Tags: forensics 


Audio Problems - Forensics - 50 points

Hint:We intercepted this audio signal, it sounds like there could be something hidden in it.
Can you take a look and see if you can find anything?
Url: https://play.icec.tf/problem-static/audio_problems_210b88f2232e1c9d770bb5d2069c47aabb86301b0adc7ad606956394a00f298b.wav

Download the file and open it with an spectrum analyzer.
I used the page : https://academo.org/demos/spectrum-analyzer/

When playing the song and looking at the spectrum you will see the flag.

FLAG: IceCTF{y0U_b3t7Er_l15TeN_cL053lY}

Original writeup (https://github.com/Idomin/CTF-Writeups/blob/master/IceCTF/AudioProblems-Forensics-50).