Tags: osint 

Rating: 3.0

# Task
### Mama y Papa

Alejandro has been seen as an easy mark for DEADFACE. Do a sweep of his social media to see what information DEADFACE was able to gather on Alejandro. Scroll through Alejandro's Social media to find out the name of his father and mother.

Submit the flag as: flag{father<3mother}
Example: flag{John<3Susan}

# Writeup

Searching for the keyword “Alejandro” on the ghost town forum gave this result,


Looking up the provided profile through the provided link gives us the target's full name, **Alejandro Ricardo Montoya de la Rosa Rodriguez**

His family isn't on Facebook, but I'll bet if we look at other popular social media (Instagram) we'll find some more pictures with him.

This is the Instagram profile we find when using his whole name in the search.


Same profile picture, we must be on the right track!


This post on his profile tells us that his parents are Carmelo and Delfina.

So the flag must be:


Original writeup (https://github.com/WatTheWat/ctf-writeups/blob/main/deadface-Mama_Y_Papa.md).