# Challenge Description
Starfleet has received a transmission from Bynaus. However, the message apears to be blank. Is there some kind of hidden message here?
Author: Curtíco
# Challenge Solution
After downloading the file `transmission.txt`, I opened it up with sublime text editor and noticed it was filled with whitespaces. Combining it with the challenge name and description, we can assume that it's related to binary (base 2). I tried replacing spaces with `1` and tabs with `0` and vice versa. Then converted the binary bytes to ascii text. Here is a python script:
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from pyperclip import copy
with open("transmission.txt", 'r') as file:
lines = [x[:-1] for x in file.readlines()] # removing the trailing newline character from each lines
flag = []
for line in lines:
flag.append(''.join(line).replace(' ', '0').replace('\t', '1')) # replacing spaces with 0 and tabs with 1
flag = ''.join([chr(int(x, 2)) for x in flag]) # converting binary bytes to ascii characters and joining them
copy(flag) # It copies the flag to the clipboard