
## Budget SoC

Given flashdump.bin, parse the executable using https://github.com/tenable/esp32_image_parser. There will be issue if we use the newer version of esptool library, use this patch to solve the issue https://github.com/tenable/esp32_image_parser/issues/14#issuecomment-2041247535.
Open 32-bit Tensilica Xtensa file using ghidra. Looking at string "flag" we will found reference to the function that will produce flag like in previous SOC challenge.
Rename some variable and function to make it easier to analyze.
// FUN_400d29b
iStack_24 = _DAT_3ffc4120;
if (DAT_3ffc3ca8 != '\0') {
if (0x83 < _DAT_3ffc3e3c) {
allocation_(ciphertext,_DAT_3ffc3e38 + 100,0x20);
uVar2 = FUN_400d8fa8(auStack_74,auStack_84);
uVar2 = FUN_400d8fd8(uVar2,s_</h2>_3f4002e1);
So the ciphertext are processed on function FUN_400d296c, next take a look on function FUN_400d296c. There are some constant in the function so it nice to search it on github.

Search for the constant in 4 bytes format, https://github.com/search?q=0x52096ad5&type=code and found https://github.com/defanator/mcespi/blob/800d492838ca56dde29e6c56df28249131fda3d4/mcespi.c#L339. From above code we can see that the constant is actually from aes decrypt process. Looking at another function looks like it is same like in the app0.elf function. So the last step is basically finding the key and the ciphertext used by the function in app0.elf. Rename some variable and function to make it easier to trace.
FUN_400d82e4(int instance,undefined4 ciphertext,int param_3,undefined4 param_4,undefined4 key,
undefined2 length,undefined4 param_7)

undefined4 uVar1;
int iVar2;

*(instance + 0xfc) = param_3;
iVar2 = param_3 + 0xf;
if (-1 < param_3) {
iVar2 = param_3;
aes_(instance,ciphertext,param_4,iVar2 >> 4,param_7);
uVar1 = FUN_40173bc4(instance,param_4,param_3);
return uVar1;
From the caller function we get the key, which is on the fifth argument (DAT_3ffbdb68). The ciphertext is on second argument and it allocated from function allocation_ that we assume the data is from `_DAT_3ffc3e38`.
Looking at ELF file, we know that `_DAT_3ffc3e38` is not stored on it.
So we assume that the data is maybe on runtime memory. Because we have the flashdump.bin we try to directly find the ciphertext by bruteforcing all 32 bytes value in the flashdump.bin. Below is our script to do bruteforce.
from Crypto.Cipher import AES

f = open("flashdump.bin", "rb").read()
key = [0x33,0xBD,0xFB,0x72,0x4C,0x22,0x87,0x33,0x62,0xFF,0x75,0x41,0xD5,0x14,0xF6,0xFD]
bytes_key = bytes(key)

for i in range(0, len(f) - 32):
cipher = AES.new(bytes_key, AES.MODE_ECB)
tmp = f[i:i+32]
res = cipher.decrypt(tmp)
if b"just" in res:
print(i, res)
Looks like we got partial flag, so the mode should be not ECB. The next step we do is trying to use AES CBC with iv null bytes, because the first block is already correct plaintext.
from Crypto.Cipher import AES

f = open("flashdump.bin", "rb").read()
key = [0x33,0xBD,0xFB,0x72,0x4C,0x22,0x87,0x33,0x62,0xFF,0x75,0x41,0xD5,0x14,0xF6,0xFD]
bytes_key = bytes(key)
iv = b"\x00"*16
i = 42308
cipher = AES.new(bytes_key, AES.MODE_CBC, iv)
tmp = f[i:i+32]

> justCTF{dUmp3d_r3v3rs3d_h4ck3d}

Original writeup (https://hackmd.io/@vidner/just-sksd-2024#Budget-SoC).