.text:56570670 emu_insn_56570670 proc near ; DATA XREF: too_big_565554A0+5C34↑o
.text:56570670 ; too_big_565554A0+7338↑o ...
.text:56570670 ; __unwind {
.text:56570670 push edi
.text:56570671 push esi
.text:56570672 push ebx
.text:56570673 mov esi, [esp+0Ch+arg_0]
.text:56570677 call load_eip_56570270
.text:5657067C add ebx, (offset got_entry_56572FC8 - $)
.text:56570682 sub esp, 8
.text:56570685 mov eax, [esi+10h]
.text:56570688 mov eax, [eax] ; visit 1st child
.text:5657068A push 0
.text:5657068C push eax
.text:5657068D call dword ptr [eax+8]
.text:56570690 mov edi, eax ; edi = return value from 1st child
.text:56570692 mov eax, [esi+10h]
.text:56570695 pop edx
.text:56570696 pop ecx
.text:56570697 mov eax, [eax+4] ; visit 2nd child
.text:5657069A push 0
.text:5657069C push eax
.text:5657069D call dword ptr [eax+8]
.text:565706A0 add esp, 10h ; eax = return value from 2ndchild
.text:565706A3 cmp dword ptr [esi], 9 ; switch 10 cases
.text:565706A6 ja EXIT_565706B5 ; jumptable 565706B5 default case
.text:565706AC mov edx, [esi]
.text:565706AE add ebx, ds:(jpt_565706B5 - 56572FC8h)[ebx+edx*4]
.text:565706B5 jmp ebx ; switch jump
.text:565706B5 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
.text:565706B7 align 10h
.text:565706C0 LESS_THAN_565706C0: ; CODE XREF: emu_insn_56570670+45↑j
.text:565706C8 RETURN_565706C8: ; CODE XREF: emu_insn_56570670+64↓j
.text:565706D0 STORE_565706D0: ; CODE XREF: emu_insn_56570670+45↑j
.text:565706E0 EQUAL_565706E0: ; CODE XREF: emu_insn_56570670+45↑j
.text:565706F0 LEFT_SHIFT_565706F0: ; CODE XREF: emu_insn_56570670+45↑j
.text:56570700 RIGHT_SHIFT_56570700: ; CODE XREF: emu_insn_56570670+45↑j
.text:56570710 XOR_56570710: ; CODE XREF: emu_insn_56570670+45↑j
.text:56570718 ADD_56570718: ; CODE XREF: emu_insn_56570670+45↑j
.text:56570720 SUB_56570720: ; CODE XREF: emu_insn_56570670+45↑j
.text:56570730 MUL_56570730: ; CODE XREF: emu_insn_56570670+45↑j
.text:56570738 LOGIC_AND_56570738: ; CODE XREF: emu_insn_56570670+45↑j
.text:56570738 ; DATA XREF: .rodata:jpt_565706B5↓o
.text:56570738 test edi, edi ; jumptable 565706B5 case 7
.text:5657073A setnz dl
.text:5657073D test eax, eax
.text:5657073F setnz al
.text:56570742 movzx eax, al
.text:56570745 and eax, edx
.text:56570747 jmp RETURN_565706C8
.text:56570750 EXIT_565706B5: ; CODE XREF: emu_insn_56570670+36↑j
.text:56570750 sub esp, 0Ch ; jumptable 565706B5 default case
.text:56570753 push 0 ; status
.text:56570755 call _exit
.text:56570755 ; } // starts at 56570670
Program supports **10** different operators: `==`, `<<`, `>>`, `^`, `+`, `-`, `*`, `&&`, `<`, `=`.
Once we have that, we can visualize the happy tree (I did not include edges to existing
nodes otherwise the tree becomes a spaghetti graph):

### Dumping the emulated code
To dump emulated program we use recursion: At each step, we generate the emulated code for the whole
subtree underneath each child and based on the current node (if it's a loop or a mov) we construct
a bigger code snippet. At the end we can recover the whole emulated program.
To keep things simple we use many `temp` variables to assign the results of previous nodes.
The IDA python script [happy_tree_disasm.py](./happy_tree_disasm.py) disassembles the code
from the tree.
Below is code snippet from the emulated program (the full dissassembly listing is shown at
buf_#3_80 = malloc(80)
call memset(buf_#3_80, 0, 80)
call puts("Ah?")
call scanf("%36s", buf_#3_80)
buf_#6_4 = malloc(4)
buf_#7_4 = malloc(4)
*buf_#7_4 = *(int*)(int)buf_#3_80[0]
*buf_#6_4 = 0
t_16 = *(int*)buf_#6_4 < 100000
while (t_16) {
t_1 = *(int*)buf_#7_4 << 13
t_2 = *(int*)buf_#7_4 ^ t_1
t_3 = *(int*)buf_#7_4 << 13
t_4 = *(int*)buf_#7_4 ^ t_3
t_5 = t_4 >> 17
t_6 = t_2 ^ t_5
t_7 = *(int*)buf_#7_4 << 13
t_8 = *(int*)buf_#7_4 ^ t_7
t_9 = *(int*)buf_#7_4 << 13
t_10 = *(int*)buf_#7_4 ^ t_9
t_11 = t_10 >> 17
t_12 = t_8 ^ t_11
t_13 = t_12 << 5
t_14 = t_6 ^ t_13
*buf_#7_4 = t_14
t_15 = *(int*)buf_#6_4 + 1
*buf_#6_4 = t_15
t_16 = *(int*)buf_#6_4 < 100000
t_17 = 1 * 2
t_18 = t_17 * 2
t_19 = t_18 * 2
t_20 = t_19 * 5
/* more constant assignments */
t_47 = t_46 + 1
t_48 = t_47 * 2
t_49 = *(int*)buf_#7_4 == t_48
buf_#6_4 = malloc(4)
buf_#7_4 = malloc(4)
t_50 = 1 * 2
t_51 = t_50 * 3
t_53 = t_52 * 2
/* more constant assignments */
t_83 = t_82 * 5
t_84 = *(int*)(int)buf_#3_80[1] ^ t_83
/* repeat the same while loop */
t_572 = *(int*)buf_#7_4 == t_571
t_573 = t_527 && t_572
if (t_573) {
call puts("Wow!")
return 0
} else {
call puts("Ow!")
return 0
### Cracking the code
From the above code we can understand how the flag is being checked. We have 9 rounds.
On each round, the next **4** characters from the flag are processed. A while loop
encrypts these characters and they are checked agains a constant that is being generated
progressively. If the there is a match we move on. If not we still move on but the end
condition will be false (that way side channel attacks are prevented).
We can also infer this execution flow if we look at the layout of the tree.
We know the end constants (or at least we can calculate them), so the goal is to
move backwards and recover the flag, 4 bytes at a time.
The encryption on each loop is shown below:
buf_1 = flag[i:i+4]
for i in range(100000):
a = (buf_1 ^ (buf_1 << 13))
b = a ^ (a >> 17)
buf_1 = b ^ (b << 5)
return buf_1
We can reverse this into 3 stages: First we recover `b` then `a` and then `buf_i` of the
previous round. All inversions follow the same principle: We know that `buf_1 = b ^ (b << 5)`.
That is, a value is shifted and XORed with itself. So, the 2nd number has `0s` in its **5**
LSBits. Therefore we can recover the **5** LSBits of `b` just by XORing this number with `buf_i`.
If we know the last **5** LSBits of `b`, means that **we know the last 10 LSBits of b << 5**.
Hence, we can use these **10** bits to XOR them with `buf_1` and recover the **10** LSBits of `b`.
This process continues, recovering **5** bits of `b` at a time until we crack the whole number.
We work similarly to recover `a` and `buf_i-1` and then we advance to the previous round until
we hit 0 and recover the original DWORD. The reversed algorithm is shown below:
def crack_dword(buf_i):
for i in range(100000):
# Recover b
chunk = buf_i & 0x1F
b = chunk
for pos in range(5, 31, 5):
chunk = ((buf_i ^ (chunk << pos)) >> pos) & 0x1F
b |= chunk << pos
# Recover a
a = b ^ (b >> 17)
# Recover buf_i-1
chunk = a & 0x1FFF
buf_i = chunk
for pos in range(13, 31, 13):
chunk = ((a ^ (chunk << pos)) >> pos) & 0x1FFF
buf_i |= chunk << pos
buf_i &= 0xFFFFFFFF
return buf_i
By doing this for each DWORD, we can recover the flag: `flag{HEY!Lumpy!!W@tcH_0ut_My_TrEe!!}`
For more details please take a look at the [happy_tree_crack.py](./happy_tree_crack.py)