Tags: mips vm reversing 


## 0CTF 2020 - Flash-1 (Reversing 267)
##### 29/06 - 01/07/2020 (48hr)

### Description



### Solution

The first part of this challenge is to properly locate its assembly code. From the *run.sh* file
we can tell that `flash` is a MIPS BIOS file:
#! /bin/sh

qemu-system-mips -M mips -bios ./flash -nographic -m 16M -monitor /dev/null 2>/dev/null

If we run the program, it repeatedly asks for a flag:
Welcome to Flag Machine
Give me flag: 123
Try again!
Welcome to Flag Machine
Give me flag: 456
Try again!

We load `flash` into IDA and we select the **MIPS Big Endian** or `mipsb` architecture (I actually
tried all possible MIPS architectures and the only one that made sense was `mipsb`). According to
the [PIC32MX Memory Mapping](https://www.johnloomis.org/microchip/pic32/memory/memory.html), the
program should be loaded at address `0xBFC00000` (we always start execution from **ROM**). Program
performs two tasks: It sets up a software interrupt handler for timer events and loads the program
into **RAM**:
ROM:BFC00000 .text # ROM
ROM:BFC00004 nop
ROM:BFC01680 mtc0 $zero, SR # Status register
ROM:BFC01684 nop
ROM:BFC01688 mtc0 $zero, WatchLo # Memory reference trap address low bits
ROM:BFC0168C nop
ROM:BFC01690 mtc0 $zero, WatchHi # Memory reference trap address high bits
ROM:BFC01694 nop
ROM:BFC01698 mfc0 $t0, Config # Configuration register
ROM:BFC0169C li $at, 0xFFFFFFF8
ROM:BFC016A0 and $t0, $at
ROM:BFC016A4 ori $t0, 2
ROM:BFC016A8 mtc0 $t0, Config # Configuration register
ROM:BFC016AC lui $sp, 0x803C
ROM:BFC016B0 li $t0, timer_handler_BFC01550 # write handler to RAM
ROM:BFC016B8 sw $t0, 0x80020008 # *0x80020008 = 0xBFC01550
ROM:BFC016C0 jal load_prog_to_ram_BFC015E4
ROM:BFC016C4 nop
ROM:BFC016C8 loc_BFC016C8: # CODE XREF: ROM_ENTRY_POINT_BFC01680:loc_BFC016C8↓j
ROM:BFC016C8 j loc_BFC016C8

Let's start with the function at `BFC015E4h`:
ROM:BFC015E4 load_prog_to_ram_BFC015E4: # CODE XREF: ROM_ENTRY_POINT_BFC01680+40↓p
ROM:BFC015E4 addiu $sp, -0x28
ROM:BFC015E8 sw $ra, 0x20+var_s4($sp)
ROM:BFC015EC sw $fp, 0x20+var_s0($sp)
ROM:BFC015F0 move $fp, $sp # prolog
ROM:BFC015F4 lui $v0, 0xBFC1
ROM:BFC015F8 sw $v0, 0x20+src_10($fp) # src = 0xBFC10000
ROM:BFC015FC lui $v0, 0x8000
ROM:BFC01600 sw $v0, 0x20+dst_C($fp) # dst = 0x80000000
ROM:BFC01604 sw $zero, 0x20+i_8($fp)
ROM:BFC0160C nop
ROM:BFC01610 COPY_LOOP_BFC01610: # CODE XREF: load_prog_to_ram_BFC015E4+60↓j
ROM:BFC01610 lw $v1, 0x20+src_10($fp)
ROM:BFC01614 addiu $v0, $v1, 4 # src += 4
ROM:BFC01618 sw $v0, 0x20+src_10($fp)
ROM:BFC0161C lw $v0, 0x20+dst_C($fp)
ROM:BFC01620 addiu $a0, $v0, 4 # dst += 4
ROM:BFC01624 sw $a0, 0x20+dst_C($fp)
ROM:BFC01628 lw $v1, 0($v1)
ROM:BFC0162C sw $v1, 0($v0) # *(dst + 4*i) = *(src + 4*i) (word)
ROM:BFC01630 lw $v0, 0x20+i_8($fp)
ROM:BFC01634 addiu $v0, 1 # ++i
ROM:BFC01638 sw $v0, 0x20+i_8($fp)
ROM:BFC0163C COPY_LOOP_END_BFC0163C: # CODE XREF: load_prog_to_ram_BFC015E4+24↑j
ROM:BFC0163C lw $v0, 0x20+i_8($fp)
ROM:BFC01640 slti $v0, 0x1000 # if i < 0x1000 then loop (copy 1 page)
ROM:BFC01644 bnez $v0, COPY_LOOP_BFC01610
ROM:BFC01648 nop
ROM:BFC0164C li $v0, 0x80000500 # call function at adddress 0x80000500
ROM:BFC01654 jalr $v0 # that is, whatever is at 0xBFC10500
ROM:BFC01658 nop
ROM:BFC0165C nop
ROM:BFC01660 move $sp, $fp # epilog
ROM:BFC01664 lw $ra, 0x20+var_s4($sp)
ROM:BFC01668 lw $fp, 0x20+var_s0($sp)
ROM:BFC0166C addiu $sp, 0x28
ROM:BFC01670 jr $

This function simply copies **4KB** of code from address `0xBFC10000` (**ROM**) into `0x80000000`
which is where **RAM** starts. Then it invokes the function located at `0x80000500`.

Reversing the code directly from 0xBFC10000, is going to be hard as the constant addresses will
be based on RAM's based address`0x80000000`. Therefore, we launch a new IDA instance and we reload
the program at address such that `0xBFC10000` maps to `0x80000000`. That is, we load program
at address `0x7FFF000`.

Let's see the timer handler at `0xBFC01550`, which is more complicated:
void __fastcall timer_handler_BFC01550(registers *a1) {
/* ... */
if ( !MEMORY[0x80020000] )
ret_addr = a1->ra_; // address of spinlock
obj = timer_bin_search_BFC00744((struc_1 *)0x80020000, &ret_addr);
if ( obj )
a1->ra_ = obj->second; // update return address

void __cdecl timer_init_BFC014D0() {
/* ... */
timer_BFC00578((struc_1 *)0x80020000);
for ( i = &glo_big_tbl_BFC20000; i->first; ++i )
timer_add_BFC005E0((struc_1 *)0x80020000, (int)i);

ROM:BFC20000 # pair glo_big_tbl_BFC20000
ROM:BFC20000 glo_big_tbl_BFC20000:pair <0x53ABC57E, 0x53ABE9FE>
ROM:BFC20008 pair <0x53ABC56E, 0x53ABE9EA>
ROM:BFC20010 pair <0x53ABC512, 0x53ABE996>
ROM:BFC20018 pair <0x53ABC532, 0x53ABE982>
ROM:BFC20020 pair <0x53ABC6CE, 0x53ABE9AE>
ROM:BFC20028 pair <0x53ABC6FE, 0x53ABE95A>
ROM:BFC20030 pair <0x53ABC6EE, 0x53ABE946>
ROM:BFC20038 pair <0x53ABC696, 0x53ABE972>
ROM:BFC20040 pair <0x53ABC6BE, 0x53ABE91E>
ROM:BFC20048 pair <0x53ABC6AE, 0x53ABE90A>
ROM:BFC20050 pair <0x53ABC64E, 0x53ABE936>
ROM:BFC20058 pair <0x53ABC662, 0x53ABE922>

This function takes the value of the `$ra` register and uses it as a key to search in a binary
tree. If the value is found, the contents of `$ra` are being updated. If the data structure is
empty it gets initialized with the values at `0x80020000` (or `0xBFC20000` before the relocation);
the first value of the pair is the key, the second is the returned value. This looks like an
anti-reversing protection as the value of the return address gets tampered when the timer interrupt
handler is called. We will get back to that later on.

### Reversing the RAM Code

Let's not move on the code in **RAM**. First instruction is at `0x80000500`:
RAM:80000500 # void __noreturn RAM_ENTRY_POINT_80000500()
RAM:80000500 RAM_ENTRY_POINT_80000500: # CODE XREF: RAM:7FFF1654↑p
RAM:80000500 # DATA XREF: RAM:7FFF164C↑o
RAM:80000500 jal init_counter_80000564
RAM:80000504 nop
RAM:80000508 li $t0, 0x10008001 # enable interrupt at level 7
RAM:80000510 mtc0 $t0, SR # Status register
RAM:80000514 lui $sp, 0x804C # initialize stack (0x804c0000)
RAM:80000518 j u_print_welcome_80000D34 # function prolog
RAM:8000051C nop

Program initializes a timing counter (see
[coprocessor 0](https://en.wikichip.org/wiki/mips/coprocessor_0)) and invokes `0x80000D34` to
print the welcome message:

RAM:80000564 init_counter_80000564: # CODE XREF: RAM_ENTRY_POINT_80000500↑p
RAM:80000564 # sub_8000264C+1C↓p
RAM:80000564 li $t0, 0x1000
RAM:80000568 mtc0 $t0, Compare # Timer Compare
RAM:8000056C mtc0 $zero, Count # Timer Count
RAM:80000570 jr $ra # return
RAM:80000574 nop

RAM:80000D34 u_print_welcome_80000D34: # CODE XREF: RAM_ENTRY_POINT_80000500+18↑j
RAM:80000D34 var_s0 = 0
RAM:80000D34 var_s4 = 4
RAM:80000D34 addiu $sp, -0x20
RAM:80000D38 sw $ra, 0x18+var_s4($sp)
RAM:80000D3C sw $fp, 0x18+var_s0($sp)
RAM:80000D40 move $fp, $sp
RAM:80000D44 lui $v0, 0x8000 # v0 = 0x80000000
RAM:80000D48 addiu $a0, $v0, (aWelcomeToFlagM - 0x80000000) # "Welcome to Flag Machine"
RAM:80000D4C mtc0 $zero, Count # Timer Count
RAM:80000D50 SPINLOCK_80000D50: # CODE XREF: u_print_welcome_80000D34:SPINLOCK_80000D50↓j
RAM:80000D50 b SPINLOCK_80000D50
RAM:80000D54 nop

After the welcome message is printed, functions enters into a spinlock at `0x80000D50`. This is
weird since the program later on asks for a flag, so there must be something else going on. To find
the answer we check the address at `0x80000180`:
RAM:80000080 nop
RAM:80000084 nop
RAM:8000017C nop
RAM:80000180 move $k1, $sp
RAM:80000184 li $sp, 0x8043FF6C
RAM:8000018C sw $at, arg_0($sp)
RAM:80000190 sw $v0, arg_4($sp)
RAM:80000194 sw $v1, arg_8($sp)
RAM:80000198 sw $a0, arg_C($sp)
RAM:8000019C sw $a1, arg_10($sp)
RAM:800001A0 sw $a2, arg_14($sp)
RAM:800001A4 sw $a3, arg_18($sp)
RAM:800001A8 sw $t0, arg_1C($sp)
RAM:800001AC sw $t1, arg_20($sp)
RAM:800001B0 sw $t2, arg_24($sp)
RAM:800001B4 sw $t3, arg_28($sp)
RAM:800001B8 sw $t4, arg_2C($sp)
RAM:800001BC sw $t5, arg_30($sp)
RAM:800001C0 sw $t6, arg_34($sp)
RAM:800001C4 sw $t7, arg_38($sp)ni
RAM:800001C8 sw $s0, arg_3C($sp)
RAM:800001CC sw $s1, arg_40($sp)
RAM:800001D0 sw $s2, arg_44($sp)
RAM:800001D4 sw $s3, arg_48($sp)
RAM:800001D8 sw $s4, arg_4C($sp)
RAM:800001DC sw $s5, arg_50($sp)
RAM:800001E0 sw $s6, arg_54($sp)
RAM:800001E4 sw $s7, arg_58($sp)
RAM:800001E8 sw $t8, arg_5C($sp)
RAM:800001EC sw $t9, arg_60($sp)
RAM:800001F0 sw $gp, arg_6C($sp)
RAM:800001F4 sw $k1, arg_70($sp)
RAM:800001F8 sw $fp, arg_74($sp)
RAM:800001FC sw $ra, arg_78($sp)
RAM:80000200 mfc0 $t0, EPC # Exception Program Counter
RAM:80000204 sw $t0, arg_7C($sp)
RAM:80000208 mfc0 $t0, ErrorEPC # Error Exception Program Counter
RAM:8000020C sw $t0, arg_80($sp)
RAM:80000210 mfc0 $t0, SR # Status register
RAM:80000214 sw $t0, arg_84($sp)
RAM:80000218 addi $a0, $sp, arg_0
RAM:8000021C lw $k0, off_80003D20
RAM:80000224 jalr $k0
RAM:80000228 nop
RAM:8000022C nop
RAM:80000230 lw $t0, arg_7C($sp)
RAM:80000234 mtc0 $t0, EPC # Exception Program Counter
RAM:80000238 lw $t0, arg_80($sp)
RAM:8000023C mtc0 $t0, ErrorEPC # Error Exception Program Counter
RAM:80000240 lw $t0, arg_84($sp)
RAM:80000244 mtc0 $t0, SR # Status register
RAM:80000248 lw $v0, arg_4($sp)
RAM:8000024C lw $v1, arg_8($sp)
RAM:80000250 lw $a0, arg_C($sp)
RAM:80000254 lw $a1, arg_10($sp)
RAM:80000258 lw $a2, arg_14($sp)
RAM:8000025C lw $a3, arg_18($sp)
RAM:80000260 lw $t0, arg_1C($sp)
RAM:80000264 lw $t1, arg_20($sp)
RAM:80000268 lw $t2, arg_24($sp)
RAM:8000026C lw $t3, arg_28($sp)
RAM:80000270 lw $t4, arg_2C($sp)
RAM:80000274 lw $t5, arg_30($sp)
RAM:80000278 lw $t6, arg_34($sp)
RAM:8000027C lw $t7, arg_38($sp)
RAM:80000280 lw $s0, arg_3C($sp)
RAM:80000284 lw $s1, arg_40($sp)
RAM:80000288 lw $s2, arg_44($sp)
RAM:8000028C lw $s3, arg_48($sp)
RAM:80000290 lw $s4, arg_4C($sp)
RAM:80000294 lw $s5, arg_50($sp)
RAM:80000298 lw $s6, arg_54($sp)
RAM:8000029C lw $s7, arg_58($sp)
RAM:800002A0 lw $t8, arg_5C($sp)
RAM:800002A4 lw $t9, arg_60($sp)
RAM:800002A8 lw $gp, arg_6C($sp)
RAM:800002AC lw $k1, arg_70($sp)
RAM:800002B0 lw $fp, arg_74($sp)
RAM:800002B4 lw $ra, arg_78($sp)
RAM:800002B8 move $sp, $k1
RAM:800002BC eret

This function performs a **context switch**: It saves all registers to stack, then it calls function
at `off_80003D20` and then restores the context:
RAM:80003D20 off_80003D20:.word u_xor_ra_80002610 # DATA XREF: u_exception_handler_80000080+19C↑r

Function `u_xor_ra_80002610` simply XORs `$ra` with the const `0xD3ABC0DE`:
RAM:80002610 addiu $sp, -0x18
RAM:80002614 sw $ra, 0x10+var_s4($sp)
RAM:80002618 sw $fp, 0x10+var_s0($sp)
RAM:8000261C move $fp, $sp
RAM:80002620 sw $a0, 0x10+arg_0($fp)
RAM:80002624 lw $v0, 0x10+arg_0($fp)
RAM:80002628 lw $v1, 0x7C($v0)
RAM:8000262C li $v0, 0xD3ABC0DE
RAM:80002634 xor $v1, $v0
RAM:80002638 lw $v0, 0x10+arg_0($fp)
RAM:8000263C sw $v1, 0x7C($v0)
RAM:80002640 lw $a0, 0x10+arg_0($fp) # a1
RAM:80002644 jal sub_80000524
RAM:80002648 nop

Then it invokes `sub_80000524` that makes a system call:
RAM:80000524 mfc0 $t0, SR # Status register
RAM:80000528 addiu $sp, -8
RAM:8000052C sw $t0, 4+var_4($sp)
RAM:80000530 sw $ra, 4+var_s0($sp)
RAM:80000534 li $t0, 0x400004
RAM:8000053C mtc0 $t0, SR # Status register
RAM:80000540 syscall
RAM:80000544 nop
RAM:80000548 lw $t0, 4+var_4($sp)
RAM:8000054C lw $ra, 4+var_s0($sp)
RAM:80000550 mfc0 $t0, SR # Status register
RAM:80000554 addiu $sp, 8
RAM:80000558 jr $ra
RAM:8000055C nop

This system call invokes the timer handler from **ROM** (`timer_handler_BFC01550`).

The address `0x80000180` is not random; If we look at
[here](http://contents2.kocw.or.kr/KOCW/document/2013/soongsil/kimbyounggi1031/19.pdf) (slide **14**),
we will that upon an interrupt, the MIPS processor executes the code located at address `0x80000180`.

Now everything becomes clear: Program initializes a counter and then executes some code until it
hits the spinlock, where it waits until the time interrupt is triggered. Then, it invokes the
interrupt handler at `0x80000180`, where it XORs the return address at `$ra` register with
`0xD3ABC0DE`. Then, it makes a syscall to `timer_handler_BFC01550` where it uses the XORed value of
`$ra` as a key to search into a tree that contains the values from `glo_big_tbl_BFC20000` (which is
essentially a *hashmap*) to find the corresponding value. If that value is found, then program
assigns it to the `$ra` and resumes execution. However, the new value is also XORed with `0xD3ABC0DE`,
so it needs to be XORed again before execution returns. This is where syscall at `0x8000264C` is
called to get the final `$ra` value:
RAM:8000264C lw $v0, 0x18($fp)
RAM:80002650 lw $v1, 0x7C($v0)
RAM:80002654 li $v0, 0xD3ABC0DE
RAM:8000265C xor $v1, $v0
RAM:80002660 lw $v0, 0x18($fp)
RAM:80002664 sw $v1, 0x7C($v0)
RAM:80002668 jal init_counter_80000564
RAM:8000266C nop
RAM:80002670 nop
RAM:80002674 move $sp, $fp
RAM:80002678 lw $ra, arg_14($sp)
RAM:8000267C lw $fp, e($sp)
RAM:80002680 addiu $sp, 0x18
RAM:80002684 jr $ra
RAM:80002688 nop

### Bypassing the Anti-Reversing Protection

This protection makes debugging really annoying so we have to get rid of it. If we XOR all entries
from the `glo_big_tbl_BFC20000` we can get the next address from every spinlock:
0x800005A0 ~> 0x80002920
0x800005B0 ~> 0x80002934
0x800005CC ~> 0x80002948
0x800005EC ~> 0x8000295C
0x80000610 ~> 0x80002970
0x80000620 ~> 0x80002984
0x80000630 ~> 0x80002998
0x80000648 ~> 0x800029AC
0x80000D50 ~> 0x80002E34
0x80000D64 ~> 0x80002E48

We can see for example that when execution gets stuck in at `0x80000D50` (inside
`u_print_welcome_80000D34`), then execution resumes at `0x80002E34`. We write a quick IDAPython
script (see [patch_timing_anti_re.py](./patch_timing_anti_re.py) for more details) to replace
all spinlocks with jumps to the appropriate locations:
for i in range(257):
a = ida_bytes.get_dword(0x80010000 + 8*i) # Address of spinlock
b = ida_bytes.get_dword(0x80010000 + 8*i + 4) # Address to continue

a ^= 0xD3ABC0DE
b ^= 0xD3ABC0DE
b //= 4
# Replace with a J instruction
ida_bytes.patch_dword(a, 0x08000000 | b & 0xFFFF )

# Make previous instruction a nop:
# mtc0 $zero, Count # Timer Count
ida_bytes.patch_dword(a - 4, 0x00000000)

After that, we "apply the changes to the input file" and we have a new, patched binary (call it
`flash_fixed`). We also run it to make sure that it works as expected. At this point we can load
the patch program into [pwndbg](https://github.com/pwndbg/pwndbg) and debug it!

### Setting Up PwnDbg

Properly setting up PwnDbg was also a small challenge. First we add the `-s` (shortcut for
`-gdb tcp::1234`) and `-S` flags to qemu to prepare it for debugging:
qemu-system-mips -D /tmp/qemu-debug-log
-s -S
-M mips
-bios ./flash_fixed
-m 16M
monitor /dev/null 2>/dev/null

The we set up pwndbg:
pwndbg> file flash_fixed

"/home/ispo/ctf/0ctf_2020/flash-1/flash_fixed": not in executable format: file format not recognized
pwndbg> set endian big

The target is set to big endian.
pwndbg> set architecture mips:isa32

The target architecture is set to "mips:isa32".
pwndbg> target remote

Remote connection closed
pwndbg> target remote

Remote debugging using
warning: No executable has been specified and target does not support
determining executable automatically. Try using the "file" command.
0xbfc00000 in ?? ()

### Reversing the Challenge Code

We load the `flash_fixed` into pwndbg and we continue execution from `u_print_welcome_80000D34`.
After our fixes, we can see that function at `0x80000D34` is actually much bigger:
pwndbg> pdisass 100

► 0x80000d34 addiu $sp, $sp, -0x20
0x80000d38 sw $ra, 0x1c($sp)
0x80000d3c sw $fp, 0x18($sp)
0x80000d40 move $fp, $sp
0x80000d44 lui $v0, 0x8000
0x80000d48 addiu $a0, $v0, 0x26c8 ; "Welcome to Flag Machine"
0x80000d4c nop
0x80000d50 j 0x80002e34 ; print message (character by character)

0x80000d54 nop
0x80000d58 lui $v0, 0x8000
0x80000d5c addiu $a0, $v0, 0x26e0 ; "Give me flag: "
0x80000d60 nop
0x80000d64 j 0x80002e48 ; print another message

0x80000d68 nop
0x80000d6c addiu $a0, $zero, 0x800
0x80000d70 nop
0x80000d74 j 0x80002e5c <0x80002e5c>

0x80000d78 nop
0x80000d7c sw $v0, 0x10($fp)
0x80000d80 addiu $a1, $zero, 0x800
0x80000d84 lw $a0, 0x10($fp)
0x80000d88 nop
0x80000d8c j 0x80002e70 ; read from stdin

0x80000d90 nop
0x80000d94 sw $v0, 0x14($fp)
0x80000d98 lw $v0, 0x14($fp)
0x80000d9c addiu $v0, $v0, -1
0x80000da0 sw $v0, 0x14($fp)
0x80000da4 addiu $a2, $zero, 5
0x80000da8 lui $v0, 0x8000
0x80000dac addiu $a1, $v0, 0x26f0 ; "flag{"
0x80000db0 lw $a0, 0x10($fp)
0x80000db4 nop
0x80000db8 j 0x80002e84 ; compare flag startswith "flag{"; v0 has cmp result

0x80000dbc nop
0x80000dc0 nop
0x80000dc4 j 0x80002e98 ; if 0 move on; else jump to try again

0x80000dc8 nop
0x80000dcc lw $v0, 0x14($fp)
0x80000dd0 addiu $v0, $v0, -1
0x80000dd4 lw $v1, 0x10($fp)
0x80000dd8 addu $v0, $v1, $v0
0x80000ddc lb $v1, ($v0)
0x80000de0 addiu $v0, $zero, 0x7d ; '}'
0x80000de4 nop
0x80000de8 j 0x80002eac ; strchr(flag, '}')

0x80000dec nop
0x80000df0 lw $v0, 0x14($fp) ; v0 index of '}'
0x80000df4 addiu $v0, $v0, -6 ; v0 inside flag length ("flag{ISPOLEET}")
0x80000df8 sw $v0, 0x14($fp)
0x80000dfc lw $v0, 0x10($fp)
0x80000e00 addiu $v0, $v0, 5 ; v0 ~> & ISPOLEET (skip "flag{" part)
0x80000e04 lw $v1, 0x14($fp)
0x80000e08 move $a2, $v1 ; arg3: inside flag length len("ISPOLEET")
0x80000e0c move $a1, $v0 ; arg2: ISPOLEET}\n"
0x80000e10 lw $a0, 0x10($fp) ; arg1: "flag{ISPOLEET}\n"
0x80000e14 nop
0x80000e18 j 0x80002ec0 ; strncpy(flag, &flag[5], inside_flag_len)

0x80000e1c nop
0x80000e20 lw $v0, 0x14($fp)
0x80000e24 lw $v1, 0x10($fp)
0x80000e28 addu $v0, $v1, $v0
0x80000e2c sb $zero, ($v0) ; flag[inside_flag_len] = 0
0x80000e30 lw $v0, 0x14($fp)
0x80000e34 addiu $v0, $v0, 1 ; v0 = inside_flag_len + 1
0x80000e38 srl $v1, $v0, 0x1f
0x80000e3c addu $v0, $v1, $v0
0x80000e40 sra $v0, $v0, 1 ; v0 = (inside_flag_len + 1) // 2
0x80000e44 move $a1, $v0 ; arg2: (inside_flag_len + 1) >> 1
0x80000e48 lw $a0, 0x10($fp) ; arg1: inside_flag
0x80000e4c nop
0x80000e50 j 0x80002ed4 ; do some initializations? idk..

0x80000e54 nop ; v0: &foo, v1: &glo_const_tbl
0x80000e58 nop
0x80000e5c j 0x80002ee8 ; check flag and return 0 or 1

0x80000e60 nop
0x80000e64 lui $v0, 0x8000
0x80000e68 lh $v0, 0x3d24($v0)
0x80000e6c nop
0x80000e70 j 0x80002efc ; if equal go to try again

0x80000e74 nop
0x80000e78 lui $v0, 0x8000
0x80000e7c addiu $a0, $v0, 0x26f8 ; "Correct!"
0x80000e80 nop
0x80000e84 j 0x80002f10 <0x80002f10>

0x80000e88 nop
0x80000e8c nop
0x80000e90 j 0x80002f24 <0x80002f24>

0x80000e94 nop
0x80000e98 nop
0x80000e9c nop
0x80000ea0 j 0x80002f38 <0x80002f38>

0x80000ea4 nop
0x80000ea8 nop
0x80000eac lui $v0, 0x8000
0x80000eb0 addiu $a0, $v0, 0x2704 ; "Try again!"
0x80000eb4 nop
0x80000eb8 j 0x80002f4c <0x80002f4c>

0x80000ebc nop
0x80000ec0 nop
0x80000ec4 move $sp, $fp
0x80000ec8 lw $ra, 0x1c($sp)
0x80000ecc lw $fp, 0x18($sp)
0x80000ed0 addiu $sp, $sp, 0x20
0x80000ed4 nop
0x80000ed8 j 0x80002f60 <0x80002f60>

0x80000edc nop

We do not really have to analyze all these functions. We can understand what they are doing just
by observing their input/outputs. The flag is checked at function `0x80002ee8`, which ends up
calling `0x8000081c`:
0x80000e5c j 0x80002ee8 <0x80002ee8>

0x80002ee8 jal 0x8000081c

0x8000081c addiu $sp, $sp, -0x48

Let's look at how the flag is being verified:
0x8000081c addiu $sp, $sp, -0x48 ; function prolog
0x80000820 sw $ra, 0x44($sp) ;
0x80000824 sw $fp, 0x40($sp) ;
0x80000828 move $fp, $sp ;
0x8000082c sw $zero, 0x10($fp) ;
0x80000830 nop ;
0x80000834 j 0x80002ab0 ;
0x80000838 nop ;

0x8000083c VM_LOOP: ;
0x8000083c lui $v0, 0x8000 ;
0x80000840 addiu $v0, $v0, 0x3d24 ; v0 = 0x80003d24 = &glo_vm_ctx
0x80000844 lw $v0, 8($v0) ; v0 = *(0x80003d24 + 8) = glo_vm_pc
0x80000848 lhu $v0, ($v0) ; v0 = glo_vm_pc = &vm_prog[pc] (read VM insn opcode)
0x8000084c sh $v0, 0x14($fp) ; var_14 = VM insn opcode
0x80000850 lui $v0, 0x8000 ;
0x80000854 addiu $v0, $v0, 0x3d24 ;
0x80000858 lw $v0, 8($v0) ; v0 = *(0x80003d24 + 8) = glo_vm_pc
0x8000085c addiu $v1, $v0, 2 ; v1 = glo_vm_pc + 2 = &vm_prog[pc + 2]
0x80000860 lui $v0, 0x8000 ;
0x80000864 addiu $v0, $v0, 0x3d24 ;
0x80000868 sw $v1, 8($v0) ; glo_vm_pc += 2 (advance to VM insn operands)
0x8000086c lhu $v0, 0x14($fp) ; v0 = VM insn opcode
0x80000870 sltiu $v1, $v0, 0xe ; v1 = v0 < 0xe ? 1 : 0
0x80000874 nop ;
0x80000878 j 0x80002ac4 ; bound check; we have 14 VM instructions
0x8000087c nop ;
0x80000880 sll $v1, $v0, 2 ; v1 = VM insn opcode * 4 (find table entry)
0x80000884 lui $v0, 0x8000 ;
0x80000888 addiu $v0, $v0, 0x2690 ; v0 = 0x80002690 = VM instruction table
0x8000088c addu $v0, $v1, $v0 ;
0x80000890 lw $v0, ($v0) ; v0 = vm_insn[vm_opcode]
0x80000894 nop ;
0x80000898 j 0x80002ad8 ; execute VM instruction and loop back to VM_LOOP

0x80002ad8 jr $v0 ; call VM instruction

0x80000a1c nop ;
0x80000a20 j 0x80002c54 ; ...

Here we have a mini VM :$. VM context is located at `0x80003d24`. VM PC is initialized to
`0x80003D40`, where it is the emulated program:
0x0009, 0x091D, 0x0009, 0x0000, 0x000A, 0x0005, 0x0006, 0x0014, 0x0009, 0x0001,

Program is parsed into **half-words**. First program reads the opcode and uses it to dispatch it to
the appropriate VM instruction. VM instruction table is located at `0x80002690` and contains **14**
VM instructions:
RAM:80002690 glo_VM_INSN_TBL_80002690: # DATA XREF: RAM:80000884↑o
RAM:80002690 .word loc_800008A0 ; VM INSN #0 : add
RAM:80002694 .word loc_800008EC ; VM INSN #1 : sub
RAM:80002698 .word loc_80000938 ; VM INSN #2 : mul
RAM:8000269C .word loc_80000980 ; VM INSN #3 : modulo
RAM:800026A0 .word loc_800009CC ; VM INSN #4 : cmp <
RAM:800026A4 .word loc_80000A1C ; VM INSN #5 : cmp ==
RAM:800026A8 .word loc_80000A70 ; VM INSN #6 : je
RAM:800026AC .word loc_80000AFC ; VM INSN #7 : jne
RAM:800026B0 .word loc_80000B88 ; VM INSN #8 : read from input table
RAM:800026B4 .word loc_80000BD0 ; VM INSN #9 : push imm
RAM:800026B8 .word loc_80000C20 ; VM INSN #10: push reg
RAM:800026BC .word loc_80000C48 ; VM INSN #11: pop reg
RAM:800026C0 .word loc_80000C6C ; VM INSN #12: pop
RAM:800026C4 .word loc_80000C84 ; VM INSN #13: halt

Let's look at them one by one:
; ------------------------------ VM INSTRUCTION #0 ------------------------------
; Add the first 2 arguments to the stack (result truncated in .half) and put the
; result back to the stack.
0x800008a0 nop ;
0x800008a4 j 0x80002aec ; stack pop
0x800008a8 nop ;
0x800008ac sh $v0, 0x3a($fp) ; var_3a = stack top
0x800008b0 nop ;
0x800008b4 j 0x80002b00 ; stack pop
0x800008b8 nop ;
0x800008bc sh $v0, 0x3c($fp) ; var_3c = stack top 2
0x800008c0 lhu $v1, 0x3a($fp) ;
0x800008c4 lhu $v0, 0x3c($fp) ;
0x800008c8 addu $v0, $v1, $v0 ; v0 = top + top2
0x800008cc andi $v0, $v0, 0xffff ; truncate result to .half
0x800008d0 move $a0, $v0 ;
0x800008d4 nop ;
0x800008d8 j 0x80002b14 ; stack push
0x800008dc nop ;
0x800008e0 nop ;
0x800008e4 j 0x80002b28 ; loop back to VM loop
0x800008e8 nop ;

; ------------------------------ VM INSTRUCTION #1 ------------------------------
; Subtract the top from the second argument on stack and store the result back
; to the stack.
0x800008ec nop ;
0x800008f0 j 0x80002b3c ;

0x80002b3c jal 0x80000710 ; stack pop

0x800008f8 sh $v0, 0x36($fp) ; var_36 = stack top
0x800008fc nop ;
0x80000900 j 0x80002b50 ;

0x80002b50 jal 0x80000710 ; stack pop

0x80000908 sh $v0, 0x38($fp) ; var_38 = stack pop 2
0x8000090c lhu $v1, 0x36($fp) ; v1 = top1
0x80000910 lhu $v0, 0x38($fp) ; v0 = top2
0x80000914 subu $v0, $v1, $v0 ; v0 = top1 - top2
0x80000918 andi $v0, $v0, 0xffff ; truncate result to 16 bits
0x8000091c move $a0, $v0 ; a0 result
0x80000920 nop ;
0x80000924 j 0x80002b64 ;

0x80002b64 jal 0x80000794 ; stack push

0x8000092c nop ;
0x80000930 j 0x80002b78 ;

0x80002b78 b 0x80000c9c ; loop back to VM loop

; ------------------------------ VM INSTRUCTION #2 ------------------------------
; Pop the top 2 values from the stack & multiply them. Result goes back to accumulator
0x80000938 nop ;
0x8000093c j 0x80002b8c ; stack pop
0x80000940 nop ;
0x80000944 sh $v0, 0x32($fp) ; var_34 = stack top
0x80000948 nop
0x8000094c j 0x80002ba0 ; stack pop
0x80000950 nop ;
0x80000954 sh $v0, 0x34($fp) ; var_34 = stack top 2
0x80000958 lhu $v1, 0x32($fp) ;
0x8000095c lhu $v0, 0x34($fp) ;
0x80000960 mul $v0, $v1, $v0 ; v0 = top1 * top2 (.word)
0x80000964 move $v1, $v0 ;
0x80000968 lui $v0, 0x8000 ;
0x8000096c addiu $v0, $v0, 0x3d24 ;
0x80000970 sw $v1, 4($v0) ; vm_ctx->acc = top1 * top2
0x80000974 nop ;
0x80000978 j 0x80002bb4 ; loop back to VM loop
0x8000097c nop ;

; ------------------------------ VM INSTRUCTION #3 ------------------------------
; Pop the top 1 value from the stack & divide it by the accumulator. Store modulo
; back to the stack.
0x80000980 nop ;
0x80000984 j 0x80002bc8 ; stack pop
0x80000988 nop ;
0x8000098c sh $v0, 0x30($fp) ; var_30 = stack top
0x80000990 lui $v0, 0x8000 ;
0x80000994 addiu $v0, $v0, 0x3d24 ;
0x80000998 lw $v1, 4($v0) ; v1 = accumulator
0x8000099c lhu $v0, 0x30($fp) ; var_30 = top
0x800009a0 teq $v0, $zero, 7 ; catch division by 0
0x800009a4 divu $zero, $v1, $v0 ; lo = accumator / top; hi = accumator % top
0x800009a8 mfhi $v0 ; v0 = accumator % top
0x800009ac andi $v0, $v0, 0xffff ; trim result to 16-bits
0x800009b0 move $a0, $v0 ;
0x800009b4 nop ;
0x800009b8 j 0x80002bdc ; stack push
0x800009bc nop ;
0x800009c0 nop ;
0x800009c4 j 0x80002bf0 ; loop back to VM loop
0x800009c8 nop ;

; ------------------------------ VM INSTRUCTION #4 ------------------------------
; Compare 2 top arguments from stack. If top1 < top2 store 1 back to stack.
; Otherwise store 0 back to stack.
0x800009cc nop ;
0x800009d0 j 0x80002c04 ; stack pop
0x800009d4 nop ;
0x800009d8 sh $v0, 0x2c($fp) ; var_2c = stack top
0x800009dc nop ;
0x800009e0 j 0x80002c18 ; stack pop
0x800009e4 nop ;
0x800009e8 sh $v0, 0x2e($fp) ; var_2e = stack top 2
0x800009ec lhu $v1, 0x2c($fp) ;
0x800009f0 lhu $v0, 0x2e($fp) ;
0x800009f4 sltu $v0, $v1, $v0 ; v0 = top1 < top2 ?
0x800009f8 andi $v0, $v0, 0xff ;
0x800009fc andi $v0, $v0, 0xffff ;
0x80000a00 move $a0, $v0 ;
0x80000a04 nop ;
0x80000a08 j 0x80002c2c ; stack push
0x80000a0c nop ;
0x80000a10 nop ;
0x80000a14 j 0x80002c40 ; jump back to VM loop
0x80000a18 nop ;

; ------------------------------ VM INSTRUCTION #5 ------------------------------
; Compare equal. Take 2 arguments of the stack and push back 1 if they are equal.
; Otherwise push 0.
0x80000a1c nop ;
0x80000a20 j 0x80002c54 ;

0x80002c54 jal 0x80000710 ; stack pop

0x80000a28 sh $v0, 0x28($fp) ;
0x80000a2c nop ;
0x80000a30 j 0x80002c68 ;

0x80002c68 jal 0x80000710 ; stack pop

0x80000a38 sh $v0, 0x2a($fp) ; var_2a = v0
0x80000a3c lhu $v1, 0x28($fp) ; v1 = var_28
0x80000a40 lhu $v0, 0x2a($fp) ; v0 = var_2a
0x80000a44 xor $v0, $v1, $v0 ; v0 = v1 ^ v0
0x80000a48 sltiu $v0, $v0, 1 ; v0 = v0 < 1 ? 1 : 0
0x80000a4c andi $v0, $v0, 0xff ;
0x80000a50 andi $v0, $v0, 0xffff ;
0x80000a54 move $a0, $v0 ; a0 = (v0 == v1) ?
0x80000a58 nop
0x80000a5c j 0x80002c7c ;

0x80002c7c jal 0x80000794 ; push back to stack

0x80000a64 nop
0x80000a68 j 0x80002c90 ;

0x80002c90 b 0x80000c9c ; loop back to VM loop

; ------------------------------ VM INSTRUCTION #6 ------------------------------
; pop from stack + jump taken if top of stack is 0.
0x80000a70 lui $v0, 0x8000 ;
0x80000a74 addiu $v0, $v0, 0x3d24 ; v0 = 0x80003d24 = vm_ctx
0x80000a78 lw $v0, 8($v0) ; v0 = vm_pc
0x80000a7c lh $v0, ($v0) ;
0x80000a80 sw $v0, 0x20($fp) ; var_20 = vm_prog[pc] (.half)
0x80000a84 lui $v0, 0x8000 ;
0x80000a88 addiu $v0, $v0, 0x3d24 ;
0x80000a8c lw $v0, 8($v0) ; v0 = vm_pc
0x80000a90 addiu $v1, $v0, 2 ; v1 = vm_pc + 2
0x80000a94 lui $v0, 0x8000 ;
0x80000a98 addiu $v0, $v0, 0x3d24 ;
0x80000a9c sw $v1, 8($v0) ; vm_pc += 2
0x80000aa0 nop ;
0x80000aa4 j 0x80002ca4 ;

0x80002ca4 jal 0x80000710 ; stack pop

0x80000aa8 nop ;
0x80000aac sw $v0, 0x24($fp) ; var_24 = stack top
0x80000ab0 lw $v0, 0x24($fp) ;
0x80000ab4 nop ;
0x80000ab8 j 0x80002cb8 ;

0x80002cb8 beqz $v0, 0x80000c9c ;

0x80000c9c lw $v0, 0x10($fp) ;
0x80000ca0 nop ;
0x80000ca4 j 0x80002df8 ;

0x80002df8 beqz $v0, 0x8000083c ; go back to VM loop

0x80000abc nop ;
0x80000ac0 lui $v0, 0x8000 ;
0x80000ac4 addiu $v0, $v0, 0x3d24 ; v0 = vm_ctx
0x80000ac8 lw $v1, 8($v0) ; v1 = vm_pc
0x80000acc lw $v0, 0x20($fp) ; v0 = var_20 = imm from pc
0x80000ad0 srl $a0, $v0, 0x1f ; a0 = MSBit of v0
0x80000ad4 addu $v0, $a0, $v0 ; v0 (2's complement)
0x80000ad8 sra $v0, $v0, 1 ;
0x80000adc sll $v0, $v0, 1 ;
0x80000ae0 addu $v1, $v1, $v0 ; v1 = vm_pc + off
0x80000ae4 lui $v0, 0x8000 ;
0x80000ae8 addiu $v0, $v0, 0x3d24 ;
0x80000aec sw $v1, 8($v0) ; vm_pc += off
0x80000af0 nop ;
0x80000af4 j 0x80002ccc ;

0x80002ccc b 0x80000c9c ; loop back to VM loop

; ------------------------------ VM INSTRUCTION #7 ------------------------------
; pop from stack + jump taken if top of stack is not 0.
0x80000afc lui $v0, 0x8000 ;
0x80000b00 addiu $v0, $v0, 0x3d24 ;
0x80000b04 lw $v0, 8($v0) ; v0 = &vm_ctx->pc
0x80000b08 lh $v0, ($v0) ; v0 = &vm_prog[vm_pc]
0x80000b0c sw $v0, 0x18($fp) ; var_18 = vm_prog[vm_pc] (.half)
0x80000b10 lui $v0, 0x8000 ;
0x80000b14 addiu $v0, $v0, 0x3d24 ;
0x80000b18 lw $v0, 8($v0) ;
0x80000b1c addiu $v1, $v0, 2 ; vm_pc += 2
0x80000b20 lui $v0, 0x8000 ;
0x80000b24 addiu $v0, $v0, 0x3d24 ;
0x80000b28 sw $v1, 8($v0) ;
0x80000b2c nop ;
0x80000b30 j 0x80002ce0 ;

0x80002ce0 jal 0x80000710 ; stack pop

0x80000b38 sw $v0, 0x1c($fp) ; var_1c = stack top
0x80000b3c lw $v0, 0x1c($fp) ;
0x80000b40 nop ;
0x80000b44 j 0x80002cf4 ;

0x80002cf4 bnez $v0, 0x80000c9c ; if not 0 loop back to VM loop

0x80002cfc b 0x80000b48 ; not zero, move on

0x80000b48 nop ;
0x80000b4c lui $v0, 0x8000 ;
0x80000b50 addiu $v0, $v0, 0x3d24 ;
0x80000b54 lw $v1, 8($v0) ; v1 = vm_pc
0x80000b58 lw $v0, 0x18($fp) ; v0 = var_18 = vm_prog[vm_pc]
0x80000b5c srl $a0, $v0, 0x1f ;
0x80000b60 addu $v0, $a0, $v0 ;
0x80000b64 sra $v0, $v0, 1 ;
0x80000b68 sll $v0, $v0, 1 ;
0x80000b6c addu $v1, $v1, $v0 ; v1 = vm_pc + vm_prog[vm_pc]
0x80000b70 lui $v0, 0x8000 ;
0x80000b74 addiu $v0, $v0, 0x3d24 ;
0x80000b78 sw $v1, 8($v0) ; vm_pc = v1
0x80000b7c nop ;
0x80000b80 j 0x80002d08 ;

0x80002d08 b 0x80000c9c ; go back to VM loop

; ------------------------------ VM INSTRUCTION #8 ------------------------------
; Read a .half from input tape (this is where flag is stored)
0x80000b88 lui $v0, 0x8000 ;
0x80000b8c addiu $v0, $v0, 0x3d24 ; v0 = vm_ctx
0x80000b90 lw $v0, 0x18($v0) ; v0 = &vm_inp
0x80000b94 lhu $v0, ($v0) ; v0 = vm_inp[:2] (read 2 bytes from flag)
0x80000b98 move $a0, $v0 ; a0 = flag[:2]
0x80000b9c nop ;
0x80000ba0 j 0x80002d1c ;

0x80002d1c jal 0x80000794 ; stack push

0x80000ba4 nop ;
0x80000ba8 lui $v0, 0x8000 ;
0x80000bac addiu $v0, $v0, 0x3d24 ; v0 = vm_ctx
0x80000bb0 lw $v0, 0x18($v0) ; vm = &vm_inp
0x80000bb4 addiu $v1, $v0, 2 ; vm_inp += 2 (move pointer to the next .half)
0x80000bb8 lui $v0, 0x8000 ;
0x80000bbc addiu $v0, $v0, 0x3d24 ;
0x80000bc0 sw $v1, 0x18($v0) ; store
0x80000bc4 nop ;
0x80000bc8 j 0x80002d30 ;

0x80002d58 b 0x80000c9c ; loop back to VM loop

; ------------------------------ VM INSTRUCTION #9 ------------------------------
; push imm (.half) to stack
0x80000bd0 lui $v0, 0x8000 ;
0x80000bd4 addiu $v0, $v0, 0x3d24 ; v0 = vm_ctx
0x80000bd8 lw $v0, 8($v0) ; v0 = vm_pc
0x80000bdc lhu $v0, ($v0) ; v0 = vm_prog[pc] (.half) (read imm)
0x80000be0 sh $v0, 0x16($fp) ; var_16 = vm_prog[pc]
0x80000be4 lui $v0, 0x8000 ;
0x80000be8 addiu $v0, $v0, 0x3d24 ;
0x80000bec lw $v0, 8($v0) ;
0x80000bf0 addiu $v1, $v0, 2 ;
0x80000bf4 lui $v0, 0x8000 ;
0x80000bf8 addiu $v0, $v0, 0x3d24 ;
0x80000bfc sw $v1, 8($v0) ; vm_pc += 2
0x80000c00 lhu $v0, 0x16($fp) ;
0x80000c04 move $a0, $v0 ; a0 = imm
0x80000c08 nop ;
0x80000c0c j 0x80002d44 ;

0x80002d44 jal 0x80000794 ; stack push

0x80000c14 nop ;
0x80000c18 j 0x80002d58 ;

0x80002d58 b 0x80000c9c ; loop back to VM loop

; ------------------------------ VM INSTRUCTION #10 ------------------------------
; push vm reg to stack (originally, reg == len(flag) // 2 (.half))
0x80000c20 lui $v0, 0x8000 ;
0x80000c24 lh $v0, 0x3d24($v0) ; v0 = vm_ctx->reg
0x80000c28 andi $v0, $v0, 0xffff ;
0x80000c2c move $a0, $v0 ; a0 = vm_reg
0x80000c30 nop ;
0x80000c34 j 0x80002d6c ;

0x80002d6c jal 0x80000794 ; stack push

0x80000c38 nop ;
0x80000c3c nop ;
0x80000c40 j 0x80002d80 ;

0x80002d80 b 0x80000c9c ; loop back to VM loop

; ------------------------------ VM INSTRUCTION #11 ------------------------------
; pop from stack into VM reg (initialized to flag(len))
0x80000c48 nop ;
0x80000c4c j 0x80002d94 ;

0x80002d94 jal 0x80000710 ; stack pop

0x80000c54 seh $v1, $v0 ;
0x80000c58 lui $v0, 0x8000 ;
0x80000c5c sh $v1, 0x3d24($v0) ; store to vm_ctx->reg
0x80000c60 nop ;
0x80000c64 j 0x80002da8 ;

0x80002da8 b 0x80000c9c ; loop back to VM loop

; ------------------------------ VM INSTRUCTION #12 ------------------------------
; pop
0x80000c6c nop ;
0x80000c70 j 0x80002dbc ;

0x80002dbc jal 0x80000710 ; stack pop

0x80000c74 nop ;
0x80000c78 nop ;
0x80000c7c j 0x80002dd0 ;

0x80002dd0 b 0x80000c9c ; loop back to VM loop

0x80000c80 nop ;

; ------------------------------ VM INSTRUCTION #13 ------------------------------
; exit VM (return back)
0x80000c84 addiu $v0, $zero, 1 ; v0 = 1
0x80000c88 sw $v0, 0x10($fp) ; var_10 = 1
0x80000c8c nop ;
0x80000c90 j 0x80002de4 ; nop jump?

0x80002de4 b 0x80000c9c ;

0x80000c9c lw $v0, 0x10($fp) ; v0 = var_10 = 1
0x80000ca0 nop ;
0x80000ca4 j 0x80002df8 ;

0x80002df8 beqz $v0, 0x8000083c ; if not 0, go back to VM loop

0x80002e00 b 0x80000ca8 ;

0x80000ca8 nop ;
0x80000cac nop ;
0x80000cb0 nop ;
0x80000cb4 move $sp, $fp ;
0x80000cb8 lw $ra, 0x44($sp) ;
0x80000cbc lw $fp, 0x40($sp) ;
0x80000cc0 addiu $sp, $sp, 0x48 ;
0x80000cc4 nop ;
0x80000cc8 j 0x80002e0c ;

0x80002e0c jr $ra ; Return back to 0x80000e60

This is stack-based VM machine. Instructions are fairly simple, so we can easily write a
disassembler for it. For more details, please refer to the
[flash_vm_disasm.py](./flash_vm_disasm.py) script.

### Reversing the VM Program

Using the script we can get the disassembly of the VM program:
80003D40h: push 0x091D ; S = [0x091D]

80003D44h: push 0x0000 ; S = [0, 0x091D]
80003D48h: push reg ; S = [reg, 0, 0x091D]; reg initialized to len(flag)//2
80003D4Ah: cmp == ; S = [reg == 0 ?, 0x091D]
80003D4Ch: je 0014h (~> 80003D64) ; pop skip read loop
80003D50h: push 0x0001 ; S = [1, 0x091D]
80003D54h: push reg ; S = [reg, 0x091D]
80003D56h: sub ; S = [reg - 1, 0x091D]
80003D58h: pop reg ; reg -= 1
80003D5Ah: read_flag_half ; S = [flag[0:2], 0x091D]
80003D5Ch: push 0x0001 ; 1
80003D60h: je FFE0h (~> 80013D44) ; loop back

; At this point: S = [flag[x:x+2], ..., flag[2:4], flag[0:2]]
80003D64h: push 0x0011 ; S = [0x11, flag[x:x+2], ...,]
80003D68h: mul ; S = [...,], acc = 0x11 * flag[x:x+2]
80003D6Ah: push 0xB248 ; S = [0xB248, ..., flag[x-2:x]]
80003D6Eh: mod ; S = [(0x11 * flag[x:x+2]) % 0xB248, ...,]
80003D70h: push 0x72A9 ; S = [0x72A9, (0x11 * flag[x:x+2]) % 0xB248, ...,]
80003D74h: cmp == ; (0x11 * flag[x:x+2]) % 0xB248 == 0x72A9 ?
80003D76h: jne 0144h (~> 80003EBE) ; if not go to badboy
80003D7Ah: push 0x0011 ; S = [0x11, flag[x-2:x], ...]
80003D7Eh: mul ;
80003D80h: push 0xB248 ; same thing repeats but with different constants to check
80003D84h: mod ;
80003D86h: push 0x097E ;
80003D8Ah: cmp == ;
80003D8Ch: jne 012Eh (~> 80003EBE) ;
80003D90h: push 0x0011 ;
80003D94h: mul ;
80003D96h: push 0xB248 ;
80003D9Ah: mod ;
80003D9Ch: push 0x5560 ;
80003DA0h: cmp == ;
80003DA2h: jne 0118h (~> 80003EBE) ;
80003DA6h: push 0x0011 ;
80003DAAh: mul ;
80003DACh: push 0xB248 ;
80003DB0h: mod ;
80003DB2h: push 0x4CA1 ;
80003DB6h: cmp == ;
80003DB8h: jne 0102h (~> 80003EBE) ;
80003DBCh: push 0x0011 ;
80003DC0h: mul ;
80003DC2h: push 0xB248 ;
80003DC6h: mod ;
80003DC8h: push 0x0037 ;
80003DCCh: cmp == ;
80003DCEh: jne 00ECh (~> 80003EBE) ;
80003DD2h: push 0x0011 ;
80003DD6h: mul ;
80003DD8h: push 0xB248 ;
80003DDCh: mod ;
80003DDEh: push 0xAA71 ;
80003DE2h: cmp == ;
80003DE4h: jne 00D6h (~> 80003EBE) ;
80003DE8h: push 0x0011 ;
80003DECh: mul ;
80003DEEh: push 0xB248 ;
80003DF2h: mod ;
80003DF4h: push 0x122C ;
80003DF8h: cmp == ;
80003DFAh: jne 00C0h (~> 80003EBE) ;
80003DFEh: push 0x0011 ;
80003E02h: mul ;
80003E04h: push 0xB248 ;
80003E08h: mod ;
80003E0Ah: push 0x4536 ;
80003E0Eh: cmp == ;
80003E10h: jne 00AAh (~> 80003EBE) ;
80003E14h: push 0x0011 ;
80003E18h: mul ;
80003E1Ah: push 0xB248 ;
80003E1Eh: mod ;
80003E20h: push 0x11E8 ;
80003E24h: cmp == ;
80003E26h: jne 0094h (~> 80003EBE) ;
80003E2Ah: push 0x0011 ;
80003E2Eh: mul ;
80003E30h: push 0xB248 ;
80003E34h: mod ;
80003E36h: push 0x1247 ;
80003E3Ah: cmp == ;
80003E3Ch: jne 007Eh (~> 80003EBE) ;
80003E40h: push 0x0011 ;
80003E44h: mul ;
80003E46h: push 0xB248 ;
80003E4Ah: mod ;
80003E4Ch: push 0x76C7 ;
80003E50h: cmp == ;
80003E52h: jne 0068h (~> 80003EBE) ;
80003E56h: push 0x0011 ;
80003E5Ah: mul ;
80003E5Ch: push 0xB248 ;
80003E60h: mod ;
80003E62h: push 0x096D ;
80003E66h: cmp == ;
80003E68h: jne 0052h (~> 80003EBE) ;
80003E6Ch: push 0x0011 ;
80003E70h: mul ;
80003E72h: push 0xB248 ;
80003E76h: mod ;
80003E78h: push 0x122C ;
80003E7Ch: cmp == ;
80003E7Eh: jne 003Ch (~> 80003EBE) ;
80003E82h: push 0x0011 ;
80003E86h: mul ;
80003E88h: push 0xB248 ;
80003E8Ch: mod ;
80003E8Eh: push 0x87CB ;
80003E92h: cmp == ;
80003E94h: jne 0026h (~> 80003EBE) ;
80003E98h: push 0x0011 ;
80003E9Ch: mul ;
80003E9Eh: push 0xB248 ;
80003EA2h: mod ;
80003EA4h: push 0x09E4 ;
80003EA8h: cmp == ;
80003EAAh: jne 0010h (~> 80003EBE) ;
80003EAEh: push 0x091D ;
80003EB2h: jne 0008h (~> 80003EBE) ;
80003EB6h: push 0x0000 ; goodboy; return 0
80003EBAh: pop reg ;
80003EBCh: halt ;
80003EBEh: push 0x0001 ; badboy; return 1
80003EC2h: pop reg ;
80003EC4h: halt ;

It is very easy to understand what this program does. First it pushes flag on the stack (**2**
characters at a time). Then it starts from the end of the flag and does the following check:
if (0x11 * flag[x:x+2]) % 0xB248 == 0x72A9) then move one
otherwise goto badboy

If the check is passed it moves on with the previous **2** characters from the flag and checks them
against another constant, and so on, until all characters are checked.

### Cracking the Code

Getting the flag is actually quite simple. First we find the multiplicative inverse of **17**
modulo **0xB248**, which is **0x4969**. Then:
17*flagN == 0x72A9 mod 0xB248 =>
flagN == 0x72A9 * 17^-1 mod 0xB248 =>
flagN == 0x72A9 * 0x4969 mod 0xB248 =>

flagN = 0x6521 = '!e'

That is, to get flag we multiply the constant **0x72A9** with **0x4969** modulo **0xB248**. The
result is the last **2** characters from the flag. We repeat the same for other constants:
0x72A9, 0x097E, 0x5560, 0x4CA1,
0x0037, 0xAA71, 0x122C, 0x4536,
0x11E8, 0x1247, 0x76C7, 0x096D,
0x122C, 0x87CB, 0x09E4

And we get the flag.

So, the flag is: `flag{it's_time_to_pwn_this_machine!}`

For more details, please take a look at the [flash_crack.py](./flash_crack.py) file.

Original writeup (https://github.com/ispoleet/ctf-writeups/tree/master/0ctf_quals_2020/flash-1).