Tags: game hacking 


# CCCamp CTF 2023

## Boss

> The best kind of gamehacking: smash the overpowered boss enemy.
> George returned from his mountain vaccation and continues to roam the prehistoric earth, still causing troubles for CTF players. Get your revenge and beat him to death!
> Author: 0x45da
> [`camp_gamedev-public.zip`](https://github.com/D13David/ctf-writeups/blob/main/cccampctf23/game_hacking/boss/../camp_gamedev-public.zip)

Tags: _game_

## Solution
We start to explore the world a bit. At some point the green biome ends and some ice biome starts. The guardian warns us of some mean dinos in the icy land. This sounds like the right place to find the `overpowered boss enemy`.


Since the boss enemy really is overpowered, there is no way to defeat him with the default player strength and health. So lets analyze the code a bit, and see what we can do.

The game has a `client-server` architecture. This basically expludes all easy local hacking of properties, since the server will most likely keep track of the game state. So lets see what happens when the player attacks a enemy.

def _update_move(self, dt: float) -> None:
game: Game = cast("Game", client.scene_manager.current_scene)

self.velocity_x = 0
self.velocity_y = 0

keys = cast(Dict[int, bool], client.scene_manager.keys.data)
controller = client.scene_manager.controller

# ....

if client.game_state.session_type == SessionType.SESSION_TYPE_NORMAL:
match keys:
case {key.SPACE: True}:
if self.can_attack():
self._attacking = True
self._last_attack = time.time()

case _:
# ....

So, in `_update_move` the player input is handled. When pressing `space` the player checks if he can attack and then tries to find a enemy to attack.

def can_attack(self):
return time.time() > self._last_attack + 0.600 # One attack is 600ms

This looks interesting. The 600ms timeout is calculated locally, so we can try to remove it for faster attack rate. This might be something the server counters, but it does not hurt. So we change this to always return `true`.

def _find_attack_enemy(self):
direction = self.rotation_to_directionproto()
].frame_index = 0 # Reset attack animation to start
self.sprite = self.sprites[Activity.ACTIVITY_ATTACKING][direction]

objects_in_range: List[Enemy] = client.game_state.get_objects_in_range(

enemy_obj = None
# print("Obj in range: " + str(len(objects_in_range)))

if len(objects_in_range) == 0:

enemy_obj = objects_in_range[0] # TODO: Differentiate between enemies

time=datetime.now(), uuid=enemy_obj.uuid, damage=10

Next the game tries to check for attackeable enemies within `20` units radius. If a candidate is found the client notifies the server about the attack with a fixed damage of `10`.

async def _attack_enemy(self, uuid: str, message: AttackEnemy) -> None:
# ....

if not server.game_state.fight_manager.is_plausible_attack(
user=user, enemy=enemy, attack_msg=message
print("not plausible attack")
return # TODO: Not plausible message to client?

if not server.game_state.fight_manager.can_take_damage_enemy(
enemy_uuid=enemy.uuid, cooldown_ticks=30
): # TODO: Dynamic cooldown for attacks
print("Enemy can't get damage again, cooldown not reached")
return # TODO: Not plausible message to client?

await enemy.take_damage(message.damage)

# ....

The server checks for various things like if user and enemy are valid. But also if the attack properties are `plausible` and if the enemy can take damage.

def can_take_damage_enemy(self, enemy_uuid: str, cooldown_ticks: int = 30) -> bool:
# User not in list => Store and allow to take damage
if not enemy_uuid in self.user_damage_cooldowns:
self.enemy_damage_cooldowns[enemy_uuid] = time.time()
return True

last_damage_timestamp = self.enemy_damage_cooldowns[enemy_uuid]
ticks_passed = (time.time() - last_damage_timestamp) * SERVER_TICK_RATE

# Cooldown did not pass yet
if ticks_passed < cooldown_ticks:
return False

self.enemy_damage_cooldowns[enemy_uuid] = time.time()
return True

def is_plausible_attack(self, user: User, enemy: Enemy, attack_msg: AttackEnemy):
# Check if attack direction is plausible:

# Check if damage is plausible
if attack_msg.damage > 11:
return False

if attack_msg.damage < 0:
return False

# Check if enemy is in range of weapon
dist_x = (user.coords.x - enemy.x) ** 2
dist_y = (user.coords.y - enemy.y) ** 2
max_attack_distance = 400 # TODO: Find good value, maybe dynamic from weapon
if dist_x + dist_y > max_attack_distance:
return False

attack_timestamp = time.mktime(attack_msg.time.timetuple())

if not enemy.uuid in self.enemy_damage_cooldowns:
self.enemy_damage_cooldowns[enemy.uuid] = attack_timestamp
return True

# TODO: Get dynamic from current user weapon
weapon_cooldown_ticks = 30

last_damage_timestamp = self.enemy_damage_cooldowns[enemy.uuid]

ticks_passed = (attack_timestamp - last_damage_timestamp) * SERVER_TICK_RATE
if ticks_passed > weapon_cooldown_ticks:
self.enemy_damage_cooldowns[enemy.uuid] = time.mktime(

return True
return False

Ok, changing the damage to a high value will not work, since everything damage value greater `11` will be recognized as `implausible`. Also the player distance to the enemy is checked, so no range weapons are allowed. Also the attack cooldown is checked here, so we cannot increase the hit rate for the client.

This looks all save, more or less at least. So lets see what happens when the enemy takes damage. For base entities just the health is decreased.

async def take_damage(self, damage: int) -> None:
self.health -= damage

There is a specialization `BossPatrolEnemy` that puts a flag in the players inventory when the enemy dies. But nothing interesting that can be done here, except we have a hint for what to watch out in code to find other places where flags are added to the players inventory.

class BossPatrolEnemy(PatrolEnemy):
def __init__(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None:
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)

async def take_damage(self, damage: int) -> None:
self.health -= damage

if self.user_uuid is None:

if self.health <= 0:
success = await server.game_state.give_item(
if success:
await server.global_server.update_self(self.user_uuid)

But we still cannot defeat the boss. So lets check what happens when the player takes damage. Lets check the `PatrolEnemy` in server code.

class PatrolEnemy(Enemy):
patrol_path: NPCPath
speed: float

def __init__(
self, path: Polygon | None, speed: float, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any
) -> None:
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)

self.speed = speed

self.patrol_path = NPCPath(path=path, speed=speed, loop=True)



The enemies behaviour is implemented with a simple state machine. As per default the enemy is in `patrol state`. If the player is moving to close the enemy changes from `patrol` to `aggro state` and tries to reach the player until being in attack range. If the player is reached the enemy goes from `aggro` to `attack state` and sends a `GiveDamage` packet to the client after a attack happened.

if time.time() > self.last_attack + AttackingState.ATTACK_SPEED:
await server.global_server.give_damage(
self_obj.uuid, 7, include_user_ids=[self_obj.user_uuid]
self.last_attack = time.time()
self_obj.last_attack = time.time()

The client then recieves the message and sends back a `AcknowledgeDamage` damage packet with the amount of acknowledged damage.

case {"giveDamage": inner_message}:

async def _acknowledge_damage(self, uuid: str, message: AcknowledgeDamage) -> None:
user_uuid = server.game_state.peer_sessions[self.peer].user_id
user = server.game_state.get_user(uuid=user_uuid)

if user is None:

response = ServerMessage(uuid=uuid)

if (
username=user.username, cooldown_ticks=30
and message.damage > 0
user.health -= message.damage

await self.network_queue.put((response, None))

await server.global_server.update_self(user.uuid)

The server then receives the `AcknowledgeDamage` package checks if the user can take damage and if the damage taken is greater `0` and decreases the user healt... So, we easily can turn on `god mode` by just not acknowledgeing damage (sending `0` for `message.damage`)?

Now we indeed can handle this boss


and after a while the boss drops the flag.


Flag `ALLES!{L3ss_annoying_th3n_qualifier_Ge0rge_right?}`

Original writeup (https://github.com/D13David/ctf-writeups/blob/main/cccampctf23/game_hacking/boss/README.md).