Tags: bruteforce rev disassembly sat devicescript vm 

Rating: 4.5

# pwnykey (rev)
Writeup by: [xlr8or](https://ctftime.org/team/235001)

Full disclosure: I haven't had time to solve this during the contest and I was very tired, so I solved it the next day. I hope it is not a problem to post a writeup about a challenge I didn't solve during the contest.

## Architecture
First let's focus on the challenge architecture. We got a compressed file with all kinds of files and folders.
* `static/` contains frontend code of the challenge website
* `Dockerfile` docker file to build a contain from, will run the whole challenge infrastructure
* `.devicescript/` contains binary for devicescript simulation, this won't concern us
* `flag.txt` yeah the flag
* `app.py` backend code for the challenge website
* `package.json` npm package config file - for installing `devicescript` CLI
* `keychecker.devs` compiled devicescript bytecode

The dataflow is as follows:
1. We enter the key on the website, which will make POST request to `/check`
2. The backend will store the key we have entered and invoke the checker, the devicescript binary
3. The devicescript binary will make a GET request to `/check` to retrieve the key we have just entered
4. The deviscescript binary will perform the checks and let the backend know about the result
5. The backend sends us the either the flag, or a failure message.

It is clear that most of the architecture here is just noise and the devicescript blob is where the main work needs to be done.

## Devicescript
Devicescript is made by Microsoft to be a typescript like language for embedded development. The source code can be compiled to a custom bytecode format, which their custom runtime written in C can execute.

After learning more about the [runtime implementation](https://microsoft.github.io/devicescript/language/runtime), I have noticed that the CLI can be used to get a disassembly. So I ran the disassembler (`node ./node_modules/@devicescript/cli/devicescript disasm -d keychecker.devs`) and got the output, however it is not as good as advertised on the linked documentation page.
proc main_F0(): @1120
locals: loc0,loc1,loc2
0: CALL prototype_F1{F1}() // 270102
???oops: Op-decode: can't find jump target 10; 0c // 0df90007
7: RETURN undefined // 2e0c
9: JMP 39 // 0d1e
???oops: Op-decode: stack underflow; 4c // 4c
???oops: Op-decode: stack underflow; 250003 // 250003
???oops: Op-decode: can't find jump target 22; 0c // 0df90007
19: RETURN undefined // 2e0c
???oops: Op-decode: can't find jump target 51; 0c // 0d1e
23: CALL ???oops op126(62, ret_val()) // 7ece2c04
???oops: Op-decode: can't find jump target 34; 0c // 0df90007
31: RETURN undefined // 2e0c
???oops: Op-decode: can't find jump target 72; 0c // 0d27
???oops: Op-decode: stack underflow; 02 // 02
???oops: Op-decode: stack underflow; 253303 // 253303
???oops: Op-decode: can't find jump target 46; 0c // 0df90007
43: RETURN undefined // 2e0c
45: JMP 89 // 0d2c
???oops: Op-decode: stack underflow; 1b34 // 1b34
???oops: Op-decode: stack underflow; 02 // 02
???oops: Op-decode: can't find jump target 57; 0c // 0df90007
54: RETURN undefined // 2e0c

These are the first few lines of the disassembly for the main function, which is the entry of devicescript binaries. There are a lot of decoding problems concerning stack underflows and missing jump targets. I won't put the full disassembly here (~4k lines), but the rest of it is full of these decoding problems. At the end we can find some useful information as well, which is like the *data section* of the binary:
Strings ASCII:
0: "start!"
1: "fetch"
2: "method"
3: "GET"
4: "headers"
5: "Headers"
6: "body"
7: "tcp"
8: "startsWith"
9: "https://"
10: "tls"
11: "http://"
12: "invalid url: {0}"
13: "/"
14: "includes"
15: "@"
16: "credentials in URL not supported: {0}"
17: ":"
18: "invalid port in url: {0}"
19: "body has to be string or buffer; got {0}"
20: "has"
21: "user-agent"
22: "DeviceScript fetch()"
23: "accept"
24: "*/*"
25: "host"
26: "connection"
27: "content-length"
28: "{0} {1} HTTP/1.1\r\n{2}\r\n"
29: "serialize"
30: "connect"
31: "Socket"
32: "buffers"
33: "emitter"
34: "_connect"
35: "port"
36: "proto"
37: "req: {0}"
38: "send"
39: "Response"
40: "socket"
41: "readLine"
42: "HTTP/1.1 "
43: "status"
44: " "
45: "statusText"
46: "ok"
47: "HTTP {0}: {1}"
48: "trim"
49: "append"
50: "{0}"
51: "http://localhost/check"
52: "text"
53: "fetched key: {0}"
54: "Invalid key"
55: "split"
56: "-"
57: "some"
58: "key format ok"
59: "passed check1"
60: "concat"
61: "reduce"
62: "passed check2"
63: "nextInt"
64: "passed check3"
65: "success!"
67: "socket {0}: {1}"
68: "check"
69: "old socket used"
70: "recv"
71: "lastError"
72: "closed"
73: "send error {0}"
74: "finish"
75: "emit"
76: "socket {0} {1} {2}"
77: "unknown event {0}"
78: "terminated"
79: "{0}://{1}:{2}"
80: "connecting to {0}"
81: "can't connect: {0}"
82: "timeout"
83: "Timeout"
84: ", "
85: "\r\n"
86: "{0}: {1}"
87: "isSpace"
88: "splitMatch"
89: "Emitter"
90: "handlers"
91: "handlerWrapper"
92: "_buffer"
93: "Assertion failed: "
94: "noop"
95: "start!"

Strings UTF8:
0: " \t\n\r\u000b\f" (62 bytes 25 codepoints)

Strings buffer:

0: 12534912000
1: 4294967295
2: 2897974129


These will be incredibly useful later, for now it is good that we notice some of the printed output when running the program inside the binary as well. We can also infer that there will be 3 checks, and this is where we know from that a request to `/check` will be made.
The binary can be run with `node ./node_modules/@devicescript/cli/devicescript run -t keychecker.devs`.

Here I got stuck for hours, I was trying to figure out how to make decompilation work better, I was trying to look into dynamic analysis, I looked into the *devtools* of the CLI. I really wasn't sure if I was missing something or if the solution was (again) to make a disassembler. I wasted a lot of time trying to avoid the latter, however in the end I did decide to go with it, since I saw no other alternative.

## Why is the disassembler failing
Let's start by looking at the file that's responsible for performing the disassembly.
# https://github.com/microsoft/devicescript/blob/ee4872a32f89e47a02cb2d05b3aab2000ca0f56b/compiler/src/disassemble.ts#L280C4-L291C6
for (const stmt of stmts) {
try {
if (opJumps(stmt.opcode)) {
const trg = byPc[stmt.intArg]
if (!trg) error(`can't find jump target ${stmt.intArg}`)
stmt.jmpTrg = trg
} catch (e) {
if (throwOnError) throw e
else stmt.error = e.message

Here is where the jump target error originates from. This happens when `byPc` doesn't contain an entry for the jump target. Let's look at what `byPc` is
# https://github.com/microsoft/devicescript/blob/ee4872a32f89e47a02cb2d05b3aab2000ca0f56b/compiler/src/disassemble.ts#L245C5-L278C6
while (pc < bend) {
try {
stmtStart = pc
jmpoff = NaN
const op = decodeOp()
const stmt = new OpStmt(op.opcode)
stmt.pc = stmtStart
stmt.pcEnd = pc
stmt.intArg = op.intArg
stmt.args = op.args
if (opJumps(stmt.opcode)) {
const trg = jmpoff + stmt.intArg
if (!(0 <= trg && trg < bytecode.length)) {
error(`invalid jmp target: ${jmpoff} + ${stmt.intArg}`)
stmt.intArg = trg

stmt.index = stmts.length
byPc[stmt.pc] = stmt
} catch (e) {
if (throwOnError) {
throw e
} else {
const stmt = new OpStmt(Op.STMT0_DEBUGGER)
stmt.error = e.message
if (stmtStart == pc) pc++
stmt.pc = stmtStart
stmt.pcEnd = pc
Here's where `byPc` gets updated. Basically whenever the decoder creates a statement it creates an entry for statement's pc in the array. And here we can already see the problem. The decoder works sequentially from the start of the instruction list to the end of it. If a jump happens to go in the middle of an instruction, the disassembler will complain, that the jump target can't be found.
However during execution this behavior is fine, as long as the instruction we decode after taking the jump is valid. Let's take an example to illustrate this point (the bytecode below is fictional):
0x00 0x01 0x02 ; call a function
0x01 0x04 ; jump 4 bytes
0x00 0x01 0x02 ; call a function
0x03 0x04 ; print 4
0x07 ; exit
Here the jump instruction would go to byte 0x04, but the decoder already has 0x04 as part of another instruction (with code 0x03). However it can be the case that after jumping to 0x04, we would get a valid instruction still, let's say that (0x04 0x07) means push 7 on the stack.
In essence the jump skips some bytes, which will never be used (0x00 0x01 0x02 0x03 here), and the decoder assumes that there are no such wasted bytes, that after one instruction another instruction follows, which is not the case here.

So now that we have identified the shortcoming of the builtin disassembler it is time to build ours.

## Making the disassembler
The [bytecode example documentation](https://microsoft.github.io/devicescript/language/runtime#bytecode-example) was helpful in getting started with the disassembler. We see that each operation is assigned some 8-bit number, some operations take extra arguments, we have immediates, we have *references* for functions, doubles, we have some builtin strings and objects

### The bytecode
A [detailed description of the bytecode](https://github.com/microsoft/devicescript/blob/main/bytecode/bytecode.md) helps with this task. This file defines all the bytecodes, some binary format constants, such as the magic byte, and some builtin string tables. Here we can check what operation an opcode belongs to, and we also get information about how many arguments an operation takes.

Important to note, that there is a stack for this VM as well. Some operations are *expressions* that put results on top of stack, and *statements* store the result in a temporary location, which can be accessed by a separate instruction. *expressions* have a return type in the document, but *statements* do not.

When taking arguments operations can use the stack and immediates as well. Parameters that being with `*` are immedates, others are taken from the stack. The rightmost argument is taken from the top of the stack, while the leftmost is at the lowest postion compared to the other arguments.

While this covers most of the operations there are come opcodes that are not listed. These were all above `0x90`, and although the documentation doesn't mention them, there's a mention of it in the bytecode example, with `0x92-0x90` meaning a constant of 2.

Providing immediates is also interesting and worth its own section.
### Immediates
Immediates are encoded to be variable length integer values.

# https://github.com/microsoft/devicescript/blob/ee4872a32f89e47a02cb2d05b3aab2000ca0f56b/compiler/src/disassemble.ts#L331C5-L346C6
function decodeInt() {
const v = getbyte()
if (v < BinFmt.FIRST_MULTIBYTE_INT) return v

let r = 0
const n = !!(v & 4)
const len = (v & 3) + 1

for (let i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
const v = getbyte()
r = r << 8
r |= v

return n ? -r : r

We get the first byte of the immediate and return it if it isn't high enough (0xf8 according to the bytecode docs). Otherwise the first byte is treated as an information byte that tells us the sign of the result, and the number of bytes that follow. The rest of the integer is decoded in a big-endian manner (MSB first), and we return the result with the proper sign.

### Handling jumps
To address the problem of the official disassembler, whenever there's an unconditional jump with a positive offset, the decoder will *take the jump* as a runtime would to avoid missing jump targets. This means that the disassembler will skip some bytes, but that is fine, since thankfully nothing returns to them later (that would have been an interesting twist to the challenge).

### Putting it all together
The disassembler will act on functions, and their bounds need to be manually specified directly in the disassembler source code. The bounds can be retrieved from the output of the official disassemler.

Some lookup tables for strings, objects and doubles are also hardcoded into the disassembler, these are taken from the official disassembler output as well.

Finally I manually added an entry for each encountered op code.

I present you the disassembler:
fp = open('./pwnykey/keychecker.devs', 'rb')
content = fp.read()

ptr = 5164
num_split = 0xf8
seek_end = 5292

opf = b"\x7f\x60\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17\x18\x19\x12\x51\x70\x31\x42\x60\x31\x31\x14\x40\x20\x20\x41\x02\x13\x21\x21\x21\x60\x60\x10\x11\x11\x60\x60\x60\x60\x60\x60\x60\x60\x10\x03\x00\x41\x40\x41\x40\x40\x41\x40\x41\x41\x41\x41\x41\x41\x42\x42\x42\x42\x42\x42\x42\x42\x42\x42\x42\x42\x42\x42\x41\x32\x21\x20\x41\x10\x30\x12\x30\x70\x10\x10\x51\x51\x71\x10\x41\x42\x40\x42\x42\x11\x60"

builtinmap = {
0: 'Math',
# -- SNIP --
43: 'GPIO_prototype',
dsmap = {
0: '',
1: 'MInfinity',
2: 'DeviceScript',
# -- SNIP --
215: 'encrypt',
216: 'decrypt',
217: 'digest',

strmap = {
0: "start!",
1: "fetch",
# -- SNIP --
95: "start!",

def get_num(cur):
if content[cur] < num_split: return content[cur], 0
is_neg = (content[cur] & 4 != 0)
loop_cnt = (content[cur] & 3) + 1
result = 0
for i in range(loop_cnt):
result <<= 8
result |= content[cur + i + 1]

return result if not is_neg else -result, loop_cnt

def op_takes_num(opc):
return opf[opc] & 0x20 != 0

def num_args(opc):
return opf[opc] & 0x0f

while ptr < seek_end:
print(hex(ptr), end=' - ')
if content[ptr] == 0x27:
print(f'func_ref {content[ptr + 1]}')
ptr += 2
elif content[ptr] == 0x02:
ptr += 1
elif content[ptr] == 0x03:
ptr += 1
elif content[ptr] == 0x04:
ptr += 1
elif content[ptr] == 0x0d:
jnum, ln = get_num(ptr + 1)
print(f'jump @+{jnum}')
ptr += jnum if jnum > 0 else 2 + ln
elif content[ptr] == 0x0e:
jnum, ln = get_num(ptr + 1)
print(f'jump if (not TOS) @+{jnum}')
ptr += 2 + ln
elif content[ptr] == 0x1e:
idx, ln = get_num(ptr + 1)
print(f'ds[{idx}] ("{dsmap[idx]}")')
ptr += 2 + ln
elif content[ptr] == 0x25:
idx, ln = get_num(ptr + 1)
print(f'ascii_string[{idx}] ("{strmap[idx]}")')
ptr += 2 + ln
elif content[ptr] >= 0x90:
print(f'TOS = {content[ptr] - 0x90}')
ptr += 1
elif content[ptr] >= len(opf) or content[ptr] == 0x00:
ptr += 1
elif content[ptr] == 0x2c:
ptr += 1
elif content[ptr] == 0x1b:
idx, ln = get_num(ptr + 1)
print(f'obj[ascii_string[{idx}]] -- obj is TOS; ("{strmap[idx]}")')
ptr += 2 + ln
elif content[ptr] == 0x12:
idx, ln = get_num(ptr + 1)
print(f'global[{idx}] = TOS')
ptr += 2 + ln
elif content[ptr] == 0x16:
idx, ln = get_num(ptr + 1)
print(f'TOS = global[{idx}]')
ptr += 2 + ln
elif content[ptr] == 0x1a:
idx, ln = get_num(ptr + 1)
print(f'obj[ds[{idx}]] -- obj is TOS ("{dsmap[idx]}")')
ptr += 2 + ln
elif content[ptr] == 0x47:
print('ST-1 != ST-2')
ptr += 1
elif content[ptr] == 0x01:
idx, ln = get_num(ptr + 1)
print(f'TOS = builtin_objs[{idx}] ("{builtinmap[idx]}")')
ptr += 2 + ln
elif content[ptr] == 0x58:
print('TOS = new(TOS)')
ptr += 1
elif content[ptr] == 0x54:
ptr += 1
elif content[ptr] == 0x4b:
idx, ln = get_num(ptr + 1)
print(f'TOS = make_closure(func_idx={idx})')
ptr += 2 + ln
elif content[ptr] == 0x11:
idx, ln = get_num(ptr + 1)
print(f'local[{idx}] = TOS')
ptr += 2 + ln
elif content[ptr] == 0x15:
idx, ln = get_num(ptr + 1)
print(f'TOS = local[{idx}]')
ptr += 2 + ln
elif content[ptr] == 0x18:
print('TOS = ST-2[ST-1]')
ptr += 1
elif content[ptr] == 0x20:
print('new Array(ST-1) -- doesnt modify stack')
ptr += 1
elif content[ptr] == 0x19:
print('ST-3[ST-2] = ST-1')
ptr += 1
elif content[ptr] == 0x28:
literal, ln = get_num(ptr + 1)
print(f'TOS = {literal}')
ptr += 2 + ln
elif content[ptr] == 0x38:
print(f'TOS = (not ST-1)')
ptr += 1
elif content[ptr] == 0x29:
idx, ln = get_num(ptr + 1)
print(f'TOS = doubles[{idx}]')
ptr += 2 + ln
elif content[ptr] == 0x46:
print(f'TOS = ST-2 < ST-1')
ptr += 1
elif content[ptr] == 0x3a:
print('TOS = ST-1 + ST-2')
ptr += 1
elif content[ptr] == 60:
print('TOS = ST-1 * ST-2')
ptr += 1
elif content[ptr] == 66:
print('TOS = ST-2 >> ST-1')
ptr += 1
elif content[ptr] == 62:
print('TOS = ST-2 & ST-1')
ptr += 1
elif content[ptr] == 64:
print('TOS = ST-2 ^ ST-1')
ptr += 1
elif content[ptr] == 65:
print('TOS = ST-2 << ST-1')
ptr += 1
elif content[ptr] == 0xc:
print('return ST-1')
ptr += 1
elif content[ptr] == 36:
idx, ln = get_num(ptr + 1)
print(f'TOS = ds[{idx}] ("{dsmap[idx]}")')
ptr += 2 + ln
print(f'unknown byte code {content[ptr]} @ {ptr}')

Note: I have omitted most mapping entries for clarity, however they can be easily reconstructed from the official disassembler output, and the bytecode docs.
The code could be nicer by utilizing some information about the opcodes and re-using code, but it is good enough for now.

The disassembler further help by performing lookups for strings, builtin strings and builtin objects.

## Decompiling
The disassembly of `main` is already quite nice, just below 400 lines, with friendly js-like instructions. However I wanted to gain a better understanding of the binary, so I have converted the disassembly (manually) to a js-like format.

I won't put the disassembled results here for clarity, but they can be generated using the script above and modifying the bounds, so that the desired function is disassembled.

Besides `main` I have converted (manually) all other functions that were referenced (except for `fetch` and the very first function that all devicescript binaries call, since their function is either clear or not important to the challenge -- although it would have been funny if `fetch` was overridden to modify the result hehe).
So here's the (manually) decompiled version of the devicescript binary:
print(format("start!"), 62)
const resp = fetch("http://localhost/check")
const result = resp.text().trim() // global[4]
print(format("fetched key: {0}", result), 62)
if (result.length != 29) throw new Error("Invalid key")

const keyParts = result.split("-"); // global[5]
if (keyParts.length != 5) throw new Error("Invalid key")

function func7(part) {
retrun part.length != 5;

function func8(arg) {
return arg.split("").some(func14);

function func9(arg) {
return arg.split("").map(func15);

function func10(a, b) {
let res = [];
for (let i = 0; i < a.length; ++i) res.push(a[i]);
for (let i = 0; i < b.length; ++i) res.push(b[i]);
return res;

function func11(a, b) {
return a + b;

function func12(a, b) {
return a * b;

function func14(x) {
return "0123456789ABCDFGHJKLMNPQRSTUWXYZ".includes(x);

function func15(x) {
return "0123456789ABCDFGHJKLMNPQRSTUWXYZ".indexOf(x);

const res = keyParts.some(func7);
if (res) throw new Error("Invalid key")

const res2 = keyParts.some(func8);
if (res2) throw new Error("Invalid key")

print(format("key format ok"), 62)

let vres1 = keyParts.map(func9); // local[0]
const vp0 = vres[0]; // global[6]
const vp1 = vres[1]; // global[7]
const vp2 = vres[2]; // global[8]
const vp3 = vres[3]; // global[9]
const vp4 = vres[4]; // global[10]

vres1 = format("{0}", vp0) // local[0]
const varr1 = new Array(5); // local[1]
varr1[0] = 30;
varr1[1] = 10;
varr1[2] = 21;
varr1[3] = 29;
varr1[4] = 10;

if (vres != format("{0}", varr1)) throw new Error("Invalid key")

print(format("passed check1"), 62)

let vres2 = func10(vp1, vp2); // global[11]
if (vres2.reduce(func11, 0) != 134) throw new Error("Invalid key")
if (vres2.recude(func12, 1) != 12534912000) throw new Error("Invalid key") // constant from doubles[0]

print(format("passed check2"), 62)

let vv3 = vp3; // global[12]
let vv3_2 = 1337; // global[13]
const d1 = 0; // TODO constant from doubles[1]

function func13() {
let x = vv3.pop();
x = ((x >> 2) & d1) ^ x;
x = ((x << 1) & d1) ^ x;
x = (((vv3[0] << 4) ^ vv3[0]) & d1) ^ x
vv3_2 = (13371337 + vv3_2) & d1


return x + vv3_2;

for (let i = 0; i < 420; ++i) f3 = func13();

const varr3 = new Array(3); // local[0]
varr3[0] = func13();
varr3[1] = func13();
varr3[2] = func13();

const vr3 = format("{0}", varr3); // local[0]

const varr3_2 = new Array(3); // local[1]
varr3_2[0] = doubles[2];
varr3_2[1] = -549922559;
varr3_2[2] = -387684011;

const vr3_2 = format("{0}", varr3_2);
if (vr3 != vr3_2) throw new Error("Invalid key")

print(format("passed check3"), 62)
print(format("success!"), 62)
return 0;

The checks can be clearly seen from this version. Some comments are placed to indicate where some variable is placed in `locals` or `globals` array in the VM.

Based on this we can begin the journey to construct a working pwnyos key.

## Forging a key
As can be seen from the above code, the key should be 29 chars long, have 5 parts of length 5 separated by `-`. Each part can contain the 10 digits and uppercase ascii letters, expect captial O, capital I, capital E and capital V.

After this the key format is deemed valid, and the checks are executed. There are 3 checks in total, and the last group of 5 chars is never checked.

Each character is converted to its index in the array of valid characters for future processing.

### Check 1
This check will ensure that the first group of 5 chars is correct. It will do so by comparing the first 5 entries against a hard coded value. Since these values are the indices of the characters in the valid character array, reversing the operation to get the actual characters is trivial.
valid_chars = '0123456789ABCDFGHJKLMNPQRSTUWXYZ'

part1 = [None] * 5
part1[0] = valid_chars[30];
part1[1] = valid_chars[10];
part1[2] = valid_chars[21];
part1[3] = valid_chars[29];
part1[4] = valid_chars[10];


### Check 2
The complexity is ramping up. First we merge the index array for the second and third part of the key, so that it becomes an array of size 10, still containing indices of the chars in the valid char array.
The sum of all items in this newly generated array should be 134 and their product should be 12534912000.
We can ~~brute force~~ SAT solve this:
from z3 import *
def get_part2():
result = [ BitVec("k%s" % (i), 32) for i in range(10) ]
s = Solver()

sm = 0
prod = 1
for tok in result:
s.add(tok >= 1)
s.add(tok < len(valid_chars))
sm = sm + tok
prod = prod * tok

s.add(sm == 134)
s.add(prod == 12534912000)

m = s.model()

psat = []
for i in range(len(result)):


sm = 0
prod = 1
for x in psat:
sm += x
prod *= x

print(sm, prod)

part23 = ""
for x in psat:
part23 += valid_chars[x]

print(part23[:5] + '-' + part23[5:])

Maybe interesting to note here is that if I set the bit vector size to 8 bits (since the individual values shouldn't exceed this) the solver returns invalid results, however with 32-bit we get valid results.

### Check 3
(during this I ran out of contest time and fell asleep)

This check is the most complicated. A function is called which does computations on the 4th group of 5 chars (still the index array) 420 times. Then the next 3 results of the function are checked against some hardcoded values.

I have tried SAT solving this, but I didn't manage to make it work I still need to get better at these types of challenges.
So let's ~~SAT solve~~ brute force this problem, as the search space is *not that bad*.

#include <cstdio>
#include <deque>

using namespace std;

void print_array(int* arr, size_t length) {
for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
printf("%d, ", arr[i]);

int vv3_2 = 1337;
int d1 = 4294967295;
int d2 = 2897974129;

long long func13(deque<int>& vv3) {
int x = vv3.back(); vv3.pop_back();
x = ((x >> 2) & d1) ^ x;
x = ((x << 1) & d1) ^ x;
x = (((vv3[0] << 4) ^ vv3[0]) & d1) ^ x;
vv3_2 = (13371337 + vv3_2) & d1;


return x + vv3_2;

int check(int* arr) {
deque<int> copy {arr[0], arr[1], arr[2], arr[3], arr[4]};
vv3_2 = 1337;
for (int i = 0; i < 420; ++i) func13(copy);
int a1 = func13(copy);
int a2 = func13(copy);
int a3 = func13(copy);

return (a1 == d2 && a2 == -549922559 && a3 == -387684011) ? 1 : 0;

int dfs(int cur, int* arr) {
if (cur == 5) {
int res = check(arr);
if (res == 1) {
print_array(arr, 5);
return res;

for (int i = 0; i < 32; ++i) {
if (cur == 0) printf("at %d\n", i);
arr[cur] = i;
if (dfs(cur + 1, arr) == 1) return 1;

return 0;

int main() {
int arr[5] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
dfs(0, &arr[0]);
return 0;

I have decided to write this in c++, because I didn't trust python with keeping the numbers to be signed 32-bit values. After running this for a bit, we do get a result that satisfies all conditions.

valid_chars = '0123456789ABCDFGHJKLMNPQRSTUWXYZ'
k = [14, 11, 22, 2, 27]
part4 = ''
for x in k:
part4 += valid_chars[x]

## The end
So the final activation key to pwnyos is: YANXA-CC52K-5TG8Z-FBP2U-12345 (you can vary the last 5 chars if someone activated pwnyos already with this one ;) )
And the flag I got after the contest has ended is: uiuctf{abbe62185750af9c2e19e2f2}