Tags: osint 


# Challange Name : lets-go

## Category: OSINT

## Description:

Okay, so something was definitely wrong with our calculations.
We're still trying to get them fixed, but hey, we're getting closer!
At least I can catch a good punk rock show still.
Flag format: jctf{whattheywrote}, lowercase, omit any spaces.
File attached
Developed by Cyb3rSw0rd

## File Name : AnnaCircohsLog2.txt

### File Content:


Estimated Date: August 16, 1974

Log: Still Rocking

Status update - The supplies we got helped me make a few more adjustments.
Unfortunately, it only took me 40 more years backwards, and still not near Grace Hopper.

Fortunately, if my memory is correct, I can basically get a private concert with my favorite quartet.

Last time I was here was 9 months ago local space-time, before all of the programs began acting up! I wonder if they paved over what HK and I drew in the concrete when they opened up?


## Solution:

This is my first ever writeup so bear with me.

Started by searching quartet on google as I didn't know what that means. Found Wikipedia page for famous quartet. Dead End.

Then, I looked at estimated date and searched "august 16, 1974 rock concert" on google and the first reasult was about Ramones,a punk-rock band,at CBGB bar.

### [Found This article](https://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/the-ramones-play-their-first-public-gig-at-cbgbs-in-downtown-manhattan)

Did some digging/searching on cbgb bar and found out that it opened on December 10, 1973. "9 months before aug 1974" so far details are matching with Challange lure.

Furthermore, the owners name was Hilly Kristal ( Initials :HK), as soon as I saw that I seached "cbgb opening concrete" and boom the third reasult was picture attached below.

As per challange instruction I wraped my flag like jctf{cbgb'73} and that didn't work so I tried jctf{cbgb73} and that worked. ?

# Flag ?: jctf{cbgb73} ✅

## Total Solves for the challange : 41

Original writeup (https://github.com/anaghpatel/JerseyCTF-III/blob/main/Lets-go%20Writeup.md).