Tags: misc make_jail make bash_jail 


# Misc: made-harder
solver: [L3d](https://github.com/imL3d)
writeup-writer: [L3d](https://github.com/imL3d)
**Author:** doubledelete
> the third makejail

**files (copy):** [app.py](https://github.com/C0d3-Bre4k3rs/WolvCTF2024-Writeups/blob/main/made-harder/files/app.py)

In this challenge we receive a site (and it's code), that allows us to write and execute a GNU Make recipe, with some restrictions.
We need to bypass those restrictions and get the flag.
Essentially, a Make jail.

## Solution

*This Challenge is the third challenge out of a series of 4 challenges.*

This challenge seems very similar to the previous ones. It has few minor changes:
1. The restrictions on the content are different, we are only allowed to use the special characters: `!@#$%^&*()[]{}<> `

This restriction isn't really restricting when it comes to bash, as we have a lot we can do with only speical characters (read more about it [here](https://github.com/C0d3-Bre4k3rs/Misc)). But this is much simpler than a regular bash jail, as we have the Make language in our side to help here a little.

In Make, there are [Automatic Variables](https://www.gnu.org/software/make/manual/html_node/Automatic-Variables.html) - variables that are different for each rule that is executed, based on the target and prerequisites of the rule. These variables are really useful when writing a Makefile to compile your project...
And also to places in which you can only use special characters in a make-bash jail.

So instead of writing `cat flag.txt`, we can set the rule target to be `cat` and use the follwing content:
`$@ $<`
This is being evaluated to `cat flag.txt`, since the `$@` is a variables which means the target name, and `$<` means the first prerequisite (which conveniently happens to be `flag.txt`).
VoilĂ ! We get the flag: `wctf{s0_m4ny_v4r14bl35}`

To the [next one](https://github.com/C0d3-Bre4k3rs/WolvCTF2024-Writeups/tree/main/made-with-love)! ;)

Original writeup (https://github.com/C0d3-Bre4k3rs/WolvCTF2024-Writeups/tree/main/made-harder).