
Navigating to the website gives a page with the message:

`You are not coming from "http://flagland.internal/".`

This looks like it'a reference to the `Referer` header. More info on this header here: <https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/Referer>

Using Burp Suite we can tamper with the request and include the header `Referer: http://flagland.internal/` in the request

GET / HTTP/1.1
Referer: http://flagland.internal/


That request gives us a new page with the message in the content:

`<div class="msg" style="">Unspecified "secret".</div>`

This could be a clue to use a query parameter in the url. Let's modify the request to include it and set the query parmeter

GET /?secret HTTP/1.1
Referer: http://flagland.internal/


Bingo! This gives us another clue

<div class="msg" style="">
Incorrect secret.

The protocol being used is `http` so let's set the value of the `secret` query parameter to `secret=http`

<div class="msg" style="">
Sorry we don't have "GET" here but we might have other things like "FLAG".

Another clue. Let's change the GET in the request to FLAG

FLAG /?secret=http HTTP/1.1
Referer: http://flagland.internal/


And this last request gets us the flag!
