Tags: client-side deobfuscation 


# Beat me!

## Enumeration

**Home page:**


In here, we can type our name to play a spaceshooter client-side game.



After the game has ended, it'll send a POST request to `/scores`, with JSON data:


Since the challenge has a tag called "client-side game", ***I wonder if we can control the `signature` key's value.***

**Now, let's try to modify it:**


Nope. So the back-end must checking the signature is correct or not.

**That being said, let's try to read the source code of the game:**


Oh boi... It's **obfuscated**...

**Umm... Let's search for `signature`:**


Found it!

**Then, I set some breakpoint in the for loop, and trigger the breakpoint by ending the game:**


Hmm?? `00bfuScat3d_K3y`?

What this for loop does is to **hash something? with the `00bfuScat3d_K3y` salt**. The `_0x8a3192`'s output is the correct `signature`.

However, I tried to copy and paste that for loop statement to generate the same `signature`, but no dice...

**Also, there is a big long list of array:**



In that array, we can see there is a method called `setScore()`:


Again, I tried to find where does this method is being called, no luck.

## Exploitation

At this point, **I'm trying to control the score, so that the hashing for loop statement will generate the correct `signature`.**

**Now, we can set a breakpoint when the hashing statement's function is invoked:**


**Then, gain some points and end the game:**


As expected, we hit the breakpoint.

Next, I noticed that the `_0x359a29` variable's value is `2`, which is the current game state's score.

**Hmm... Can I access that variable in the "Console" tab during the breakpoint??**


Wait, I can? I never seen this before!!

That being said, we can modify `_0x359a29`'s value in the "Console" tab!!

**Since the challenge's description says "Your goal is to beat him.. by any way". Let's update the score to `1337421`:**



As you can see, it's updated!

**Let's click the "Resume" button to finish the breakpoint:**


**Then, in the Burp Suite HTTP history, we should see a response with "Invalid signature":**


Finally, send that request to Repeater, and ***change the `score` key's value to `1337421`***:



Boom!! We successfully beat the pro player, and got the flag!

- **Flag: `PWNME{Ch3a7_0n_Cl1en7_G4m3_Is_n0T_H4rD_87}`**

## Conclusion

What we've learned:

1. Deobfuscating JavaScript Code & Exploiting Client-Side Game

Original writeup (https://siunam321.github.io/ctf/PwnMe-2023-8-bits/Web/Beat-me/).