Tags: forensics 

Rating: 4.5

This task was quite frustrating because it was impossible to find IV, which, as it turned out later, didn’t exist, but let me explain step by step.

1. Use NetworkMiner to extract the files

[https://icyberchef.com/#recipe=From_Hex('Auto')Render_Image('Raw') ](http://)
You will see blowfish

decode QXJhc1ZhbGxleV9NZWRpZXZhbFNocmluZV8xMjk3X3VjdGY= with bas64 and You will receive the password.

decode strings from pcap. It will be data encoded in Blowfish.
`tshark -r The-Road-of-Redemption.pcap -Y "dns.qry.name contains uctf.ir" -T fields -e dns.qry.name | uniq | sed 's/.uctf.ir//g' | tr -d '\n'`

3. Put the binary to Cyberchef (but remember, old version 9.4, not newer ;)

Many teams probably had problems because they were using the new CyberChef.

thats all
