The challenge got 89 solves, and I personally got the blood on this challenge! ?
Here is the challenge description:
Caddy webserver is AWESOME, using a neat and compact syntax you can do a lot of powerful things, e.g. wanna know if your browser supports HTTP3? Or TLS1.3? etc Flag is located at
GET /$(head -c 18 /dev/urandom | base64)
go fetch it.
We are given a ZIP file with multiple files consisting of webserver sourcecode.
Reading through each of the files we can gather the following information initially:
contains multiple entrys for various webservers, reading the bottom of the file there's some HTML of interest:Hello! Wanna know you if your browser supports <a href="https://http1.caddy.chal-kalmarc.tf/">http/1.1</a>? <a href="https://http2.caddy.chal-kalmarc.tf/">http/2</a>? Or fancy for some <a href="https://http3.caddy.chal-kalmarc.tf/">http/3</a>?! Check your preference <a href="https://http.caddy.chal-kalmarc.tf/">here</a>.<br/>We also allow you to check <a href="https://tls12.caddy.chal-kalmarc.tf/">TLS/1.2</a>, <a href="https://tls13.caddy.chal-kalmarc.tf/">TLS/1.3</a>, <a href="https://tls.caddy.chal-kalmarc.tf/">TLS preference</a>, supports <a href="https://mtls.caddy.chal-kalmarc.tf/">mTLS</a>? Checkout your <a href="https://ua.caddy.chal-kalmarc.tf/">User-Agent</a>!<!-- At some point we might even implement a <a href="https://flag.caddy.chal-kalmarc.tf/">flag</a> endpoint! -->
Giving us some new endpoints to check out:
Ofcourse, the flag
subdomain is down, but it was worth a shot!
Reading the docker-compose.yml
we can see the file will be stored in the root directory, though we already know this from the challenge description.
The flag
file and README.txt
file are not of major importance.
So, out of the endpoints we are given in that HTML, whats likely to have our exploit? I have a strong feeling its the User-Agent one (https://ua.caddy.chal-kalmarc.tf/) because we can modify our User-Agent value to insert something to the page, such as SSTI!
Visiting the page, all it does is display our User-Agent on the screen.
Now, looking into what a Caddyfile
is for, I find this documentation. Looking on the documentation page I search for any instances of 'template' and find a page about templates, bingo!
I find a good testing value for the SSTI exploit is {%raw%}{{now}}{%endraw%}
, which should display the time.
Yay! There's our exploit, now how do we read the file? Let's check that documentation again:
Well, let's give it a shot! I set my User-Agent to {%raw%}{{listFiles "/"}}{%endraw%}
and look for an output.
There's the file: CVGjuzCIVR99QNpJTLtBn9
, lets read it by using {%raw%}{{readFile "/CVGjuzCIVR99QNpJTLtBn9"}}{%endraw%}
as the User-Agent.
Bam! And a blood too! ?
Flag: kalmar{Y0_d4wg_I_h3rd_y0u_l1k3_templates_s0_I_put_4n_template_1n_y0ur_template_s0_y0u_c4n_readFile_wh1le_y0u_executeTemplate}