
For a better view check our [githubpage](https://bsempir0x65.github.io/CTF_Writeups/VU_Cyberthon_2023/#what-is-the-sim-card-number-iccid-used-on-the-phone) or [github](https://github.com/bsempir0x65/CTF_Writeups/tree/main/VU_Cyberthon_2023#what-is-the-sim-card-number-iccid-used-on-the-phone) out

We used the same trick and searched for ICCID. No luck this time, cause we only found some logs hinting that there is an ICCID number existing. We remembered then that within that image some parts might be lowercase and some are uppercase when we look back at the brand question. So we then used "iccid" as a search term and viola ![https://github.githubassets.com/images/icons/emoji/bowtie.png](https://github.githubassets.com/images/icons/emoji/bowtie.png):


So we found in the /userdata/data/com.android.phone/shared_prefs/com.android.phone_preferences.xml the field key_iccid with the number **89370038009021791031** which was luckily the right one. In an actual investigation we would have no clue if that would be the searched one so we had a little advantage in this ctf.

Original writeup (https://github.com/bsempir0x65/CTF_Writeups/tree/main/VU_Cyberthon_2023#what-is-the-sim-card-number-iccid-used-on-the-phone).