
# DEFCON oCTF 2016 - Progressive Encryption

**Category:** Forensics
**Points:** 500
**Author:** Yen

We recovered this file from an old military public-relations server.
I'm pretty sure it contains valuable intel, but the high-resolution details have been obfuscated somehow.

## Shortcut Write-up

I used GraphBitStreamer (<https://github.com/old-games/GBS>) to map the entire PNG file as raw image data.
*(worth noting it only worked because the PNG data stream was uncompressed)*


* 32 bits per pixel (one can easily see 4-byte repetitive patterns spreading thoughout the file)
* True Color palette (since 32 bpp)
* width: 500 px (same as original picture)



Due to weak encryption silimar to why [encrypted Tux on the Wikipedia page](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Block_cipher_mode_of_operation#Electronic_Codebook_.28ECB.29) is clearly recognizable, we can somewhat figure out the flag written at the bottom.

To make things easier, we can stretch it:


and convert to grayscale:


And the flag can be eyeballed now: `c4n_I_hav3_S0me_money_nao?`

## Intended Way

Inside the PNG we see two chunks: `IDAT` containing the first coarse scan of progressive PNG (hence the name, Progressive Encryption), and `scRT`. Using [xortool](https://github.com/hellman/xortool) on `scRT` chunk contents we can guess that it's encrypted with multibyte XOR cipher with key `nacho` (expected most frequent char `\xFF`). The decrypted contents have a regular `IDAT` chunk, and a new `scRT` appended to it.

Guessing multibyte XOR key over and over for each `scRT` chunk, we decrypt the whole PNG. Keys are:

* `nacho`
* `savages`
* `president`
* `kilobits`
* `monkey`
* `butler`

Resulting reconstructed image:


# Other write-ups and resources

* https://github.com/ctfs/write-ups-2016/tree/master/open-ctf-2016/forensics/progressive-encryption-500

Original writeup (https://github.com/ctfs/write-ups-2016/tree/master/open-ctf-2016/forensics/progressive-encryption-500).