
# Machine Trouble

tag: medium e4stw1nd

I don't think even smart people like you can get the flag out of such a machine with so little memory. Prove me wrong. If you find it, enclose the flag in pearl{}.

NOTE: Flag does not have any upper case character and number.

## Solve

We are welcome with this, which is the true problem

(ins)→ nc dyn.ctf.pearlctf.in 30018
ooooooooo. oooooooooooo .o. ooooooooo. ooooo
`888 `Y88. `888' `8 .888. `888 `Y88. `888'
888 .d88' 888 .8"888. 888 .d88' 888
888ooo88P' 888oooo8 .8' `888. 888ooo88P' 888
888 888 " .88ooo8888. 888`88b. 888
888 888 o .8' `888. 888 `88b. 888 o
o888o o888ooooood8 o88o o8888o o888o o888o o888ooooood8

Welcome to The Finite State Machine:
The flag is set as the input string, and the alphabets of the language are set to a-z, {, }, _.
Here, you can define your own states and transitions.
If there is no defined transition for a particular letter, then the machine gets trapped.
It must be a DFA, not an NFA.
An output of 1 means that the string is present in the language; 0 means otherwise.
'@' takes the machine from one state to another by consuming any one letter.
'~l' takes the machine from one state to another by consuming one letter unless the letter is 'l'.
Example: '5 @ 6' takes the machine from state 5 to state 6 for all letters.
Example: '6 ~b 7' takes the machine from state 6 to state 7 for all letters except 'b'.
Enter number of states:

What we can do is rather simple, we new create a machine that run on the flag, what this mean is
- We chose our machine
- have how much state `S` - Zero index
- stated state alway set to 0
- (at least one) final states `f[] = [...]`
- how much transitor `T`
- define exact transition with two type `t[] = [...]`
- '@' consume a character (which I assumming we running on flag character here)
- '~a' consume a character unless the letter is 'a'
- Each transitor can tranform a state to other state with one of either type

Now let start with a string, and a defined machine

- This machine jump state one by one, with any character

length = 11
t = ["".join([str(i), ' @ ', str(i+1)]) for i in range(length-1)]
T = len(t)
S = len(t) + 1
f = [S - 1]

print(" ".join([str(i) for i in f]))

for line in t:

Not thing much, I trial and error until i found a length where it not stuck

- This machine not allow a single character

> the alphabets of the language are set to a-z, {, }, _.

# ...
t = ["".join([str(i), ' ~b ', str(i+1)]) for i in range(length-1)]
# ...

So we update the code that automate this process for us, base on the final byte return by nc
import time
import socket

class Netcat:
""" Python 'netcat like' module """

def __init__(self, ip, port):
self.buff = ""
self.socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
self.socket.connect((ip, port))

def read(self, length=1024):
""" Read 1024 bytes off the socket """
return self.socket.recv(length)

def read_until(self, data):
""" Read data into the buffer until we have data """
while data not in self.buff:
self.buff += self.socket.recv(1024).decode("ascii")

pos = self.buff.find(data)
rval = self.buff[:pos + len(data)]
self.buff = self.buff[pos + len(data):]

return rval

def write(self, data):

def close(self):

def crafted(f=None, position=None):
result = ""
length = 11
t = ["".join([str(i), ' @ ', str(i+1)]) for i in range(length-1)]
if f is not None:
if position is not None:
t[position] = "".join([str(position), f' ~{f} ', str(position+1)])
t = ["".join([str(i), f' ~{f} ', str(i+1)])
for i in range(length-1)]

T = len(t)
S = len(t) + 1
f = [S - 1]

result += str(S) + '\n'
result += " ".join([str(i) for i in f]) + '\n'
result += str(T) + '\n'
for line in t:
result += line + '\n'
return result

# whitelist = "_acdefhk"
for i in 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz':
s = Netcat('dyn.ctf.pearlctf.in', 30018)

data = bytes(crafted(i), 'ascii')
buf = s.read()
buf = s.read()
print(i, buf[-2])

output, i seperate those with b"49"
a 46
b 49
c 46
d 46
e 46
f 46
g 49
h 46
i 49
j 49
k 46
l 49
m 49
n 49
o 49
p 49
q 49
r 49
s 49
t 49
u 49
v 49
w 49
x 49
y 49
z 49

I can test that we have
# blacklist = "bgijl..z{},"
whitelist = "_acdefhk"

- Final step, just try and error every character, the helper function already cover it so all we have is just update some param
whitelist = "_acdefhk"
result = ""
for pos in range(11):
for i in whitelist:
s = Netcat('dyn.ctf.pearlctf.in', 30018)

data = bytes(crafted(i, pos), 'ascii')
buf = s.read()
buf = s.read()
print(pos, i, buf[-2])
if buf[-2] == 46:
result += i

output that I already trim-out b"49"
0 d 46
1 f 46
2 a 46
3 _ 46
4 h 46
5 a 46
6 c 46
7 k 46
8 e 46
9 d 46


Only thing left is
> enclose the flag in pearl{}


Original writeup (https://github.com/nghiango1/pearlctf-writeup/edit/main/miscellaneous/Machine%20Trouble/).