Tags: miscellaneous misc 

Rating: 5.0

This was a pretty simple challenge if you have some knowledge of terraform. We are given the `.tf` files for the challenge and see that there is a variable named `FLAG`. We also see in the challenge script that if the flag is in the output then we get a monkey as the output an no flag. So we need a terraform function that modified the variable value in some way.

After checking the Terraform console function docs we see there is a function called `strrev` which reverses the value it's given. Why you would even need this in an IaC tool is beyond me, but a flag is a flag, so let's give it a try.

└─$ nc 50002

_____ ___ ___
|_ _| | \/ |
| | ___ _ __ _ __ __ _| . . | ___ _____ __
| |/ _ \ '__| '__/ _` | |\/| |/ _ \/ _ \ \ /\ / /
| | __/ | | | | (_| | | | | __/ (_) \ V V /
\_/\___|_| |_| \__,_\_| |_/\___|\___/ \_/\_/

[+] Welcome challenger to the epic IAC Madness
Enter terraform console commands (Enter an empty line to end):


└─$ echo "}3t4T_0rDnA_3t4Ts_fT{hgu4Lx0" | rev


Flag: `0xL4ugh{Tf_sT4t3_AnDr0_T4t3}`