
For a better view check our [githubpage](https://bsempir0x65.github.io/CTF_Writeups/VU_Cyberthon_2023/#what-is-a-username-of-telegram-messenger) or [github](https://github.com/bsempir0x65/CTF_Writeups/tree/main/VU_Cyberthon_2023#what-is-a-username-of-telegram-messenger) out

So that was quite easy cause of the tasks before we already found the accounts.db which not only had the email accounts also the other ones for the other applications.


So the account was **5719323092**. Maybe this one was way easier cause by now we were familiar with the image.

Original writeup (https://github.com/bsempir0x65/CTF_Writeups/tree/main/VU_Cyberthon_2023#what-is-a-username-of-telegram-messenger).