Tags: crypto 

Rating: 4.0

Author: @lambdahx

I've spent way too much time on this overthinking about _poem code_ but this ended up being much easier than expected.

Using this [site](https://www.dcode.fr/cipher-identifier) i was able to identify some of the possible cyphers, including

Phillips Cipher
Keyboard Change Cipher
Base62 Encoding

The most obvious one to try seemed to be the keyboard change cipher. Decoding the result gives ABC...Z->qwerty and the following string:


Or expanded:

the frag is byuctf a message so creal a charrenge to hackels a rine we levele

After noticing that 'frag' should be 'flag' and 'creal' makes more sense as 'clear' I tried exchanging r and l and got the following string:

the flag is byuctf a message so clear a challenge to hackers a line we revere

And we submit the flag

byuctf{a message so clear a challenge to hackers a line we revere}

Original writeup (https://github.com/CyberHeroRS/writeups/blob/main/BYUCTF/2023/Crypto/Poem.md).