Tags: command_injection 


# Tree Viewer

## Enumeration

**Home page:**


In here, we can view the source code, and an input box, which allows us to check a directory.

**Let's look at the source code:**


When the `source` GET parameter is provided, it'll highlight the index file.


<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
<title>Tree Viewer</title>
Source code
<form action="/" method="post">
<label for="input">Directory to check</label>
<input type="text" placeholder="Directory to see" id="input" name="input" value="<?= $parsed ?>">

<h3>Content of : </h3>


Let's break it down!

When `input` POST parameter is provided, ***it'll check the input contains `;` OR `|` character via regular expression (regex)***. If no `input` parameter is provided or it contains `;` OR `|`, default value will be `/home/`.

Finally, it'll **parse our `input` to a `shell_exec()` function, which will execute shell command!**

Nice, we found a sink (Dangerous function)!

**Let's look at the `shell_exec()` function:**


This function will execute `ls <path>`!

That being said, although it has a regex filter, it's still **vulnerable to OS command injection!**

## Exploitation

**To bypass it, I'll use the new line character `\n` (`%0a` in URL encoding)!**

**Also, I'll be using Burp Suite's Repeater to send the payload:**


Boom! We have Remote Code Execution (RCE)!

**Let's read the flag!**
%0acat /home/flag.txt


- **Flag: `PWNME{U53R_1NpU75_1n_5h3lL_3x3c_77}`**

## Conclusion

What we've learned:

1. Exploiting OS Command Injection & Bypassing Filters

Original writeup (https://siunam321.github.io/ctf/PwnMe-2023-8-bits/Web/Tree-Viewer/).