Tags: engineering reverse 


# Description
Only those who know the password can unlock the power of the system. But be warned, the password is as elusive as the Guardians themselves - hidden in the depths of Xandar or floating in the vastness of Knowhere.

Are you ready to take on the challenge and prove yourself a true Guardian? Remember, as Groot would say, 'I am Groot' is not the password you are looking for.

MD5 (Guardians_of_the_galaxy.bin) = ef91510f54b416c1feb233a23e7b9114


# Files

- Guardians_of_the_galaxy.bin

# Solution
## Recon

- I started by analyzing the file with `file Guardians_of_the_galaxy.bin` :
┌─[not1cyyy@0x45] - [~/Desktop/space-heroes-CTF/2023/Guardians_of_the_galaxy_FINISHED] - [mar. avril 25, 22:39]
└─[$] <> file Guardians_of_the_galaxy.bin
Guardians_of_the_galaxy.bin: ELF 64-bit LSB pie executable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2, BuildID[sha1]=5161cfec17ba15aa0cec13ebe94013b8f50d4123, for GNU/Linux 3.2.0, not stripped


- There are few stuff that interest us, the file is an ELF executable binary, dynamically linked and not stripped

- Opening the binary in ghidra, and since it's not stripped, we can look at the symbol tree and we see this:


- As intuitive as it is, I went ahead and examined the `main()` function to see what it had :

undefined8 main(void)

int iVar1;
int iVar2;
size_t sVar3;
char *__s1;
char *__s1_00;
char *in_RCX;
char *pcVar4;
int extraout_EDX;
int extraout_EDX_00;
int extraout_EDX_01;
int extraout_EDX_02;
ulong extraout_RDX;
ulong uVar5;
undefined8 *puVar6;
char *pcVar7;
int in_R8D;
int in_R9D;
byte local_f8 [64];
undefined8 local_b8;
undefined8 local_b0;
undefined2 local_a8;
undefined8 local_98;
undefined8 local_90;
undefined2 local_88;
byte local_7a [9];
byte local_71 [9];
byte local_68 [9];
byte abStack_5f [9];
byte abStack_56 [10];
undefined4 local_4c;
char *local_48;
char *local_40;
char *local_38;
int local_30;
int local_2c;
int local_28;
int local_24;
int local_20;
int local_1c;
int local_18;
int local_14;
int local_10;
int local_c;

local_38 = "\nIf you are a true Guardian you know the password!!\npassword >>> ";
slow_print("\nIf you are a true Guardian you know the password!!\npassword >>> ");
local_40 = "Welcome aboard Guardian, here is your reward for saving our galaxy flag : ";
local_48 =
"Well!!! you are not a True Guardian.\nAs I said earlier only a true Guardian knows the password!! !\n \nStar Lord will lead you to the exit!!!!!!!!"
local_c = 0;
local_10 = 0;
local_14 = 9;
local_18 = 0x12;
local_1c = 0;
local_20 = 0;
local_24 = 0;
sVar3 = strlen((char *)local_68);
if (sVar3 != 0x1b) {
return 0;
for (local_10 = 0; local_10 < 9; local_10 = local_10 + 1) {
local_71[local_c] = local_68[local_10];
local_c = local_c + 1;
local_28 = 0;
local_2c = 0;
local_98 = 0;
local_90 = 0;
local_88 = 0;
local_b8 = 0;
local_b0 = 0;
local_a8 = 0;
for (local_14 = 9; local_14 < 0x12; local_14 = local_14 + 1) {
local_7a[local_28] = local_68[local_14];
local_28 = local_28 + 1;
puVar6 = &local_98;
uVar5 = extraout_RDX;
for (local_2c = 0; local_2c < 9; local_2c = local_2c + 1) {
uVar5 = (ulong)*(byte *)((long)&local_98 + (long)local_2c);
*(byte *)((long)&local_b8 + (long)local_2c) = *(byte *)((long)&local_98 + (long)local_2c);
local_30 = 0;
local_4c = 0;
for (local_18 = 0x12; local_18 < 0x1b; local_18 = local_18 + 1) {
uVar5 = (ulong)local_68[local_18];
local_f8[local_30] = local_68[local_18];
local_30 = local_30 + 1;
iVar1 = strncmp(__s1,"od_pbw1gu",9);
if (iVar1 == 0) {
local_1c = 1;
pcVar4 = "5F31735F6E30745F74";
pcVar7 = "5F31735F6E30745F74";
iVar2 = strncmp((char *)&local_b8,"5F31735F6E30745F74",0x12);
iVar1 = extraout_EDX_01;
if (iVar2 != 0) {
pcVar4 = "5F31735F6E30745F74";
pcVar7 = "5F31735F6E30745F74";
iVar2 = strncmp((char *)&local_98,"5F31735F6E30745F74",0x12);
iVar1 = extraout_EDX_02;
if (iVar2 != 0) goto LAB_00101864;
local_20 = 1;
iVar1 = strncmp(__s1_00,"d/[h-i-py",9);
if (iVar1 == 0) {
local_24 = 1;
if (((local_1c == 1) && (local_20 == 1)) && (local_24 == 1)) {
else {
return 0;


- The program reads user input and stores it in the `local_68` variable, then checks if the input is 27 characters long

- Then it proceeds to split the input into 3 equal parts (9 bytes each), call the `r()` function 3 times with different parameters, and then checks each part against a specific string

- Looking at the `r()` function, we see this code :

void r(void *param_1,void *param_2,int param_3,char *param_4,int param_5,int param_6)

size_t __size;
void *pvVar1;
int local_c;

__size = strlen((char *)param_1);
pvVar1 = malloc(__size);
for (local_c = 0; local_c < 9; local_c = local_c + 1) {
*(char *)((long)pvVar1 + (long)local_c) = *(char *)((long)param_1 + (long)local_c) + -4;

- The function seems to take unnecessary arguments, but overall it loops over a string, rotates each character by 4 and then returns the string

- So to get the flag, we need to write the reverse function of `r()` to decrypt the first and last 9 bytes of the password, for the last part, we just need to convert that string to ascii

# Execution

- I wrote a C code that does the necessary calculations :
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

void r(void *string, void *ptr, int num, char *str, int val1, int val2);
void decode(void *string, void *ptr, int num, char *str, int val1, int val2);

int main()
char original_string[] = "d/[h-i-py";
char encoded_string[9];

strcpy(encoded_string, original_string);

// Decode the encoded string using the `decode` function

char original_string2[] = "od_pbw1gu";
char encoded_string2[9];

strcpy(encoded_string2, original_string2);

// Decode the encoded string using the `decode` function
decode(encoded_string2, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 0);

char hex_string[] = "5F31735F6E30745F74";
unsigned char byte_string[10];
int i;

// Convert the hexadecimal string to a byte string
for (i = 0; i < strlen(hex_string); i += 2)
sscanf(&hex_string[i], "%2hhx", &byte_string[i / 2]);

// convert the byte string to a string
char *string = (char *)byte_string;

decode(encoded_string, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 0);

return 0;

void r(void *string, void *ptr, int num, char *str, int val1, int val2)
size_t size;
void *ptr1;
int count;

size = strlen((char *)string);
ptr1 = malloc(size);
for (count = 0; count < size; count = count + 1)
*(char *)((long)ptr1 + (long)count) = *(char *)((long)string + (long)count) + -4;
strcpy((char *)string, (char *)ptr1);
printf("Encoded string: %s\n", (char *)string);

void decode(void *string, void *ptr, int num, char *str, int val1, int val2)
size_t size;
void *ptr1;
int count;

size = strlen((char *)string);
ptr1 = malloc(size);
for (count = 0; count < size; count = count + 1)
*(char *)((long)ptr1 + (long)count) = *(char *)((long)string + (long)count) + 4;

// Print the decoded string
printf((char *)ptr1);



- Running the script, we get this output :
┌─[not1cyyy@0x45] - [~/Desktop/space-heroes-CTF/2023/Guardians_of_the_galaxy_FINISHED] - [mar. avril 25, 22:39]
└─[$] <> ./a.out

# Flag


Original writeup (https://github.com/not1cyyy/CTF-Writeups/blob/master/Space-Heroes-CTF/Space-Heroes-CTF-2023/Guardians_of_The_Galaxy.md).