Tags: geoguessr osint 


Video writeup here!

The second “Gone Missing” challenge is very similar to the first one. We are at the top of a rocky hill and in front of us there are a flag and a weird star. Looking around we can notice an arid and desert setting, but nothing very interesting other than the position of the sun, which is rising and thus indicates the east. As with the challenge earlier, the star seems to me peculiar enough that we can easily identify it through a reverse image search. This time we can use Yandex, a Russian search engine that was one of the first, as well as best, engines to support reverse image search.

One of the first results points us to “Castle Rock”, in Colorado. Searching it on Google Maps and enabling the 3D globe view, we can search for any suspicious highland. During the challenge, I didn’t notice the mesa was right in front of me, however using the street-view mode and looking around I immediately identified the plateau with the flag, thus finding the right place.

Original writeup (https://youtu.be/giG21dPkZ18?t=114).