
Open with a hex editor. Immediately at the top, there's some suspicious JavaScript at the beginning of the file! It seems obfuscated so let's deobfuscate it.

[https://deobfuscate.io/](http://) tells us that it's likely from [https://obf-io.deobfuscate.io/](http://), so go over there to deobfuscate the code:

var whutisthis = 1;
bUI: true,
bSilent: false,
bShrinkToFit: true

Seems useless...

But, wait! There's some suspicious code in the obfuscated code:


In particular, the following strings seems like they could be part of the flag:


Hm. Well, there's an if statement here that checks if the variable whutisthis is equal to 1. What if we set it equal to 0 and deobfuscate that?

var whutisthis = 0;
function pdf() {
a = "_15N7_17";
b = "i293m1d}";
c = "_l3jaf9c";
console.log(a + c + b);

So now we know our flag ends with "_15N7_17_l3jaf9ci293m1d}"!

If you go towards the end of the file, right above the large space of 0x20's, you'll find a suspicious string:


This looks base64 encoded -- let's decode it! If you do, you'll get the following text:
In this question, the flag has been divided into 3 parts. You have found the first part of the flag!! TCP1P{D01n9_F023n51C5

So now we know our flag starts with "TCP1P{D01n9_F023n51C5", and we need one more part!

Admittedly, it took me a while to figure out what to do after this. However, I eventually thought -- what if something is hidden in the image file located on the PDF? Thus, I went to [https://tools.pdf24.org/en/extract-images](http://) to extract the image. To my surprise, there was actually another image hidden in the PDF file, which contained the last part of the flag!


In retrospect, this probably could have been observed by the following lines in the PDF file:

<</Image11 10 0 R/Image12 11 0 R>>

This implies that there is not just one but two images in this file, and thus it is suitable to extract the images to take a look at that second hidden image.

Thus, our flag is
