

For the challenge we were given and encrypted file and the encryption algorithm

from itertools import cycle

flag = b"uiuctf{????????????????????????????????????????}"
# len(flag) = 48
key = b"????????"
# len(key) = 8
ct = bytes(x ^ y for x, y in zip(flag, cycle(key)))

with open("ct", "wb") as ct_file:


This is simple XOR, and we can retrieve the key using the association property of the XOR operation
as we know some part of the plaintext, which is `uiuctf` and key is ok 8 charaters, to get the full key we only need to bruteforce one character

#### Solve Script:


from itertools import cycle
from pwn import xor

f = open('ct','rb')
flag = f.read()

pt = bytes.fromhex("uiuctf{".encode().hex())

key = xor(flag[:7],pt)

for i in range(0xff):
key = key + bytes([i])
pt = xor(flag,key)
if b'uiuctf{' in pt:
if b'}' in pt[len(pt)-1:]:
key = key[:-1]

Original writeup (https://abdullahzamir.github.io/posts/UIUCTF-2024-X-Marked-the-Spot/).