
# Tenable Capture the Flag 2023

## Cyberpunk Cafe

> This trend of restaurants getting rid of hard copies of their menus is kinda annoying, but this new cyberpunk-themed cafe is taking it a bit too far. Check out what they gave me.
> Author: N/A
> [`challenge.txt`](https://github.com/D13David/ctf-writeups/blob/main/tenablectf23/stego/cyberpunk_cafe/challenge.txt)

Tags: _stego_

## Solution
A file with the following content is given.

Thanks for visiting the Cyberpunk Cafe! Please use the code below to see what we have to offer:


Trying to decode this bitstring didn't lead to anything so I did a bit closer inspection of the pattern. Since if looking closely some sort of `pixel islands` can be recognized. For better visibility I converted 0 to ▓ and 1 to ░ and put the result in a texteditor.


Then I noticed that increasing and decreasing did move the islands and I thought that this might be a 2D image. Not knowing the width and height I increased and decreased the window size of my texteditor until...


... this piece of art appeared. Scanning the QR code reveiled the flag.

Flag `flag{br1ng_b4ck_phys1c4l_menu5}`

Original writeup (https://github.com/D13David/ctf-writeups/blob/main/tenablectf23/stego/cyberpunk_cafe/README.md).