
# Challenge Description

The twins Alice and Bob are so close that they share everything, even the modulus of their RSA keys.

# Solution
We are given two RSA public keys (e1, n), (e2, n) and two cipheretexts c1, c2 of the flag encrypted with each of the two keys.

Next we calculate the gcd of the the two exponents and we find gcd(e1, e2) = 17.
From Bezout's identity we can find the proper u, v such that:
$$u\ast e_1'+v\ast e_2'=1$$
Now we can see the following holds:
$$c_1^{u}\ast c_2^{v}=m^{e_1\ast u}\ast m^{e_2\ast v}=m^{17\ast (u\ast e_1'+v\ast e_2')}={(m^{u\ast e_1'+v\ast e_2'})}^{17}=(m^1)^{17}=m^{17}$$
After performing the above caclulations using the two ciphertexts and u, v we try to get the 17th root of the new ciphertext. Thankfully, 17 is a small enough exponent and we get the correct m.
Finally we convert to bytes and get the flag: b'ENO{5har1ng_is_n0t_c4r1ng}'!