
#### RSA
#### Cyrptography / 60pts

## Description
This time John managed to use RSA " correctly "&ellipsis; I think he still made some mistakes though. [flag.txt](https://play.icec.tf/problem-static/flag_6c0d309aff5de8e26e20afa39bd736d6bde73440f0de620e3793d4d86e3d33ca.txt)

## Solution

First of all: WTF?! Why am i so...

WTF#1: " correctly " - it is correctly, at least every provided string is correct, I spent so much time to check them

WTF#2: &ellipsis; - is it "..." or is it ["elliptic attack"](http://andrea.corbellini.name/2015/06/08/elliptic-curve-cryptography-breaking-security-and-a-comparison-with-rsa/)

Well both WTF took so much time from me before I got that 60pts chall can't be so difficult


They provided everything we need in flag file. Even more:
* N - which is modulus
* c - whichi is encrypted test
* d - which is private exponent
* e - anyway it can only 3 or 65537, so not a big deal to have it
* Phi - which is phi(N) = (p-1)*(q-1) ... and we do not need this!!!

All we really need are N, c, d


Using Python ```_pow(c,d,N)_``` function:

print (hex((pow(c,d,N)))[2:][:-1].decode('hex'))

first we use pow to decrypt message, it will be provided in INT, INT will be converted to HEX, HEX to string and we have flag

## Flag

Original writeup (https://github.com/Ctf-Trinidad/WRITEUPS/tree/master/2016.08.IceCTF/RSA).