Tags: gameboy game-hacking 


# 1337UP LIVE CTF 2023

## Virtual RAM

> I wonder what the old man is talking about ?
> Author: Mohamed Adil
> Password is "infected"
> [`VirtualRAM.zip`](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/D13David/ctf-writeups/main/1337uplive/rev/virtual_ram/VirtualRAM.zip)

Tags: _rev_

## Solution
After unpacking the archive we get a file named `VirtualRam`, using `file` on the file gives us.

$ file VirtualRam
VirtualRam: Game Boy ROM image: "VIRTUALRAM" (Rev.01) [MBC5+RAM+BATT], ROM: 1Mbit, RAM: 256Kbit

So a `Game Boy ROM`, we need to find a fitting emulator, best with debugging capabilities. [`BGB`](https://bgb.bircd.org/) is exactly what we need for this job. After opening the ROM we can start a new game.


We can't do much except talk to the `NPC` which will tell us `It's dangerous to go alone - View the VRAM`. All right, then we should do so.


And horray, there is the flag, lying unused, and a bit scrambled, in `vram`. After reordering the tiles we get the flag.


Flag `INTIGRITI{H3r0_0F_t1M3}`

Original writeup (https://github.com/D13David/ctf-writeups/blob/main/1337uplive/rev/virtual_ram/README.md).