Tags: command_injection 


# Echoes

- 50 Points / 399 Solves

## Background

Do you hear that?



## Find the flag

**Home page:**


As you can see, we can enter some words:



Burp Suite HTTP history:


When we clicked the "Test word" button, it'll send a POST request to `/check.php`, with parameter `word`.

Then it'll output with our input three times!

Hmm... I wonder how it works...

Well, you guessed! ***`echo` OS command!***

That being said, we can try to test ***OS command injection***!

**To do so, I'll use the new line characeter (`\n` = `%0a`):** (Or you can use `|`)
a %0a id


Boom! We have RCE (Remote Code Execution) via OS command injection!

**Let's get the flag!**
a %0a ls


a %0a cat flag.txt



- **Flag: `RS{R3S0UND1NG_SUCS3SS!}`**

## Conclusion

What we've learned:

1. OS Command Injection

Original writeup (https://siunam321.github.io/ctf/RITSEC-CTF-2023/Web/Echoes/).