
# solution

This is the first of a three part game challenge modelled after Baba Is You

Solving the first level requires you to clip through the `sun` object right above the first flag. The challenge can be solved completely blind by experimenting with the objects on the grid. If one overlaps two `non-push` objects and then makes them both `push`, the resulting push movement results in the second object thrown across two blocks. This will allow the player to clip/leap over obstacles.

```import pwn
p = pwn.remote("localhost", 1337)
moves = "ddddddddddddssssssdassdwwwwwwwwwwwwwddddddsswwwwaaaaasadwawaasdssssssasdwdssswwwwwwwwawwdsddddasdssaaawsddddwwaaaddddddsssssdddddwwasdsaaaaaaaaaasawwwwwsdwssssddddddddddsaaaaaaaasawwwwwwddddsssssddddsaasawwwwwwwdwaaaasddddssssddwaawassssasddddwdssssswwwwwwwaaaaaaaaawwdwwwsssaaaawaassasddddddddddwdssssssasddddwdsswwwwwwaaaaawwwwwwwwwaaassddsssssdddddssdsssssssadwwwwwwwaaaaaaawaaawawwwwsddwassssssssdswwddsadsasw"