Rating: 1.0

### The Thought Process
We are given a segment of an MFT (Master File Table). We probably know that the MFT is part of a filesystem (most likely, Windows NTFS) but not much more. A quick Google search for MFT reveals that it is a structure that stores the metadata for files in the filesystem, as well as data or pointers to data.

File names are part of metadata, and the description of the challenge tells us that we want to extract the file names from this MFT segment. So, we should research the structure of an MFT. Collecting information from a few search results about the MFT structure (primarily from [here](https://www.futurelearn.com/info/courses/introduction-to-malware-investigations/0/steps/146529)) tells us:
* Each entry is 0x400 bytes large, starting with "FILE" as the header
* The attributes of each entry begin at offset 0x38
* Each attribute header starts with its type at offset 0x0, and length at offset 0x4.
* We want the File Name attribute, which is type 0x30.

Next, we want to research the structure of the file name attribute specifically, which we can find information about [here](https://www.futurelearn.com/info/courses/introduction-to-malware-investigations/0/steps/147114).

So, we now have the basic information necessary to parse the file names of every entry in the MFT segment.

### The Solution
Extract the file names of every file in the MFT and place them into an array of some kind. All of the relevant ones are exactly one character long.

Using the list of indices provided in the challenge description, concatenate each corresponding element of your array into the flag.