
Time Leap

Writeup by: j4asper

Challenge Description

You've just been hired as one of SERN's "Rounders". We've been studying time travel technology, but we're having an issue generating Kerr Black Holes. We can't figure out how to configure our ionic lifter properly. We've discovered that a certain man in Tokyo managed to figure it out. After raiding his lab, you found a USB drive that probably has some useful information on it.


Challenge Solution

Download the challenge file, and extract it using the gunzip command. When extracted, you will need to mount the disk image. You can do this by creating a new folder where you want the files to appear, and then using the following command sudo mount convergence.img <some_folder>

Original writeup (https://github.com/Z3R0D4Y-Team/Writeups/tree/main/2023/Space%20Heroes%20CTF/Time%20Leap).