
For a better view check our [githubpage](https://bsempir0x65.github.io/CTF_Writeups/VU_Cyberthon_2023/#what-is-a-name-of-video-file-which-is-related-with-tanks) or [github](https://github.com/bsempir0x65/CTF_Writeups/tree/main/VU_Cyberthon_2023#what-is-a-name-of-video-file-which-is-related-with-tanks) out

Same idea as before. Instead of audio files we were looking for video files. This time we had again 4 to look into and the hint that we are searching for the one regarding tanks.


So these 2 for example were way easier for us then to find for example the ICCID number. Oh and of course **tanks.mp4** was the right one.

Original writeup (https://github.com/bsempir0x65/CTF_Writeups/tree/main/VU_Cyberthon_2023#what-is-a-name-of-video-file-which-is-related-with-tanks).