Tags: web xss 


# New Housing System

## Description
After that old portal, we decided to make a new one that is ultra secure and not based off any real housing sites.
Can you make Samy tell you his deepest darkest secret?

Site - new-housing-portal.chall.lac.tf
Admin Bot - https://admin-bot.lac.tf/new-housing-portal

## Provided Files

## Writeup

Starting off I instantly knew that this was a `XSS` vulnerability.
In CTF challenges where there is an `admin-bot` to visit a website this is almost always the case.
Knowing this I searched the flag in the provided code.
users.set('samy', {
username: 'samy',
name: 'Samy Kamkar',
deepestDarkestSecret: process.env.FLAG || 'lactf{test_flag}',
password: process.env.ADMINPW || 'owo',
invitations: [],
registration: Infinity
In the code above the flag is being injected into a user account.

const $ = q => document.querySelector(q);
const $all = q => document.querySelectorAll(q);

(async () => {
const { invitations } = await fetch('/invitation').then(r => r.json());
$('.invitations').innerHTML = invitations.map((inv) => `
<div class="invitation">
<div class="col">
<div class="from">From: ${inv.from}</div>
<div class="secret">Deepest Darkest Secret: ${inv.deepestDarkestSecret}</div>
<div class="col">

$all('button').forEach((button) => {
button.addEventListener('click', () => {
alert('Sorry! The System is under load, cannot accept invite!');
In the code above the flag would be loaded as `deepestDarkestSecret`.
Keeping this in mind I searched for the `XSS` entrypoint.
I was able to find it in the endpoint `/finder` using the query `?q=XSS`.

Putting this together for a test I created a user with the XSS as the name below.


After creating this user I visited the URL `https://new-housing-portal.chall.lac.tf/finder/?q=` which resulted in an alert being executed in my browser.
Having this working `XSS` vulnerability I now had to forge a `XSS payload` to send an invite to my account so I can put it into an URL and use it on the `admin-bot`.

After some tampering I found a working payload.

fetch('https://new-housing-portal.chall.lac.tf/finder', {

Taking a look at the javascript code we can see that it takes my username to send a `POST` request with it to the endpoint `/finder`.
Finished URL:

Using this URL in the `admin-bot` I was able to obtain the flag which concludes this writeup.
From: samy
Deepest Darkest Secret: lactf{b4t_m0s7_0f_a77_y0u_4r3_my_h3r0}

Original writeup (https://github.com/Aryt3/writeups/blob/main/jeopardy_ctfs/2024/La_CTF/new_housing_portal/).