Tags: rev upx
# 1337UP LIVE CTF 2023
## imPACKful
> This program seems to be compressed but still can be executed, I wonder what could cause that..
> Author: Mohamed Adil
> Password is "infected"
> [`imPACKful.zip`](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/D13David/ctf-writeups/main/1337uplive/rev/impackful/imPACKful.zip)
Tags: _rev_
## Solution
We get again a zip which contains an executable. After inspecting it with `Ghidra` we see a whole lot of `UPX` sections which hints that the binary was packed with [`UPX`](https://upx.github.io/). We can use the same tool to unpack the binary. On the unpacked binary we use `strings` and get the flag.