
# N0PSctf 2024 Jojo Chat 2/2 writeup

## Challenge description

![Challenge description](assets/Description.png)

## Script :

import os
import hashlib
from datetime import datetime
import re
from base64 import b64encode, b64decode
from admin import admin


def sign(username, is_admin=False):
if is_admin:
sig = hashlib.sha256(SECRET + username.encode() + b";admin").digest()
return b64encode(username.encode() + b";admin|" + sig)
sig = hashlib.sha256(SECRET + username.encode() + b";user").digest()
return b64encode(username.encode() + b";user|" + sig)

def verify(token):
data = b64decode(token)
block, sig = data.split(b"|")[0], data.split(b"|")[1]
if hashlib.sha256(SECRET + block).digest() != sig:
return False
return True

def sort_messages(messages):
messages.sort(key=lambda x: datetime.strptime(x[1][:19], "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"))
return messages

def create_account():
name = input("Enter your username: ")
names = os.listdir("./log")
while hashlib.sha256(name.encode()).hexdigest() in names:
name = input("This username is already used! Enter another one: ")
if not re.match("^[A-Za-z0-9]+$", name):
print("\nEmpty usernames are forbidden, and you can only use uppercases, lowercases and numbers, you hacker!")
log = open(f"./log/{hashlib.sha256(name.encode()).hexdigest()}", 'w')
log.write(f"Username : {name}\n")
token = sign(name)
print("\nAccount was successfully created!\nHere is your connection token:\n"+token.decode())

def connect():
token = input("Token: ")
if not verify(token):
return False, None, None
name = b64decode(token).split(b";")[0].decode()
names = os.listdir("./log")
while not(hashlib.sha256(name.encode()).hexdigest() in names):
token = input("This user does not exists! Token: ")
if not verify(token):
return False, None, None
name = b64decode(token).split(b";")[0].decode()
role = b64decode(token).split(b"|")[0].split(b";")[-1].decode()
return True, name, role

def get_all_messages():
names = os.listdir("./log")
messages = []
for name in names:
with (open(f"./log/{name}", 'r')) as log:
username = log.readline().split(" : ")[1][:-1]
for line in log.readlines():
messages.append((username, line))
return sort_messages(messages)

def send_message(name):
message = input("Enter your message: ")
with (open(f"./log/{hashlib.sha256(name.encode()).hexdigest()}", 'a')) as log:
log.write(f"{datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')} {message}\n")
print("\nYour message has been sent!")

connected = False

print("Hey, welcome to j0j0 Chat v2! Feel free to chat with everyone here :)\nUpdate note: We noticed some security issues in our previous chat, this should be fixed now!")

while True:
if not connected:
option = input("\nChoose an option:\n1) Create an account\n2) Login\n3) Leave\n")
match option:
case "1":
case "2":
connected, name, role = connect()
if not(connected):
print("Incorrect token!")
case "3":
print("Bye! Come back whenever you want!")
option = input("\nChoose an option:\n1) See messages\n2) Send a message\n3) Logout\n")
match option:
case "1":
messages = get_all_messages()
for message in messages:
print(f"{message[0]} : {message[1][20:]}", end="")
case "2":
case "3":
print("\nYou successfully logged out!")
connected = False
role = None
case "admin":
if role == "admin":

According to the description to solve this challenge we need to get admin access

The code is offering us 3 options:
1) Create an account
2) Login
3) Leave

First we try to create an account, the script will ask for a username with a restriction on non alphanumeric characters and empty value using a regex checking:

if not re.match("^[A-Za-z0-9]+$", name):
print("\nEmpty usernames are forbidden, and you can only use uppercases, lowercases and numbers, you hacker!")

In addition if the username already exists we will be rejected but it doesn't matter because to check whether we are admin or not the script will verify only our role and not the username:

role = b64decode(token).split(b"|")[0].split(b";")[-1].decode()
return True, name, role

So let's say my username is nassimmes, once the system creates my user he prints my token encoded in base64 in order to use it in login:

![Create account](assets/create_account.png)


the token is generated using this function:
def sign(username, is_admin=False):
if is_admin:
sig = hashlib.sha256(SECRET + username.encode() + b";admin").digest()
return b64encode(username.encode() + b";admin|" + sig)
sig = hashlib.sha256(SECRET + username.encode() + b";user").digest()
return b64encode(username.encode() + b";user|" + sig)

While is_admin value is always set to false my token is a concatenation of `${username};user|${signature}` and the signature is calculated as following:


the decoded value of my token:


So our goal here is to create a fake token which contains `;admin` at the end, and to do that we have 2 issues:

- we can not create user with `;` because of regex restrictions
- if we try to fake the token the system will verify the siganture using a secret as salt in the preimage of hash wich is uknown for us:

def verify(token):
data = b64decode(token)
block, sig = data.split(b"|")[0], data.split(b"|")[1]
if hashlib.sha256(SECRET + block).digest() != sig:
return False
return True

I started by checking if i can bypass the regex but it didnt work for me, so the solution seems to be about the hash, as i know bruteforcing a hash or decode it is not possible and the only thing i knew from CTFs proof of works we can bruteforce a preimage starting with specific prefix to get hash wich ends with 4 hexadecimal digits similar to a target hash, also finding a collision is not an easy task.

After reseachs i found this github repo [link for hash extender](https://github.com/iagox86/hash_extender) and from the descreption it's interesting, this is exactly what we want:

An application is susceptible to a hash length extension attack if it prepends a secret value to a string, hashes it with a vulnerable algorithm, and entrusts the attacker with both the string and the hash, but not the secret. Then, the server relies on the secret to decide whether or not the data returned later is the same as the original data.

I clonned the repo and i laucnhed it as following :

./hash_extender -f sha256 -d "nassimmes;user" -s 55cc721b7293fc62bb35c525b96b8d508a4a6410a6aad35bc4723dbf18c970a8 -a ";admin" -l 40

when :
- `d` is the right preimage value for my signature
- `a` is the data to append
- `s` is my sgnature (right value after '|') encoded in hex
- `l` is the secret length (guessed from the fake secret in the script)

The answer i've got:

Type: sha256
Secret length: 40
New signature: 6442a79d54cc290115b40b486ecd9fc94bdbe01d51e7fa21fea80e5bf5d7fb16
New string: 6e617373696d6d65733b75736572800000000000000001b03b61646d696e

The first line is the new signature, while the second is the new right part of preimage:

>>> bytes.fromhex("6e617373696d6d65733b75736572800000000000000001b03b61646d696e")

Awesome now all i have to do is to join these values with `|` and encode the result in base64:

>>> b64encode(bytes.fromhex("6e617373696d6d65733b75736572800000000000000001b03b61646d696e")+b"|"+bytes.fromhex("6442a79d54cc290115b40b486ecd9fc94bdbe01d51e7fa21fea80e5bf5d7fb16"))

We login with the new token :

Then we type admin:

And we get the flag:


Be ware of length extension attacks :)

Original writeup (https://github.com/nass15456/CTFs/blob/main/N0PSctf/Jojo%20Chat%202.md).