The challenge was written by spipm
and got 119 solves.
Here is the challenge description:
A creaky old bot is zooming in and out of an eye chart. "Can you read the bottom line?" the doctor asks. "No way, " the bot replies. "At a certain distance my view becomes convoluted. Here, I'll make a screenshot." You and the doctor look at the screenshot. Can you tell what's wrong with the bot's visual processor?
We are given a PNG file which shows some distorted imagery for what looks like text:
Assuming that we need to 'deblur' the text to read it, I start looking online.
Looking online for CTF image blurred I found this resource.
Scrolling through I found this entry: 13. Use SmartDeblur software to fix blurry on image.
Downloading SmartDeblur I put the image in and try to automatically deblur it...
Well, that didn't work... Lets try some different settings.
I select a portion of the image and drop the size to 10x10.
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