Tags: misc
# Get Docxed
## Category
## Points
## Description
My professor hid the answers to the final exam somewhere in this 2305_Syllabus_Spring2018.docx file. Can you find it?
## Solution
Docx files are actually just zip files. If you append .zip to the end of the file, you can open the ZIP file and browse the contents. Once you are able to see the contents of the zip file, you will find another zip file within it called c_r_a_z_y.zip. If you try to open it, you will notice that it is password protected. In order to get the flag, you will need to crack the password. To crack the password, you will:
1) Enter this command `zip2john c_r_a_z_y.zip > ziphash.txt`
2) Open ziphash.txt and remove the header and footer, leaving just the hash
3) Enter this command `hashcat -a 0 -m 13600 ziphash.txt /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt`
4) The cracked password will be displayed -> "xwekl12569"
## Flag
## Hint
Don't let Word recover the contents of the document!