
# SunshineCTF 2023

## Dill

> Originally this was going to be about pickles, but .pyc sounds close enough to "pickles" so I decided to make it about that instead.
> Author: N/A
> [`dill.cpython-38.pyc`](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/D13David/ctf-writeups/main/sunshinectf23/rev/dill/dill.cpython-38.pyc)

Tags: _rev_

## Solution
For this challenge we get some compiled bytecode. We easily can decompile this by using [`pycdc`](https://github.com/zrax/pycdc).

class Dill:
prefix = 'sun{'
suffix = '}'
o = [

def __init__(self = None):
self.encrypted = 'bGVnbGxpaGVwaWNrdD8Ka2V0ZXRpZGls'

def validate(self = None, value = None):
if not value.startswith(Dill.prefix) or value.endswith(Dill.suffix):
return False
value = None[len(Dill.prefix):-len(Dill.suffix)]
if len(value) != 32:
return False
c = (lambda .0 = None: [ value[i:i + 4] for i in .0 ])(range(0, len(value), 4))
value = None((lambda .0 = None: [ c[i] for i in .0 ])(Dill.o))
if value != self.encrypted:
return False

The `validate` function takes some input, encrypts it and checks if the encrypted value is the same as what is in `self.encrypted`. We have to find a value that matches then. The first condition (which the decompiler failed to understand) is that the input is pre- and suffixed with `sun{` respectively `}`. Then a `32` byte long value is expected that is seperated in 4 character chunks and reordered with help of the indirection table `o`.

This is easy to reverse, we take the `encrypted` version, split in 4 character chunks and inverse the ordering. If we do so, we get `ZGlsbGxpa2V0aGVwaWNrbGVnZXRpdD8K`. This is base64 encoded and decodes to `dilllikethepicklegetit?`. Submitting this as flag is not accepted, but submitting the base64 encoded version is.

Flag `sun{ZGlsbGxpa2V0aGVwaWNrbGVnZXRpdD8K}`

Original writeup (https://github.com/D13David/ctf-writeups/blob/main/sunshinectf23/rev/dill/README.md).