Tags: minecraft misc 


Let's look at all available hints:
- img.png: photo of a black dog with blue collar
- \world\advancements: "DataVersion": 3953
- The given minecraft version is 1.21
- So blue collar is id: 11
- \world\datapacks\Dog data\data\test\function\dog.mcfunction: bunch of filtered summon info but provides information on the data field for dog in minecraft
- The dog is a minecraft:wolf
- Color field would be variant:black

Now let's download and use NBTExplorer:
- Expand the "world" and click on "entities"
- Go to "Search" -> "Find..." and enter:
- Name: "id", Value: "CollarColor:11"

Under each search result, look for:
- id: "minecraft:wolf"
- variant: "minecraft:black"
- has the entry "CustomName"

The flag is ictf{6ed247d7539bb3bf}

Original writeup (https://github.com/Team-Kirby/ictf-2024-writeups/blob/main/misc/playful-puppy/solve.txt).